I've had an idea recently to revisit Middle Earth as a game setting, but I also thought about a Legends of Steel game with Tolkien style races. So I've come up with a basic package for a Tolkien elf, but it raises the question of buying Advantages in LoS with points rather than just by taking an equal number of Disadvantages, because Tolkien style elves are ridiculously Advantage-heavy.
Here's the basic elf package:
Advantages: Appeal, Disease Immunity, Fearless, Good Night Vision, Longevity, Quick Healer, Short Sleep
Backgrounds: Keen Vision, Talk to Animals 3
Powers: Resistance 2 (cold, heat)
If Advantages cost 1 pt each as in BASH! UE this is feasible. Thoughts on using this point-buy method for Advantages?
Another option would be you start each adventure with 1 Setback per Advantage that isn't offset by a Disadvantage, perhaps representing that elves are cool but suffer from a "doom of elder races" thing.
Note: Magic and Special Origin could be common Advantages too, particularly Special Origin as I picture many elves having one particular magical power which is innate in them, rather than being full-fledged spell casters. Also the Outsider Disadvantage would seem appropriate since elves usually keep to themselves.