First: I need to make an apology. It was totally unintentional on my part, but the end of my last post made me sound like an arrogant D-bag. Jeez.

What I MEANT to convey (and failed miserably doing) was that I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted to invest in this idea, and if there was anyone else who thought it was cool (beyond the awesome people who had already commented), then hearing that would help me decide. But instead...D-bag. So terribly sorry about that.
Anyway...if I have your forgiveness, the request is for naught anyway. While this is in no way an official announcement, as it has not received BASHMAN's seal of approval, I do plan to pitch this idea formally. So, if there is any kind of thing you'd like to see in a book like this, any kind of character you'd like to see statted up, any cosmological question you think needs to be answered, please feel free to share it with me. I'll probably work on the pitch in the next couple weeks.
My co-conspirator is a man by the name of Bob Noberini, whose art has been in both Wake and Fight (and whose inks will be in Round 2). You can see more of his art (mostly superhero art at that) at