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My Ideas for New Traits
- Sijo
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And now, some new Alterations, and another new Power.
New Alterations
An Alteration is a Power Enhancement combined with a Power Limitation (see Awesome Powers # 6). They cost 0 Character Points, but whenever the Enhancement comes into effect, so does the Limitation. There are hundreds of possible combinations; I offer a few here.
Alterations also save space in the Character Sheet; it's easier to write "Alteration X" than "Enhancement Y" and "Limitation Z".
Note that Alterations are contained inside these { } kind of brackets, Enhancements inside these [ ] and Limitations inside these < >.
{Extendable}: [Increased Duration] + <Reduced> - This Alteration is for Powers with ongoing effects. You may extend the duration of the effects by reducing the effectiveness of one of its factors, for example its level for purposes of breaking free of the effect.
{Modifiable}: [Variable] + <Concentration> - by concentrating, the character can modify any factor of the power with this Alteration. Note that this usually delays his turn until the end of the page, but the Focused Power can be used in that Panel.
{Power Booster}: [Extra-Effect] + <Gadget> - The character holds an object that increases one factor (such as damage) of one of his powers. If the gadget is damaged or stolen, the bonus is lost but the Power can be still be used normally.
{Spread-Out}: [Area] + <Inaccurate> - You can extend the Power to affect everything within an area. However this affects your aim, giving all the rolls to hit the targets a penalty.
{Turbo}: [Mach Speed] + <Energy> - This Alteration is for Movement Powers. The Power can temporarily exceed its top speed by consuming energy points. This Alteration is common in Super Vehicles.
New Power: Scapegoat
Category: Mastery
cost: 1-5 points
This Power is unusual and might be better suited for a Fantasy Campaign than a Superhero one. Still, here it is:
With this Power, the user can designate a person, animal or object within Range (which is touch unless the appropriate Enhancement is added) as a "Scapegoat." The target must be willing (or mindless) otherwise a contest between its Mind and the Power's level must be won.
Then, the user can designate a person within Range (which can be himself) to be bound to the Scapegoat. From then on, any debilitating condition (such as the effect of Powers like Weaken or Confusion) is passed to the Scapegoat instead, regardless of the distance between the two. The Scapegoat is allowed to resist them normally, if possible. However if the Scapegoat is normally immune to such effects (for example, a mindless object cannot be affected by Mental Powers) then the protection fails and the person is still affected.
The effects of the Power last until the original user reverses them, the Scapegoat dies or is destroyed, or until the effects is cancelled by Powers such as Nullify. The user can have one Scapegoat per level in this Power, but each Scapegoat must be assigned to a different person.
This Power is not "evil" by itself- it depends on its use. Certainly, a Hero who uses it on an unwilling target should receive Setbacks from the Narrator, but conversely, he could use the Power *on himself* thus protecting someone else by taking the damage himself. Similarly, he could bind himself to a willing partner with greater Stats than his.
Special Enhancement: for 2 extra character points, the Scapegoat can always be a lifeless, mindless object that will absorb any kind of status condition the protected person is hit with. In this case, the object loses Hits instead (usually 1 per level of the effect) until it finally falls apart.
New Alterations
An Alteration is a Power Enhancement combined with a Power Limitation (see Awesome Powers # 6). They cost 0 Character Points, but whenever the Enhancement comes into effect, so does the Limitation. There are hundreds of possible combinations; I offer a few here.
Alterations also save space in the Character Sheet; it's easier to write "Alteration X" than "Enhancement Y" and "Limitation Z".
Note that Alterations are contained inside these { } kind of brackets, Enhancements inside these [ ] and Limitations inside these < >.
{Extendable}: [Increased Duration] + <Reduced> - This Alteration is for Powers with ongoing effects. You may extend the duration of the effects by reducing the effectiveness of one of its factors, for example its level for purposes of breaking free of the effect.
