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BASH Trait Lists rearranged

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BASH Trait Lists rearranged

Post by Sijo »

I know what you're thinking: what's the point of this thread? After all, the Awesome Powers books already offer summaries. But I want to make lists that are a bit more user-friendly, with an eye to making creating or adapting characters easier while still encompassing all options currently available. For that, I'll be posting my lists on separate posts- one for Powers, one for Enhancements, etc. I hope you find them useful. Feedback is welcome!
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Post by Sijo »

BASH Powers Reorganized

The following is an update to the Powers List from BASH Ultimate Edition. Included in this list are:
-All the alternative powers from UE.
-All powers from the Cosmic Section.
-The New Powers from Awesome Powers vol. 1.
-All the Updated Powers from the Awesome Powers series up to vol. 7

NOT included in this list are most of the powers from AP, because they are largely variations or combinations of the above powers. I do provide here a separate list of those powers that, in my personal opinion only, are distinct enough to be considered original powers of their own. I have titled it Optional Powers.

All page numbers refer to UE unless otherwise indicated.

Movement Powers (Personal)
Bouncing- p41, 3 pts, Sustained
Burrowing- p43, 1-5 pts, Sustained
Clinging- p41, 1 pt, Sustained
Dimensional Teleportation- p44, 1 or 3 pts
Flight- p41, 1-5 pts, Maintained
Gateway- p43, 2-11 pts, Maintained
Gliding- p41, 1 pt, Sustained
Hovering- p41, 1 pt, Sustained
Super Jump- (AP vol. 1 p5) 1-5 pts
Super Running- p42, 1-5 pts, Maintained
Super Speed- p42, 3 or 5 pts, Tiring
Super Swimming- (AP vol.1 p41) 1-5 pts, Sustained
Swinging- p43, 2 pts, Maintained
Teleportation- p43, 1-10 pts Concentration*
Water Walking- p44, 1 pt, Maintained
Combat Powers
Absorption- (AP vol.1, p4) 4 pts
Armor- p44, 1-3 pts, Personal, Sustained
Continual Damage- p44, 1-5 pts, Range, Area
Damage Aura- p44, 1-5 pts, Personal, Area
Damage Field- p45, 2-6 ,Area
Damage Shield- p45, 1-5 pts, Range, Area, Concentration
Deflect- p45, 1-3 pts, Sustained
Force Field- p45, 1-5 pts, Range, Area, Concentration
Immobilization- p45, 1-5 pts, Range, Area
Immunity- p46, 1-5 pts, Personal, Sustained
Nullify- p46, 1-5 pts, Range, Area
Push- p46, 1-5 pts, Range, Area
Resistance- p46, 1-5 pts, Personal, Sustained
Slow- p46, 1 pt, Range, Area
Special Attack- p46, 1-5 pts, Range, Area
Trample- (AP vol 1 p4) 3 pts
Weaken- p46, 1-5 pts, Range, Area
Perception Powers (Personal)
Keen Senses- p47, 1 pt, Sustained
Scan- p47, 1-5 pts, Concentration
Super Senses- p47, 1-5 pts, Sustained
X-Ray Vision- p47, 3 pts, Maintained
Mental Powers
Clairvoyance- p48, 1-3 pts, Concentration*
Confusion- p48, 1-2 pts, Range, Area
Danger Sense- p48, 3 pts, Personal
Daze- p48, 2 pts, Range, Area
Illusion- p49, 1-5 pts, Range, Burst, Variable
Invisibility- p49, 1/3/5 pts, Personal, Maintained
Memory Tampering- p49, 4 pts
Mind Blast- p50, 1-5 pts Ranged, Concentration
Mind Control- p49, 5 pts, Maintained
Mind Shield- p49, 1-3 pts, Personal, Sustained
Mind Spikes- p50, 1-5 pts, Personal, Sustained
Omni-Linguist- p50, 2 pts, Personal, Sustained
Omni-Reader- p50, 1pt, Personal, Sustained
Restore- p50, 2-5 pts, Range, Area
Suggestion- p50, 1 pt, Concentration
Telekinesis- p50, 1-5 pts, Range 5 Squares, Maintained
Telepath- p50, 1-3 pts, Sustained
Intense Training Powers
Attack Weak Point- (AP vol. 6, p9) 2 pts
Double Taps- p51, 1 pt
Disarm Expert- p51, 2 pts
Fleet of Foot- p51, 1 pt, Personal
Heightened- p51, 1 pt Personal
Martial Arts Mastery- p51, 1-3 pts, Personal
Offhand Shooting- p52, 2 pts
Paired Weapons- p52, 2 pts
Skillful- p52, 1-5 pts, Personal
Swift Strike- p52, 2 pts
Weapon Technique- p52, 1-2 pts, Personal
Mastery Powers
Animation- p53, 1-5 pts; Concentration
Conjuring- p52, 1-5 pts
Sense X- p53, 1 pt
Summoning- p53, 1-5 pts, Concentration
Transmutation- p53, 1-5 pts
X Mastery- p54, 1-5 pts, Maintained, Concentration
Bio-Manipulation Powers (Personal)
Astral Projection- p57, 4 pts
Boost- p55, 1-3 pts, Situational
Changeling- p56, 2 pts Maintained
Copycat- p56, 2-10 pts
Density Increase- p58, 2-6 pts
Duplication- p56 ,1-5 pts
Extra Limbs- p57, 1-3 pts, Sustained
Ghost Form- p57, 1-3 pts, Maintained
Growing- p57, 1-5 pts, Sustained
Healing- p59, 1-5 pts, Concentration
Imbue- (AP vol 1 p4) 1-5 pts
Mimic- p59, 3-4 pts, Maintained
Shape-Shifting- p59, 4 pts
Shrinking- p59, 1-5 pts, Sustained
Size- p58 & p60, 1-5 pts, Always On
Skill Mimic- p56, 1-5pts
Stretching- p60, 1-5 pts, Sustained
Cosmic Powers*
Cosmic Grace- p99, 5+ pts
Cosmic Might- p99, 5+ pts
Cosmic Thought- p99, 5+ pts
Creation- p99, 5+ pts
Fate- p100, 5+ pts
Life- p101, 10+ pts
Omnipotence- p102, 5+ pts, Variable
Omniscience- p102, 5+ pts
Time & Space- (AP vol. 3 p9) 10+ pts

