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Wizardry or Omni-Powers in BASH?

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Wizardry or Omni-Powers in BASH?

Post by AslanC »

So I have a question,

In SUPERS! and ICONS we have the Wizardry power that allows them to mimic other powers on the fly.

How would this be done in BASH UE and please remember it's been years since I've played it.

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Post by fairytalejedi »

That would be the Grimoire advantage (BASH UE p.92)
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Post by AslanC »

fairytalejedi wrote:That would be the Grimoire advantage (BASH UE p.92)
Not really.

An hour to look up what you want to do? Nothing like a Wizardry power in either SUPERS! or ICONS, that function more like Omni-Powers than what this is.
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Post by fairytalejedi »

Grimoire also allows you to do Power Tricks on the fly for one Hero Point each.
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Post by AslanC »

fairytalejedi wrote:Grimoire also allows you to do Power Tricks on the fly for one Hero Point each.
So you are suggesting that my wielder of the Power Cosmic should have a magic book?

Doesn't really fit, flavour-wise mate.
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Post by fairytalejedi »

No, for the Power Cosmic you can go with Omnipotence (p.102)
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Post by Sijo »

There is currently no "perfect" Power for this, but there are several options:
*Any Power can simulate any other as a Power Stunt for a whole scene, for one Hero die (if you can convince the Narrator it makes sense.) All Heroes start each Issue with one Hero Die (or two if they have the Variable Advantage.) 5 Hero points can be exchanged for a Hero Die; finally you can Push for Hero Die, but that costs you Hits.
*Power Tricks are like Power Stunts but cost only one Hero Point each (and last only one Panel; you can extend it it for another Panel with another point, and so on.) You must have either Gadgeteer or Grimoire to use Power Tricks.
*Regarding Powers, Omnipower can indeed copy any Power (except other Cosmic Powers and the Intensive Training ones) with the Variable enhancement included for free. The catch is that it provides only one level for every 5 levels of the Power- and in a non-Cosmic campaign, only 5 Levels are allowed for Cosmic Powers, if they are allowed at all. You can however Use Omnipower to boost other Powers by adding levels or enhancements to them.
*Shape Shifting can imitate any Power but you must reduce the character's Brawn and/or Agility to gain them (you get 2 character points for every Stat point lowered.)
*Conjuration can create either mundane objects or fantastic ones (with Powers); but you must have it at two levels higher than that needed to create a similar normal item, and the Powers are limited to a maximum level equal to Conjuration's.
*Summoning (and Animation) creates creatures with points for Powers equal to the power's level.

I think that's it? In any case, I know for a fact that a Sorcery power is in the works for a future volume of Amazing Powers, but that one is still a ways off.
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