{Modifiable}: [Variable] + <Concentration> - by concentrating, the character can modify any factor of the power with this Alteration. Note that this usually delays his turn until the end of the page, but the Focused Power can be used in that Panel.
{Power Booster}: [Extra-Effect] + <Gadget> - The character holds an object that increases one factor (such as damage) of one of his powers. If the gadget is damaged or stolen, the bonus is lost but the Power can be still be used normally.
{Spread-Out}: [Area] + <Inaccurate> - You can extend the Power to affect everything within an area. However this affects your aim, giving all the rolls to hit the targets a penalty.
{Turbo}: [Mach Speed] + <Energy> - This Alteration is for Movement Powers. The Power can temporarily exceed its top speed by consuming energy points. This Alteration is common in Super Vehicles.
New Power: Scapegoat
Category: Mastery
cost: 1-5 points
This Power is unusual and might be better suited for a Fantasy Campaign than a Superhero one. Still, here it is:
With this Power, the user can designate a person, animal or object within Range (which is touch unless the appropriate Enhancement is added) as a "Scapegoat." The target must be willing (or mindless) otherwise a contest between its Mind and the Power's level must be won.
Then, the user can designate a person within Range (which can be himself) to be bound to the Scapegoat. From then on, any debilitating condition (such as the effect of Powers like Weaken or Confusion) is passed to the Scapegoat instead, regardless of the distance between the two. The Scapegoat is allowed to resist them normally, if possible. However if the Scapegoat is normally immune to such effects (for example, a mindless object cannot be affected by Mental Powers) then the protection fails and the person is still affected.
The effects of the Power last until the original user reverses them, the Scapegoat dies or is destroyed, or until the effects is cancelled by Powers such as Nullify. The user can have one Scapegoat per level in this Power, but each Scapegoat must be assigned to a different person.
This Power is not "evil" by itself- it depends on its use. Certainly, a Hero who uses it on an unwilling target should receive Setbacks from the Narrator, but conversely, he could use the Power *on himself* thus protecting someone else by taking the damage himself. Similarly, he could bind himself to a willing partner with greater Stats than his.
Special Enhancement: for 2 extra character points, the Scapegoat can always be a lifeless, mindless object that will absorb any kind of status condition the protected person is hit with. In this case, the object loses Hits instead (usually 1 per level of the effect) until it finally falls apart.
Last edited by Sijo on Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- MrJupiter
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These are inspiring ideas, Sijo. The new Alterations are great additions. If I might humbly suggest a name change for Focus, which already exists as a Limitation, I’d like to offer Conscious Modification for consideration. The ‘Conscious’ part of it implies Concentration and 'Modification' does the same for the Variable aspect.
I have a few questions regarding Scapegoat; which, by the way, I think is an excellent idea for both supers and fantasy gaming. Are Hits normally included in the benefits offered by this power? If Hits were allowed, I could definitely see a villain using this power upon a hero(es) so that they will think twice before attacking him (and harming themselves).
Also, would having multiple Scapegoats distribute an attack between all designates (making the one that rolled the highest defeat the affliction) or would it cycle through the list as first one designate became afflicted, and then the next becomes the target?
I have a few questions regarding Scapegoat; which, by the way, I think is an excellent idea for both supers and fantasy gaming. Are Hits normally included in the benefits offered by this power? If Hits were allowed, I could definitely see a villain using this power upon a hero(es) so that they will think twice before attacking him (and harming themselves).
Also, would having multiple Scapegoats distribute an attack between all designates (making the one that rolled the highest defeat the affliction) or would it cycle through the list as first one designate became afflicted, and then the next becomes the target?
- Sijo
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- Location: Puerto Rico
As usual, your comments are most welcome, Mr. Jupiter! Yeah, I had forgotten about the Focus Limitation. Conscious Modification does sound like a good name.
