Ask and you shall receive!
Intense Training Powers
5 pts
Fast Learner AP #8 p 22 (1-5) pts
Martial Arts Mastery- UE p51, 1-3 pts, Personal (upgraded in AP #8 pg 20, 1-5 pts)
Skillful- UE p52, 1-5 pts, Personal
3 pts
Ready Strike AP #8 Pg 20 3 pts
2 pts
Attack Weak Point- UE p51, 2 pts (updated in AP vol. 6, p9/AP vol. 8 p15)
Brilliant Commander AP #8 pg 21 2 pts
Disarm Expert- UE p51, 2 pts (1 pt if you have Living Weapon, Sword Surgeon, or Gun Fu)
Gun Fu AP #8 pg 16 2 pts
Living Weapon AP #8 p16 2 pts
Offhand Shooting- UE p52, 2 pts
Paired Weapons- UE p52, 2 pts
Swift Strike- UE p52, 2 pts
Sword Surgeon AP #8 pg 17 2 pts
Tenacity AP #8 pg 21 2 pts
Valiant Defender AP #8 pg 21 2 Pts
Weapon Technique- UE p52, 1-2 pts, Personal (upgraded in AP # 8 pg 18, 1-2 pts)
1 pt
Double Taps- UE p51, 1 pt
Expert Marksman AP #8 p16 1 pt
Fleet of Foot- UE p51, 1 pt, Personal (upgraded in AP #8, pg 21)
Heightened- UE p51, 1 pt Personal
Rapid Reload AP #8 pg 17 1 pt
Specialist AP #8 pg 25 1 pt
Weapon Bind AP #8 pg 21, 1 pt
Bio-Manipulation Powers (Personal)
10 pts
Copycat p56 2-10 pts
6 pts
Density Increase p58 2-6 pts
5 pts
Duplication p56 1-5 pts
Growing p57 1-5 pts (Sustained)
Healing p59 1-5 pts (Concentration)
Imbue AP #1 p4 1-5 pts
Shrinking p59 1-5 pts (Sustained)
Size (large) p58 1-5 pts (always on)
Size (small) p60 1-5 pts (always on)
Skill Mimic p56 1-5pts
Stretching p60 1-5 pts (Sustained)
Transparency- AP #3 p13 1, 3, or 5 pts
4 pts
Astral Projection p57 4 pts (Maintained)
Mimic p59 3-4 pts (Maintained)
Shape-Shifting p59 4 pts
3 pts
Boost p55 1-3 pts (Situational)
Detachable Limbs AP #2, p32 1-3 pts
Extra Limbs p57 1-3 pts (Sustained)
Ghost Form p57 1-3 pts (Maintained)
2 pts
Changeling p56 2 pts
1 pt
Speed Recovery AP # 9 p. 20 1 pt.
Mental Powers
5 pts
Invisibility p49 1/3/5 pts, Personal, Maintained
Mind Blast p50 5 pts (Ranged, Concentration)
Mind Control p49 5 pts (Maintained)
Mind Spikes p50 1-5 pts (Personal, Sustained)
Restore p50 2-5 pts (Range, Area)
Telekinesis p50 1-5 pts (Range 5 Squares, Maintained)
4 pts
Memory Tampering p49 4 pts
3 pts
Clairvoyance p48 1-3 pts (Concentration*)
Danger Sense p48 3 pts (Personal)
Illusion p49 1-3 pts (Range, Burst, Variable)
Mind Shield p49 1-3 pts (Personal, Sustained)
Telepath p50 1-3 pts (Sustained)
2 pts
Confusion p48 1-2 pts (Range, Area)
Daze p48 2 pts (Range, Area)
Omni-Linguist p50 2 pts (Personal, Sustained)
1 pt
Omni-Reader p50 1pt (Personal, Sustained)
Suggestion p50 1 pt (Concentration)
Mastery Powers
5 pts
Animation p53 1-5 pts (Concentration)
Conjuring p52 1-5 pts
Summoning p53 1-5 pts (Concentration)
Transmutation p53 1-5 pts
X Mastery p54 1-5 pts (Maintained, Concentration)
1 pts
Sense X p53 1 pt
Cosmic Powers- Note these have special rules- see page 99
30 pts
Creation p99 5+ pts
25 pts
Life pg 101 10+ pts
20 pts
Fate pg100 5+ pts
10 pts
Time & Space p103 10+ pts
5 pts
Cosmic Grace p99 5+ pts
Cosmic Might p99 5+ pts
Cosmic Thought p99 5+ pts
Omnipotence p102 5+ pts (Variable)
Omniscience p102 5+ pts
3 pts
Undo AP # 9 p. 27 3 pts.
