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Top Speed for Movement Non-Powers

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Top Speed for Movement Non-Powers

Post by Baelor »

So how can we figure top speeds for those who do not have a Movement Power. I am talking about their movement in MPH, not number of squares per panel [Move x2 for all-out-Run]. Is their a formula. The box text for movement powers states:

a character who can run 9 squares per panel decides to reach their top speed of 90mph. This takes a full page of movement, and is approximately 27 squares.

So then 90 MPH equals 27 squares per panel. Is there a formula at work here. My math skills are not equal to the task [stupid History major over here!?]. Does this mean that someone with a move of 15 who decides to move all out [30 squares in panel] is traveling at about 100 MPH?
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Post by BASHMAN »

I don't have the book open in front of me, but it explains that your speed with a super movement power in MPH is 10MPH per square of base movement.

Since each panel is about 1 second of time, this also means that your top speed is equal to about 3x your base speed. I calculated this based on the approximate speed per second you would be moving.
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Post by Baelor »

Cool. So someone without a movement power who had a move of 12 would be going something like 36 MPH?

This I can use. I have some players wondering about some other benchmarks.

Thanks Bashman.
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Post by Sunslinger »

Top Speed for Super Movement Powers
Your maximum speed is 10mph times your maximum squares/panel. A character with some sort of Super Movement can reach top speed by spending their entire page on movement. If you are counting squares, top speed works out to be roughly triple the rate of movement. So a character who can run 9 squares per panel decides to reach their top speed of 90mph. This takes a full page of movement, and is approximately 27 squares.
I was trying to figure the max speed of characters and still do not understand the above calculation from the rulebook.
Let's take flight: A hero has Flight 3. That means he can fly 15 squares per panel. Thus he has a top speed in mp/h of 150. Does that mean he can - in fact - fly not 15 but up to 45 squares per panel?
And - even knowing this is discussed above - is the following calculation right?
A Hero (no movement powers) with AG 4 runs 12 (4x3) squares per panel and sprints 36 squares per panel. So he runs 36 mp/h and sprints 108 mp/h?
A hero with Super Running 1 and AG 3 runs 12 squares (3x4). Then, do the sprint rules apply for him too thus giving him a running speed of 36 mp/h and sprint of 36 squares and 108 mp/h?
Or do the super movement rules kick in thus giving him a max speed of 120 mp/h (12x10) and a sprint range of 40 squares (120/3)?
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Post by BASHMAN »

Sunslinger let's look at the Flight 3 example:

His BASE Speed is 15 SQ.

His TOP Speed is 45 SQ, which is about 150 MPH. This is an approximation, depending on whether you want to express the movement in actual squares on a battlegrid, or just describe the movement as words.

Note, However a character getting to top speed takes time and they can only move in a straight line.

Note that it is also possible to "Sprint" (move twice) if you take no other actions, in which case the character could move 30 SQ.

A character with no super movement generally does not have his move speed calculated as an MPH at all. Nor can he make use of the "Top Speed" ability. He can still do a "Sprint" move though by moving two times and taking no other actions.

The character with Super Running 1 and Agility 3 has several advantages over the character with Agility 4, even though they both have a BASE move of 12 SQ.

One of those is the ability to make use of a Top Speed. The character with Super Running can use it to travel 36 SQ in a straight line, while the character with Agility 4 tops out by using "Sprint" to move 24 SQ (which the character with Super Running can also do if he wants to move slower).

There is also a descriptive advantage that the character with a Super Movement (and thus a Top Speed) can say "I run at 120 MPH to get to point B". Since Point B is 2 Miles away, the Narrator can say "Okay, you get there in 1 Minute". The character with Agility 4 cannot say that he does this, as he just has "regular" running, even though he is far faster than the average human, he'll still get tired, etc.

The key point here is there is a difference between tactical movement, and descriptive (typically non-combat) movement.
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Top Speed, Super Running and Super Speed

Post by Shadowknight »

I'm confused as to why Top Speed is based on your speed per panel. Shouldn't it be based on speed per page? Otherwise, those with Super Speed don't actually move any faster than those without--its entirely determined by their running speed (or Super Running speed).

Just asking because I'm trying to make a speedster en par with Quicksilver or Flash, and it doesn't seem like I can get above 400 or so MPH--well short even of the speed of sound. How do I make a character who can run at Mach speeds?

Any help would be appreciated. New to BASH but loving it so far! javascript:emoticon(':)')

Phil :)
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Post by MrJupiter »

Awesome Powers #1 has a cool enhancement called Overdrive that allows a character with Flight or Super Running to dedicate their full panel to moving hyper fast ("seem almost to teleport")!
With the movement power at level...
1 = Miles (per panel)
2 = 100s of miles (per panel)
3 = 1000s of miles (per panel)
4 = Anywhere on Earth (per panel)
5 = Run laps around the Earth at the Speed of Light (per panel)

That's definately Flash/Quicksilver!
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That will work!

Post by Shadowknight »

Thanks Mr. Jupiter!
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