I considered having the scapegoats absorb damage directly, but that struck me as being too easy to abuse- a really evil villain might turn a Hero's loved ones into scapegoats so that not only the Hero cannot attack him, but must prevent anyone else from harming him either! However, for some conditions (such as poison) it might apply. In general, if the Restore Power can stop the effect, the Scapegoat can also absorb it. (Note Restore is another Power that can free the scapegoat.)
Also, each scapegoat can only be bound to one person, so he or she gets the full benefits (or effects in case of a failed defense.)
I considered having the scapegoats absorb damage directly, but that struck me as being too easy to abuse- a really evil villain might turn a Hero's loved ones into scapegoats so that not only the Hero cannot attack him, but must prevent anyone else from harming him either! However, for some conditions (such as poison) it might apply. In general, if the Restore Power can stop the effect, the Scapegoat can also absorb it. (Note Restore is another Power that can free the scapegoat.)
Also, each scapegoat can only be bound to one person, so he or she gets the full benefits (or effects in case of a failed defense.)
- Sijo
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- Location: Puerto Rico
I've also been thinking about character design lately. With that in mind, I came up with a Power Update and another new Alteration.
Power Update: Omnipotence- This one was suggested by BASHMAN himself: the Cosmic Power Omnipotence may be used in non-Cosmic campaigns to simulate powers that can 'do anything' such as Magic. This my interpretation of how to do it.
Category: Mastery
Cost: 5 points
This Power allows the character to buy one level in any Power except those from the Intense Training category. This stacks with existing levels. All the Powers have the Variable Enhancement for free. It can also be used to buy any 1-pt Enhancement for any existing Power. The effects lasts until the point is shifted elsewhere or the user wishes to end them. The Powers can be used on the same Panel they are effected.
Special Enhancement: For every extra point paid, Omnipotence provides one more point for Powers or Enhancements. The Maximum pool of points available this way is 5.
Example: Emerald Warrior buys Omnipotence with 3 points of the Special Enhancement, for a total cost of 8 points. He therefore has 4 points he can use. In his first Panel, he buys Damage Shield 3 and Flight 1. He can use these powers right away. On his next Panel, he can come up with any other combination, as long as the point cost is still 4 or less.
New Alteration: {Connected}
This alteration allows a power to share its modifications (Enhancements, Limitations and/or Alterations) with any number of other Powers. These powers must be clearly listed. The Powers' costs will be adjusted appropriately eg. Enhancements will increase them, Limitations will reduce them and Alterations will not vary their cost. Note that the reverse isn't true- the connected power isn't affected by the modifications of the other powers, unless that Power also has Connected. Note also that certain Powers cannot be affected by certain modifications. For example, the Extended Range enhancement would have no effect on a Power with no Range.
This is considered an Alteration because by itself, it is not inherently enhancing or limiting- it depends on the Connected Powers. Its main purpose is to aid in the design of Power Suites. It also saves space on the character sheet (you don't have to write the shared modifications over and over.)
Example: Matchstick has Fire-based powers. These are a Damage Field, Flight, and a Special Attack. The Field has the Limitation: can be smothered (by water, dirt, fire extinguishers, vacuum etc.) and is Connected to the other two. This means the other powers can also be smothered, but they also get the -1 point cost break- and you don't have to write the Limitation again.
Power Update: Omnipotence- This one was suggested by BASHMAN himself: the Cosmic Power Omnipotence may be used in non-Cosmic campaigns to simulate powers that can 'do anything' such as Magic. This my interpretation of how to do it.
Category: Mastery
Cost: 5 points
This Power allows the character to buy one level in any Power except those from the Intense Training category. This stacks with existing levels. All the Powers have the Variable Enhancement for free. It can also be used to buy any 1-pt Enhancement for any existing Power. The effects lasts until the point is shifted elsewhere or the user wishes to end them. The Powers can be used on the same Panel they are effected.
Special Enhancement: For every extra point paid, Omnipotence provides one more point for Powers or Enhancements. The Maximum pool of points available this way is 5.
