But now that I'm rereading the system, I realize I don't like the skill system. In my opinion, being very smart (or very agile) does not automatically mean the character should know a specific number of skills (I'm running into this a lot as I'm trying to adapt characters into the system.) The current solution via the Skillful Advantage and Unskilled Disadvantage is kind of misleading, because they sound more intensive than they are. For example, assume a character only needs 1 mental skill but has a Mind of Two, so I must give him Unskilled to lower the number of slots; it's technically OK but it *sounds* like he's dumb.
So, I propose the following system:
All characters start with only two skills: one representing their occupation, and one for their native Language. Both are for free. Any other skill however, will cost 1 character point each.
Example: Kyoji is a Japanese Giant Robot pilot. He begins play with two skills, Pilot/Giant Robot and Japanese for free. If his player also wants him to speak English, he must pay 1 CP.
Note that it is possible to raise the level of the skill or add additional specialties again at a cost of 1 CP.
Example: Kyoji could raise his Robot skill to +1, or add Pilot/Jet for 1 CP each.
Optional rules:
*Hobbies: The Narrator might decide to allow the players to start with an extra skill for free based on a hobby of their character's IF a) it's justified in the character background and b) it's something useful, not just a harmless hobby like stamp collecting. Example: Someone who owns a ship might have Sailing/Piloting.
*Required Skills: Depending on the setting, the Narrator might require all characters to start with an appropriate free skill, for example a campaign set in a desert would require Outdoors/Survival.