kroh wrote: Aside from the publishing question... what did you think of the product. Like? Not like? Cool art? Neat ideas?
I mentioned, I will give a FULL review in the next few days on sites of note for you guys (and promotion of your products and BASH! in general).
But if you'd like a uber-quicky review:
- I was happily surprised by the art, some are better than others. I wasn't originally a fan of that art style. It comes across well for about 70% of the characters. Again, details in the full review. (I am a *visual* image guy, so that will be focused on)
- I like the format: with a full character sheet separate, as noted... I like printing CS and Background double-sided.
- the "old school" style of paper figs in the back were a good idea.
- the stats (though I've not looked in detail) look solidly thought out, I'll be interested to read them thoroughly and consider the build combinations more.
- While the character art is pretty cool, the "action shots" of those same characters are not so great. In comparison I'd say they're 30% okay, the opposite of the character art.
- I am not a fan of the page layout. I see the potential, just not feeling the style of the layout. Looks cobbled from other people's ideas and not as solid. (I am a Graphic Designer though, so ... grain of salt)
- I think the backgrounds *might* be too long. Some might prefer it. I prefer an idea to base MY presentation around if I'm the Narrator using the idea. Too much detail either makes me not want to read it, or discard and make my own. Usually a little of both. I prefer "unique archetypes" = a short idea of background for me to add fluff as Narrator. This goes into the area that (I feel) is a mistake for hobby publishers sometimes. Many folks want to get their shiny little idea out without really considering how buyers will USE them. Me, I won't likely play a game in the "Zenith Universe", no offense, I'll more likely use something of my own. That said, I don't need detailed connected origin materials. I just need a cool concept. Quick and easy to read.
- Not a fan of the cover image... just not my style of liking.
- I'd like to have seen a little "what is this" about the fact it uses the BASH! game. Some props and support to BASH! in some way for fans buying who know nothing about the game.
- 2-3 custom rules are always fun, nothing complex just unique additions for characters that could use a unique rule twist. (Bug screams for something like this)
- I like seeing "Narrator Commentary" on WHY things were built for stats in such a way. I may have missed that if it's in there. But I like to know WHY, so I can consider building future characters.
- No page numbers? (I am a huge "reference source" guy)
- More! I want more characters, (but interestingly less detail on characters backgrounds) for my $2. (beating that old horse from another thread)
Hope that helps. It's generally where my review will go in better detail and explanation of my Cons and Pros.