Example: Emerald Warrior buys Omnipotence with 3 points of the Special Enhancement, for a total cost of 8 points. He therefore has 4 points he can use. In his first Panel, he buys Damage Shield 3 and Flight 1. He can use these powers right away. On his next Panel, he can come up with any other combination, as long as the point cost is still 4 or less.
New Alteration: {Connected}
This alteration allows a power to share its modifications (Enhancements, Limitations and/or Alterations) with any number of other Powers. These powers must be clearly listed. The Powers' costs will be adjusted appropriately eg. Enhancements will increase them, Limitations will reduce them and Alterations will not vary their cost. Note that the reverse isn't true- the connected power isn't affected by the modifications of the other powers, unless that Power also has Connected. Note also that certain Powers cannot be affected by certain modifications. For example, the Extended Range enhancement would have no effect on a Power with no Range.
This is considered an Alteration because by itself, it is not inherently enhancing or limiting- it depends on the Connected Powers. Its main purpose is to aid in the design of Power Suites. It also saves space on the character sheet (you don't have to write the shared modifications over and over.)
Example: Matchstick has Fire-based powers. These are a Damage Field, Flight, and a Special Attack. The Field has the Limitation: can be smothered (by water, dirt, fire extinguishers, vacuum etc.) and is Connected to the other two. This means the other powers can also be smothered, but they also get the -1 point cost break- and you don't have to write the Limitation again.
- Sijo
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- Location: Puerto Rico
New Power Stunt: Mind Probe
This is a classic telepathic effect; it is similar to, but less powerful than, the Memory Sharing power listed in Awesome Powers #5. It can only be attempted with the Telepath power. By spending a Hero Die, the telepath can read the target's subconscious mind as well. Only a specific sequence of events can be learned at a time. To find a specific memory, make a successful Investigation roll. The effect can be resisted like any other Mental attack.
If the Telepath is only level 1, he can only learn the target's hidden or forgotten emotions, but nothing else.
This can also be attempted as a Power Trick. In this case, by spending a Hero Point, the telepath gets a single image from the target's subconscious each time.
This is a classic telepathic effect; it is similar to, but less powerful than, the Memory Sharing power listed in Awesome Powers #5. It can only be attempted with the Telepath power. By spending a Hero Die, the telepath can read the target's subconscious mind as well. Only a specific sequence of events can be learned at a time. To find a specific memory, make a successful Investigation roll. The effect can be resisted like any other Mental attack.
If the Telepath is only level 1, he can only learn the target's hidden or forgotten emotions, but nothing else.
This can also be attempted as a Power Trick. In this case, by spending a Hero Point, the telepath gets a single image from the target's subconscious each time.
- MrJupiter
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[Note: copied from BASH'S Facebook page.] I really like this. The ability to deeply delve into another person's thoughts and memories are only vaguely hinted at in the power description ("...which allows you to read others thoughts...") but doesn't give you a clearly defined scope of your ability to do so.
By using Mind Probe, an Empath (Telepath 1) could try to dig up a murder suspect’s emotional state at the moment of the victim’s death, to find clues about the possible motivation (was it the ‘anger’ of a lost temper, ‘satisfaction’ of a job well done, the ‘sadness’ of a regretful action, the ‘confusion’ of not being in control of your actions?). For an Esper (Telepath 2) or full Telepath (yep, level 3), this can be even more useful as the hero can Mind Probe for the location of a kidnap victim or determine if a person has discovered their secret identity.
Great Stunt idea, Sijo!
By using Mind Probe, an Empath (Telepath 1) could try to dig up a murder suspect’s emotional state at the moment of the victim’s death, to find clues about the possible motivation (was it the ‘anger’ of a lost temper, ‘satisfaction’ of a job well done, the ‘sadness’ of a regretful action, the ‘confusion’ of not being in control of your actions?). For an Esper (Telepath 2) or full Telepath (yep, level 3), this can be even more useful as the hero can Mind Probe for the location of a kidnap victim or determine if a person has discovered their secret identity.
