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Thoughts after a bit of experience

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:05 am
by naloth
First off, the stats cost too little. Usually by the time you've added levels to multiple abilities or bought skills, it would have been cheaper to upgrade the base stats instead. It also makes Bricks really inexpensive to build in this system. I'm not sure if this is intentional, and I'm guessing the "campaign" limits are supposed to help curb stat inflation. Unfortunately as you go up in power level, you have little incentive to buy stuff before you max on stats. I've found from character building that bumping the cost to 4 points/stat point works better. Players have more of a motive to buy powers in higher campaign levels but can still get stats if they want.

Second, I'd change Intense Training "powers" to be Advantages. These abilities don't usually need modifiers (enhancements/limitations) and it seems odd to lose or share them. Moving them to Advantages protects them from being taken or lost due to Nullify, Alter Ego, Weakness, etc.

Third, these bits seem wonky:
- Slow seems redundant and weak. Weaken does more and you could limit it to just the slowing effect.
- Including "lead" as a limit on X-Ray vision seems unnecessary. It would also have been nice to level it higher to go through more than 5'.
- Daze "can repel targets" - I couldn't find any mechanics on how this would work.
- Current you can buy both Martial Art styles Tough and Defensive for the same price as either Armor 2 or Deflect 2 with the limitation "Only vs CC" [-1]. I'd suggest that they only give a +1 DM instead.
- Multipower - I gather from reading write-ups in the forum and the free e-zines, that the system is gone to Attack/Defense/Movement/Utility types instead of groupings in the basic book? It would be helpful if the powers in the Unlimited book were broken down the same way so multipower costs would be consistent.

Forth, it seem odd that you can add to hit or damage with abilities like Special Attack, but you can't divert levels to hit with Weaken or Push. It seems like all "to hit" powers should allow you to split levels rather than forcing you to fall back on some other mechanism (Boost, higher agility) to increase your chance to hit.

Re: Thoughts after a bit of experience

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:13 pm
Interesting idea about the cost of Stats-- but I would be sure to make Boost cost 2 points per +1 Multiplier instead of 1:1 in that case.

Re: Thoughts after a bit of experience

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:29 pm
by naloth
Yes, that makes sense. The uses I've seen for boost usually applies to a broad range or a frequent, important use (angry Hulk? Mind to add power to multiple powers? Agility for only attacking or only defending?).

With that you'd also be able to add a power specific limitation for another layer of granularity where Boost only applies to a specific situation like "Agility, but only for priority" or "Mind but only for this one check, which I can't buy up with the power because it's not leveled."