kroh wrote:Let me know if you decide to publish anything... I have been in and out of the RPG industry (between deployments) so if you need a hand let me know.
I will definitely do so! Having seen you on other forums (like and the HERO boards), I know you are an established person. I have good ideas, but I've always been bad about putting it down on paper (so to speak). I know nothing about desktop publishing, so I need to learn that first. I've had some experience with basic layouts when I used to do a music fanzine, but that was using Pagemaker, not a pdf making program.
I figure there is no rush to do anything, which is one of the reasons I work with Kris. He has some other gigs, along with real life, so my slow pace suits him. But once I start getting closer to making a real commitment, I will contact you.
Anyways, glad everyone likes the art. Should hopefully have another original hero or two to share in the next couple of days.