Sometimes buying a Close/Mid/Long/Extreme range increment for a certain power doesn’t feel right for a character build when that “power” is some kind of hurled attack. It would be cool to see a range descriptor called THROWN with a descriptor such as 5/10/40 squares for Brawn 1/2/3+. It would more of an advantage for high-strength character models (allowing them to bypass the extra points it would cost for Mid/Long/Extreme range descriptors). However, I’d like to argue that having a “Thrown” range enhancement just feels more appropriate for things like Thor’s Hammer, Batman’s Bat-o-rangs, or a ninja’s shuriken.
Maybe a conditional modifier could be built into the description so that Brawn 1 and 2 characters only have to pay 1 point for this enhancement, while Brawn 3+ characters must pay 2 points.
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Thoughts on a new Range descriptor: THROWN
- MrJupiter
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- Baelor
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I like this idea. The rules for throwing are aimed more at improvised weapons than building a thrown attack power.
maybe a +1 enhancement allowing you to use Brawn or Mind to affect damage, With range equal to Bx5, but using the stat as a multiple bonus, rather than the straight +5 result bonus per Brawn for Improvised Weapons. If that is too generous, you could split the multiple bonus off as its own enhancement, allowing for throwing 'equipment', as opposed to throwing 'powers'.
maybe a +1 enhancement allowing you to use Brawn or Mind to affect damage, With range equal to Bx5, but using the stat as a multiple bonus, rather than the straight +5 result bonus per Brawn for Improvised Weapons. If that is too generous, you could split the multiple bonus off as its own enhancement, allowing for throwing 'equipment', as opposed to throwing 'powers'.
- MrJupiter
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The source I was going off for this was the page 25 Weapons chart showing the range of thrown weapons (the listings for "Grenade or Dynamite Stick" and "Molotov *" specifically) where ranges were listed as 5/10/40 squares for Brawn 1/2/3+.
This could be a useful idea for Special Attack powers where the character is required to throw the effect. I was kind of thinking more like gadget items (powers bought as gadgets) but something like Gambit's ability to energize objects which explode on contact would fit as well. I’m not sure about what other powers this might be useful for.
Special Attacks are automatically set up for the user to determine whether a power uses Mind or Brawn for damage so I’m not sure if an enhancement would be needed to allow this. The example of Gambit’s ability to charge items with his powers would be a good example of Mind being used as the damage base.
Could you clarify what you meant by this?
This could be a useful idea for Special Attack powers where the character is required to throw the effect. I was kind of thinking more like gadget items (powers bought as gadgets) but something like Gambit's ability to energize objects which explode on contact would fit as well. I’m not sure about what other powers this might be useful for.
Special Attacks are automatically set up for the user to determine whether a power uses Mind or Brawn for damage so I’m not sure if an enhancement would be needed to allow this. The example of Gambit’s ability to charge items with his powers would be a good example of Mind being used as the damage base.
Could you clarify what you meant by this?
- Baelor
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I was looking at page 26, which lists ranges for thrown improvised weapons based on Brawn.
For the damage, I meant that you could give a thrower the option of using the standard Stat as a multiplier bonus [Brawn 2 would increase the damage multiple by x2] instead of the typical weapon modifier of +5 Result bonus per point of Brawn [Under Hand Weapons on pg. 25].
The way I was envisioning it, Throwing would be a power in its own right, giving you range to an attack, but in a way that was specific to thrown things, rather than just buying increments of the range enhancement. So, if you bought Throwing for 1 point, you could throw items based on your Brawn, but better than someone who did not buy throwing. Had not really run through the mechanics when I posted.
Of course, it would also have the built in limitation that you must have some way to throw in order to use it. So if one was handcuffed, one would be unable to throw, etc.
For the damage, I meant that you could give a thrower the option of using the standard Stat as a multiplier bonus [Brawn 2 would increase the damage multiple by x2] instead of the typical weapon modifier of +5 Result bonus per point of Brawn [Under Hand Weapons on pg. 25].
The way I was envisioning it, Throwing would be a power in its own right, giving you range to an attack, but in a way that was specific to thrown things, rather than just buying increments of the range enhancement. So, if you bought Throwing for 1 point, you could throw items based on your Brawn, but better than someone who did not buy throwing. Had not really run through the mechanics when I posted.
Of course, it would also have the built in limitation that you must have some way to throw in order to use it. So if one was handcuffed, one would be unable to throw, etc.
- MrJupiter
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I kind of see what you mean, Baelor. This could be the sort of “power” that probably would have a place in the Intense Training category. The character that buys this might also have a Weapon Technique that could apply (like for knives or hatchet or all thrown weapons). This “power”, however, indicates that he/she really knows how to use their body to put that extra distance into the objects they hurl or fling. Weapon Technique, as BASHMAN already pointed out, provides improved accuracy and/or damage so this power only increases the accurate range that the object can be thrown. It would be easy math to say that this power doubles the range the character but I think that that would be stretching things a little too far. How about setting the new range to 1½ times farther?
How’s this?
How’s this?
POWERFUL THROWER (Intense Training Power)
1 – 3 pts; Personal
Through great training, or perhaps some intuitive sense, this character knows how best to use their body muscles to maximize the distance that they can accurately throw something. Their new throwing range is increased to 1½ times as far as what would otherwise be normal for their Brawn (round down). For 1 point the character can pick one throwing weapon to apply this range bonus to. For 2 points this character can throw all throwing weapons farther. For 3 points, anything this character throws is affected.
- WaylanderPK
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The Special Attack has a thrown category, which allows you to use Brawn as the base multiplier.
Also, the range is already a function of the Damage Multiplier, so for a thrown weapon the Brawn is already a factor in the distance.
Just my 2c
For me, if you want a particular range just buy it on the special attack, I don't really see the need for a new power to cover this.Hand to hand and thrown weapon attacks use
Brawn as a base Damage Multiplier.
Also, the range is already a function of the Damage Multiplier, so for a thrown weapon the Brawn is already a factor in the distance.
Just my 2c

- MrJupiter
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