Kid Marvel - the boy genius inventor who was working on an alternative energy project at Megapolis University, accessing clean energy from another dimension. In this version, the lab accident which empowered the team granted Kid Marvel the ability to shift mass back and forth from the alternate dimension, giving him size alteration powers.

Chrome - engineer who worked on the project. He developed the containment device, made of experimental "programmable metal". The lab accident caused the programmable metal molecules to bond with his skin and muscles, granting him super-human strength and durability.

Fantastic Girl - photographer for the Megapolis U student newspaper, the Grizzly Gazette, who was covering the energy experiment when the accident occured. She gained extradimensional hard light powers.

In "Issue #0" after the characters gain their powers and learn how to use them, they hear about a crashed space capsule near Megapolis and go to investigate.
As in my previous idea for Megapolis, URGENT is a G.I. Joe style organization and they also sent a team to the crash site. There they encounter henchmen of a villainous organization called CORE (the Cabal of Revolutionary Engineers), a group of ambitious technocrats who want world domination.
The three newly empowered heroes help URGENT defeat CORE and recover the capsule wreckage. Inside they find a robot whose memory core has been damaged. She has no memory of where she came from or why she is on Earth.
Taking the name Vara (short for Variable Recombinant Android) she joines the team.

The new quartet of heroes joins forces with URGENT to serve as their new affiliate super group, operating out of URGENT HQ in Byrne Tower (based on the Earth-1610 version of the Baxter Building which I've always liked.