You would get a special effect that you can aply every 10 above the target's defense roll.
For example:
- you can add +5 to damage for every 10 above the defense's roll
- you can knock the target back 1 additional square for every 20 above, and so on...
What do you guys think?
BASHMAN's reply:
What I was thinking was every 10 you beat the target's defense by, you get a "point". For right now, let's call it an "FX Point". You spend these points to augment the attack in some way. One FX Point would buy you +5 Result to Damage. Two could be used to retro-actively do a Called Shot (so Trip, disarm, etc.) Three would let you stun the target for 1 page. These things might be especially nice for situations when a character seems otherwise unable to damage the target.