Great Stunt idea, Sijo!
- Sijo
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New Advantage: Special Effect
In BASH, "Special Effects" refers to trivial uses for super powers. You see this all the time: the Fire-powered guy who uses his flame to light a cigar, or the Power Armor guy who built a radio into his helmet. These cost no points of any kind. See the sidebar in BASH Ultimate edition page 4, or the examples in Awesome Powers # 2, page 12.
But what if a player wants an effect for his character not covered by its powers? Example: The Sultry Sorceress possesses Animation and Mind Control. But she also wants to be able to do "magic tricks" (real ones, not just Sleight of Hand) for her performances in her secret identity as a stage magician. The Narrator informs her player that her powers wouldn't do- she needs Conjuration for that. Not being able (or willing) to spend the requisite points, the player opts instead to assign her the advantage Special Effect (magic tricks). Now she can create sparkles, streamers etc. out of thin air.
A Special Effect can be anything, as long as it isn't as strong as an actual Power (for example, it cannot be something that causes direct damage.) It can be something occasionally useful, tough. Example: Sultry Sorceress is battling a troll with a huge nose. Realizing his weakness is his sense of smell, she uses her magic trick effect to spray him with sparkle dust. The Narrator declares this sets it into sneezing fits that give it a -2 penalty in all its rolls.
Note that each type of effect has to be assigned separately. So if you want a character who can both lit cigars with a finger and listen to music without a radio, you'll need to give the character two versions of this Advantage.
Note also that this Advantage is only for superhuman or nonhuman characters. Normal humans can, however, use Special Effects built into their Equipment.
In a Fantasy Campaign, this Advantage might be renamed "Cantrip".
In BASH, "Special Effects" refers to trivial uses for super powers. You see this all the time: the Fire-powered guy who uses his flame to light a cigar, or the Power Armor guy who built a radio into his helmet. These cost no points of any kind. See the sidebar in BASH Ultimate edition page 4, or the examples in Awesome Powers # 2, page 12.
But what if a player wants an effect for his character not covered by its powers? Example: The Sultry Sorceress possesses Animation and Mind Control. But she also wants to be able to do "magic tricks" (real ones, not just Sleight of Hand) for her performances in her secret identity as a stage magician. The Narrator informs her player that her powers wouldn't do- she needs Conjuration for that. Not being able (or willing) to spend the requisite points, the player opts instead to assign her the advantage Special Effect (magic tricks). Now she can create sparkles, streamers etc. out of thin air.
A Special Effect can be anything, as long as it isn't as strong as an actual Power (for example, it cannot be something that causes direct damage.) It can be something occasionally useful, tough. Example: Sultry Sorceress is battling a troll with a huge nose. Realizing his weakness is his sense of smell, she uses her magic trick effect to spray him with sparkle dust. The Narrator declares this sets it into sneezing fits that give it a -2 penalty in all its rolls.
Note that each type of effect has to be assigned separately. So if you want a character who can both lit cigars with a finger and listen to music without a radio, you'll need to give the character two versions of this Advantage.
Note also that this Advantage is only for superhuman or nonhuman characters. Normal humans can, however, use Special Effects built into their Equipment.
In a Fantasy Campaign, this Advantage might be renamed "Cantrip".
- Sijo
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New Optional Rule: Limited Power Tricks
This is for Narrators who might fear some players may abuse the Power Trick rules. He or she can rule that Powers with a cost of 4 points or more can only be imitated as Power Stunts. Example: A villain has learned Sultry Sorceress's secret id! Her player decides to wipe out his memory using her Mind Control to imitate Memory Tampering as a Power Trick, spending a Hero Point. But the Narrator vetoes this; she'll have to do it as a Stunt, spending a Hero Die. If she has none left, she'll have to buy one (for 5 Hero Points) or Push Herself, taking 50 Damage.
