Dog boy was one of the 1st super PC I ever made some 20 plus years ago. He has been reworked in many system since and has come to be a old friend

He is basic brick with a lot of speed and regeneration. He is not highly skilled but can be very annoying for the villains as he just will not go down and keeps on coming. His goal in life is to be a Good Dog.
Dog Boy
40 points (22 Stats, 18 Powers )
Dog Boy is the result of the fusion of a boy and his dog. Playing in the wood the pair found a glowing rock which when touched fused the two of them into one being, Dog Boy. Dumb and a bag of rocks but with a heart of gold dog boy wants nothing in life other than to be a 'good dog' and protect the weak.
Brawn 5 Agility 5 Mind 1
x5 Defence, x1 Mental Defence, x8 Soak
- * Healing 5 (Take one panel action to heal self of 5x2d6 damage; heal 50 hits/hour.) (5pts)
- * Enhancement: Second Nature (Non-Concentration) (Remove Concentration from power.)
* Limitation: Personal (Power only affects yourself.)
* Armor 3 (+3 to Brawn to Soak damage.) (3pts)
* Fangs and Claws : Special Attack (Hand to Hand/Thrown) 5 (Agility +0DM to Hit and Brawn +5DM to Damage; total x5 to hit, x10 damage.) (5pts)
* Claws : Clinging 1 (Cling to surfaces.) (1pts)
* Super Jump 1 (Jump up to 250 squares, at 10 squares per panel.) (1pts)
* Martial Arts Mastery (Fast Style) 1 (Priority is Agility + 1.) (1pts)
* Paired Weapons 2 (Make two unarmed or melee attacks at -1 Dice penalty on each.) (2pts)
Mental Skills:
Physical Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics & Climbing & Running & Swimming x5, Stealth/Hiding x5
Advantages & Disadvantages
Immortality: You can't die (or can come back from the dead).
Never Surrender: Once per issue recover from one negative status, and restore Hits to 20.
Fearless: Immune to fear; +2 dice bonus to intimidate others.
Dumb Luck: Once per issue re-roll any dice roll.
Freak: You look very obviously weird.
Age (Young, 1 less Mental skill): You are under 18; you have one less Mental skill slot.
Duty: must be a good dog.
Destitute: You are broke.
Priority: x6,
Defence: x5,
Mental Defence: x1,
Soak: x8,
Hits: 100
Lift: Hundreds of tons,
Run: 15 squares,
Jump: 250 squares (10/panel),
Climb: 15 squares,
Swim: 5 squares