Identity: Don Morgan
Status: Hero
Hits: 100
Brawn 2 (4 pts)
Agility 2 (4 pts)
Mind 1 (2 pts)
Enhanced Brawn 1 (1 pt)
Enhanced Agility 1 (1 pt)
Martial Arts Mastery 4 (Adaptive, Blind Fighting, Defensive, and Reckless Styles) 2 pts
Ultrasonic Hearing: Super-Senses 1 (1 pt)
Super Running 3 (12 squares)
Weapon Technique (all Hand to Hand) 2 points
Skillful 2 (2 pts)
Advantages (1 pt)
Membership (The Champions: Super Base, Super-Vehicle)
Disadvantages (-6 pts)
Arch-Enemy (Green Dragon)
Honor Bound
In A Relationship (current girlfriend)
Public ID
Rogue’s Gallery (Red Band Ninja, VIPER)
Mental Malfunction
Seeker: Looks for the “eternal truth”
Athletics/Acrobatics, Climbing x2
Stealth/Prowling, Palming & Planting items x2
Outdoor/Tracking x2
Humanities/Foreign Cultures x1
Sword, Katana; Shuriken; Triple-Irons (treat as Nunchaku)
Character Point Value: Stats 10 + Powers 14 + Advantages 1 – Disadvantages 6 = 19 pts
Design Notes: I had to drop some of Seeker's skills because there was no exact BASH equivalent, such as Area Knowledge: Outback (Geography is too wide) and Navigation (the latter is a Specialty of Sailing in BASH)