This is for Narrators who might fear some players may abuse the Power Trick rules. He or she can rule that Powers with a cost of 4 points or more can only be imitated as Power Stunts. Example: A villain has learned Sultry Sorceress's secret id! Her player decides to wipe out his memory using her Mind Control to imitate Memory Tampering as a Power Trick, spending a Hero Point. But the Narrator vetoes this; she'll have to do it as a Stunt, spending a Hero Die. If she has none left, she'll have to buy one (for 5 Hero Points) or Push Herself, taking 50 Damage.
- Sijo
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New Optional Rule: Progressive Power Stunts
In some settings, powers have to be learned in a specific order. Magic spells in a Fantasy setting are a typical example. In such a campaign, a Narrator might require that a character first practice more basic forms of a power before being able to simulate more powerful ones.
Example: Invincible Man wants to use his Push Power to fly, on the basis of being able to repulse himself off the ground. But The Narrator decides that is tricky and requires him to start by Hovering first. Note this has to be done as a Stunt, not a Power Trick. After a period of time (anything from a Scene to an Issue, Narrator's call) of using hovering, Invincible Man can move to the next level: Gliding. After mastering that , he is finally allowed to use Push to fly as a Power Stunt.
Alternatively, for Powers with multiple levels, The Narrator might require the progression to be based on them. Example: Sultry Sorceress wants to use her Animation level 3 power to fly by turning a rug into a magic carpet. The Narrator allows it, but the carpet begins at level 1 Flight. The next time Sorceress attempts this stunt, the carpet will have Flight 2, and lastly, the third time, her full Flight 3 Power level.
In some settings, powers have to be learned in a specific order. Magic spells in a Fantasy setting are a typical example. In such a campaign, a Narrator might require that a character first practice more basic forms of a power before being able to simulate more powerful ones.
Example: Invincible Man wants to use his Push Power to fly, on the basis of being able to repulse himself off the ground. But The Narrator decides that is tricky and requires him to start by Hovering first. Note this has to be done as a Stunt, not a Power Trick. After a period of time (anything from a Scene to an Issue, Narrator's call) of using hovering, Invincible Man can move to the next level: Gliding. After mastering that , he is finally allowed to use Push to fly as a Power Stunt.
Alternatively, for Powers with multiple levels, The Narrator might require the progression to be based on them. Example: Sultry Sorceress wants to use her Animation level 3 power to fly by turning a rug into a magic carpet. The Narrator allows it, but the carpet begins at level 1 Flight. The next time Sorceress attempts this stunt, the carpet will have Flight 2, and lastly, the third time, her full Flight 3 Power level.
- MrJupiter
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- Sijo
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- Location: Puerto Rico
New Advantage: Champion of Justice
The opposite of an Arch-Villain, the Champion of Justice is respected by his power, experience and commitment to the people. The character with this Advantage can buy a Hero Die for three Hero Points rather than five.
Narrators might want to reserve this option for NPC Heroes, or limit its use to once per Issue.
Mental Malfunction Examples
Similarly, here are some character motivations based off the Villain ones found in the Ultimate Edition Book:
Law-Enforcer: The character believes in maintaining order, but won't kill or suppress rights to do it. Most Heroes fall in this category.
Rebel: The character opposes the established order, presumably because it's corrupt.
Quirky: The Hero has a odd obsession with something. Examples include designing all his equipment after winged mammals, or calling out the names of his powers in combat.
Dedication: The Hero is in it mainly because he cares for a person or a group. Without them, he would lose interest in the cause.
Charitable: The character wants to help the poor or unfortunate. He may do this in any way, from working at soup kitchens to simply donating money if he can afford it.
Proud: The Hero loves being famous and tries to always be in the spotlight. This is not necessarily wrong as long as he keeps his priorities straight.
Thrill-seeker: And some heroes just do it because it's fun! Again, it's OK as long as no one gets hurt.
The opposite of an Arch-Villain, the Champion of Justice is respected by his power, experience and commitment to the people. The character with this Advantage can buy a Hero Die for three Hero Points rather than five.