2 pts
Foresight (AP #7, pg 19 / AP #9 p23) 2 pts
Serendipity AP #7, pg 16 2 pts
Combat Powers
6 pts
Damage Field p45 2-6 pts (Range, Area)
5 pts
Continual Damage p44 1-5 pts (Range, Area)
Damage Aura p44 1-5 pts (Personal, Area)
Damage Shield p45 1-5 pts (Range, Area, Concentration)
Force Field p45 1-5 pts (Range, Area, Concentration)
Immobilization p45 1-5 pts (Range, Area)
Immunity p46 1-5 pts (Personal, Sustained)
Nullify p46 1-5 pts (Range, Area)
Push p46 1-5 pts (Range, Area)
Resistance p46 1-5 pts (Personal, Sustained)
Special Attack p46 1-5 pts (Range, Area)
Weaken p46 1-5 pts (Range, Area)
4 pts
Absorption AP #1 p4 4 points
Curse of Unluck AP #7, pg 11 4 pts
Energy Battery AP #2 p27 4 pts
3 pts
Armor p44 1-3 pts (Personal, Sustained)
Deflect p45 1-3 pts (Sustained)
Temporal Displacement (AP # 9 p. 19) 3 pts.
Trample AP #1 p4 3 points
1 pt
Slow p46 1 pt (Range, Area)
Movement Powers (Personal)
11 pts
Gateway p43 2-11 pts (Concentration*, Maintained)
10 pts
Teleportation p43 1-10 pts (Concentration*)
5 pts
Burrowing p43 1-5 pts (Sustained)
Flight p41 1-5 pts (Maintained)
Super Jump p42 1 pt (upgraded in AP #1, p5 1-5 points)
Super Running p42 1-5 pts (Maintained)
Super Speed p42 3 or 5 pts (Tiring)
Super Swimming p43 1-5 pts (Sustained)
3 pts
Bouncing p41 3 pts (Sustained)
Dimensional Teleportation p44 1 or 3 pts
2 pts
Swinging p43 2 pts (Maintained)
1 pt
Clinging p41 1 pt (Sustained)
Gliding p41 1 pt (Sustained)
Hovering p41 1 pt (Sustained)
Impossible Balance AP #8 p14 1 pt
Water Walking p44 1 pt (Maintained)
Perception Powers (Personal)
5 pts
Scan p47 1-5 pts (Concentration)
Super Senses p47 1-5 pts (Sustained)
3 pts
X-Ray Vision p47 3 pts (Maintained)
2 pts
Uncanny Intuition AP #7, pgs 16 & 22 2 pts
1 pt
Keen Senses p47 1 pt (Sustained)
C) Miscellaneous
5 pts
Karma Battery AP #7, pg 13 1-5 pts
Karmic Credit AP #7, pg 15 1-5 pts
Luck Pool AP #7, pg 16 1-5 pts
Reverse Fortune AP #7, pg 12 1-5 pts
4 pts
Defy the Odds AP #7, pg 15 4 pts
3 pts
Luck Storing AP #7, pg 16 1-3 +1 pts
1 pt
Invasive Broadcast (AP #2, p33 / AP #6 p30) 1 pt