EXTREME EARTH: A DYSTOPIAN SUPERHERO SETTING is a supers campaign setting inspired by the Iron Age of Comic Books as well as recent television shows like HEROES, ALPHAS, and 24. It takes our world and imagines what it would be like if suddenly some people developed Super Talents (i.e. superpowers) in a world that has far fewer natural resources than our own. Then, it adds a layer of paranoia and corruption which affects all levels of society, which in turn leads to conflicts that further expend those limited resources. It blurs the lines between government, corporations, and the media, so every nation, corporation, and individual is out for themselves. It is a dangerous world where combat can be deadly even for those who possess superpowers. The result is a dark, dystopian world that isn't too hard to envision within the realm of possibility.
The EXTREME EARTH campaign setting is written by Joe Bardales with artwork and original concept by Jon Gibbons. There are seven different books for seven different RPG supers systems: the latest versions of BASH!, Bulletproof Blues, Fate Accelerated Edition, ICONS, Mutants and Masterminds, Savage Worlds, and SUPERS! We have assembled a team of conversion experts to make sure each of these different rules systems is properly tailored to fit the EXTREME EARTH setting. It will be published by Fainting Goat Games who have successfully delivered on two previous Kickstarters (STARK CITY CAMPAIGN SETTING AND CITY BUILDING TOOLKIT and IMPROBABLE TALES) and one Indigogo (JUSTICE WHEELS). EXTREME EARTH: A DYSTOPIAN SUPERHERO SETTING will be available from RPGNow in both PDF and full color print-on-demand as a premium edition softcover using high quality paper.
More info to come as we get closer to launch (next week!)
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