Narrators might want to reserve this option for NPC Heroes, or limit its use to once per Issue.
Mental Malfunction Examples
Similarly, here are some character motivations based off the Villain ones found in the Ultimate Edition Book:
Law-Enforcer: The character believes in maintaining order, but won't kill or suppress rights to do it. Most Heroes fall in this category.
Rebel: The character opposes the established order, presumably because it's corrupt.
Quirky: The Hero has a odd obsession with something. Examples include designing all his equipment after winged mammals, or calling out the names of his powers in combat.
Dedication: The Hero is in it mainly because he cares for a person or a group. Without them, he would lose interest in the cause.
Charitable: The character wants to help the poor or unfortunate. He may do this in any way, from working at soup kitchens to simply donating money if he can afford it.
Proud: The Hero loves being famous and tries to always be in the spotlight. This is not necessarily wrong as long as he keeps his priorities straight.
Thrill-seeker: And some heroes just do it because it's fun! Again, it's OK as long as no one gets hurt.
Last edited by Sijo on Wed May 04, 2016 6:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Baelor
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Really like the Mental Malfunctions, Sijo!
I think Champion of Justice is too broadly applicable as written, essentially giving a point break to any use of a Hero Die. I would prefer to make it available to any hero, but limit the applicability, rather than make it only available to NPCs.
I like the way that the RAW uses this mechanic for specific areas of expertise though. SO I could see:
Team Leader: The hero can spend 3 Hero Points to give a team-mate a Hero Die at any time.
Dynamic Duo: Two heroes team up on an action, and can combine Hero Points to create a single Hero Die that one of them uses as part of their combination maneuver.
Weaving a Net of Steel: The hero can spend 3 Hero Points to gain a Hero Die to spend on a weapon Attack or Defense in melee.
Battle Plan: When the Hero can make a plan in advance of some intended action (an infiltration, assault on a Lair, etc) and sticks to that plan, he gains a Hero Die that he can spend - As long as the Plan holds together. Once the plan goes off the rails it is too late.
In the same vein, Champion of Justice could be limited somehow to reign it in, maybe by saying he can do so anytime he is on the crux of bringing a villain to justice. This way, the ability would not be usable anytime.
I think Champion of Justice is too broadly applicable as written, essentially giving a point break to any use of a Hero Die. I would prefer to make it available to any hero, but limit the applicability, rather than make it only available to NPCs.
I like the way that the RAW uses this mechanic for specific areas of expertise though. SO I could see:
Team Leader: The hero can spend 3 Hero Points to give a team-mate a Hero Die at any time.
Dynamic Duo: Two heroes team up on an action, and can combine Hero Points to create a single Hero Die that one of them uses as part of their combination maneuver.
Weaving a Net of Steel: The hero can spend 3 Hero Points to gain a Hero Die to spend on a weapon Attack or Defense in melee.
Battle Plan: When the Hero can make a plan in advance of some intended action (an infiltration, assault on a Lair, etc) and sticks to that plan, he gains a Hero Die that he can spend - As long as the Plan holds together. Once the plan goes off the rails it is too late.
In the same vein, Champion of Justice could be limited somehow to reign it in, maybe by saying he can do so anytime he is on the crux of bringing a villain to justice. This way, the ability would not be usable anytime.
- All-Father of Bash!
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One thing; in games I never give NPCs Hero Points. Villains have a pool of Setbacks they can draw from, but NPC Heroes are not the main character in this story. They can appear, and even help; but this isn't their book; they are just guest-starring.
I also think Champion of Justice is a bit overly powerful. I do like Baelor's idea of doing more specific instances of this discount (though the Dynamic Duo one seems to be something people can already do for free as part of a Team-Up Maneuver).
I also think Champion of Justice is a bit overly powerful. I do like Baelor's idea of doing more specific instances of this discount (though the Dynamic Duo one seems to be something people can already do for free as part of a Team-Up Maneuver).
- Baelor
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