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Deflect Question

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:04 pm
by drkrash
Does Deflect work against HTH attacks? If so, does it stack with Defensive Martial Arts? Do either or both stack with Danger Sense?

My son and I were playing again tonight and we were having some real miss-fests with guys that possessed two or more of these abilities.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:42 pm
by Dustland
Yes to all.

That being said, I think it's perfectly reasonable for the narrator to impose a multiplier limit to a game (no individual or combined multiplier above x5 for example). I haven't done this for one reason though...

It's more fun for players (and the narrator) to figure out an opponent's weak point and find a way to exploit it. For example in our PbP Chimera game, the players opted for a mental attack (Daze) to stop the brick I'd thrown in their way rather than trying to pound on him (again). Granted, with only one player, options are probably limited.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:50 pm
I think it says you cannot combine Intense Training powers with regular powers (like Martial Arts + Deflect) but I could be wrong. But Deflect & Danger Sense would stack- but not in all situations.

You cannot deflect a grapple or burst, for instance. You can deflect hand to hand attacks, but only reflect ranged. [to "reflect' hand to hand attacks, you need Tricky style martial arts]

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:35 am
by drkrash
BASHMAN wrote:I think it says you cannot combine Intense Training powers with regular powers (like Martial Arts + Deflect) but I could be wrong. But Deflect & Danger Sense would stack- but not in all situations.

You cannot deflect a grapple or burst, for instance. You can deflect hand to hand attacks, but only reflect ranged. [to "reflect' hand to hand attacks, you need Tricky style martial arts]
Thanks. I'll look into this more. Having organized the 500 characters I have for BASH yesterday (and I didn't create one of them myself), I've realized that weird combos pop up depending on who made the character. As the designer of an effects-based system myself, I've discovered the game's designer tends to make more "conservative" characters, while other players take the system and run crazy with it. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:35 am
by Dustland
I think it says you cannot combine Intense Training powers with regular powers (like Martial Arts + Deflect)
I thought so to, but looking at it, I don't see a blanket statement that says this. Some of the Intense Training powers do prohibit this in their individual descriptions (Fleet of Foot, Weapon Technique), but Martial Arts Mastery doesn't appear to.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:28 am
by drkrash
For the record, I could find no rule that says Intense Training can't be combined with other powers. The only limit is that Defensive Martial Arts can't give higher than x5. I think it's a fair ruling to say that if Danger Sense and Deflect bring Agility over 5 first that Defensive Martial Arts has no additional effect.

Also, you can't use Deflect vs. Burst, but unfortunately, you can use it on a Line, so without GM adjudication, there are plenty of guys who can Deflect blasts of wind.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:01 am
Since a Blast of Wind (a line) is an Area Affect, there's no chance to deflect it. Push specifically says if the power has an Area effect, it automatically hits (it doesn't limit this to Burst areas).

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:41 am
by drkrash
FYI for your re-release: the rules for Deflect specifically say Burst, NOT Area, which I agree makes much more sense,

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:22 pm
by drkrash
Also, Chris, if the Agility roll to dodge contained in Burst is intended for all Area attacks (which it probably should be), that's not in there either. Maybe this is in the errata already...

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:20 pm
drkrash wrote:Also, Chris, if the Agility roll to dodge contained in Burst is intended for all Area attacks (which it probably should be), that's not in there either. Maybe this is in the errata already...
No, burst is a special case. Lines and Arcs can be dodged normally. There is a new area "Cone" that will be appearing that works very similar to a Burst, though.

So you can Deflect a line. However- PUSH says that any area effect makes the power automatically hit. So a line to represent a blast of wind, or a Burst, or a Cone, etc- Push cannot be dodged if it has an Area effect. If it is just a melee attack (like a Chi-powered judo throw) or ranged (some sort of weird concussive gun) you still have to roll to hit.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:32 pm
by drkrash
Gotcha. Thanks.

Ya know, with the number of edits and additions you're making to the new version, you do realize that the present edition has become BASH PE (penultimate edition), right?

Everybody's a wise-*. :)