* = see text

Note- the following powers received partial updates in AP:
-Weaken in vol. 5, p10
-Telepathy on vol 5, p18
-Super Speed in AP vol. 9 p. 13
-Time and Space in AP vol. 9 p. 24

Optional Powers
Combat Powers
Curse of Unluck (AP #7, pg 11) 4 pts
Energy Battery- (AP vol. 2 p27) 4 pts
Reverse Fortune (AP #7, pg 12) 1-5 pts
Serendipity (AP #7, pg 16) 2 pts
Uncanny Intuition (AP #7, pg 16) 2 pts
Mastery Powers
Computer Interface- (AP vol. 6, p42) 1-5 pts
Defy the Odds (AP #7, pg 15) 4 pts
Foresight (AP #7, pg 19) 2 pts
Invasive Broadcast- (AP vol 2, p33 / AP vol 6 p30) 1 pt
Karma Battery (AP #7, pg 13) 1-5 pts
Karmic Credit (AP #7, pg 15) 1-5 pts
Luck Pool (AP #7, pg 16) 1-5 pts
Luck Storing (AP #7, pg 16) 1-3 +1 pts
Trick Ammunition- (AP vol. 6, p25) 1-10 pts
Bio-Manipulation Powers
Detachable Limbs- (AP vol. 2, p32) 1-3 pts
Transparency- (AP vol. 3 p13) 1, 3, or 5 pts
Temporal Displacement (AP # 9 p. 19) 3 pts.
Speed Recovery (AP # 9 p. 20) 1 pt.
Undo (AP # 9 p. 27) 3 pts.
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Post by BASHMAN »

Wow that is some impressive work! I am sure people will find this useful!
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Post by Sijo »

Thanks Mr. Bashman, coming from the game's creator that's some praise indeed! :D I'm already working on the Enhancements and Limitations Lists, they should be posted soon.
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Post by Supertodd »

This is great. I've been working on a spreadsheet of all the powers with their Awesome Powers equivalents.

I've already had a combined list of the Skills, Enhancements, Limitations, Advantages, and Disadvantages from UE and Sci-Fi for my Marvel Cinematic Universe campaign. I'll post it on the BASH! Facebook page.
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Post by Sijo »

Thank you, Supertodd! Your list is very impressive too! Be sure to let us see your spreadsheet when it's done!
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Post by fairytalejedi »

Thank you, Sijo. Your work is appreciated. Happy holidays. :)
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Post by BASHMAN »

Great minds think alike!
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Post by Sijo »

Heh, thanks. :P I'm still going to post my other trait lists since I've already wrote most of them up and they are slightly different from Todd's. It's just that I've been busy these past few days and they need some tweaking in any case. But you should see them soon.
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Post by MrJupiter »

Thanks for the handy list, Sijo!
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Post by Sijo »

Power Enhancements Rearranged

Continuing my series of rearrangements of BASH trait lists for better selectivity, I turn now to Power Enhancements. (Sorry about the delay, I have been busy. I also wanted to reformat my list into one different from Super Todd's.) I realized that most people pick their characters' Powers first, so that was the way to go.

Oh, and I also decided after some thought that the power “Detachable Limbs” is different enough to count as its own Power; I'll update my Optional Powers list accordingly.

The list is divided into three parts: The first shows enhancements that affect a single, specific power. The second shows enhancements that affect certain kinds of powers (read their individual descriptions.) Finally, the third shows enhancements that can be used with most if not all powers.

These Enhancements are taken from the books BASH Ultimate Edition, Awesome Powers # 1-6, and the ADEL File (which is a third-party product, but I feel its material is very useful.)

Note: only enhancements with official names are listed.

All enhancements cost 1 Character Point unless otherwise stated.

Alterations and Equipment Enhancements are not included.

UE = Ultimate Edition, AP = Awesome Powers, AF = Adel File

For Specific Powers:
Power- Enhancement
Absorption- Countering (AP #1, pg 4)
Armor- Kinetic Conversion (AP #4, pg 15)
Duplication- Original (+2 Pts) (AP #6, pg 10)
Energy Battery- Super-Charge(AP #2, pg 27)
Healing- Regenerative (AP #1, pg 6)
Nullify- Greater Nullification (2-4 Pts) (AP #6, pg 10)
Push- Collide Together (AP #4, pg 18)
Shape-Shifting- CP Proxy (+1-6 pts) (AF, pg 7)
Slow- Lethargic (AP #1, pg 6), Quagmire (AP # 9 p. 9)
Telekinesis- Very Fine Manipulation (AP #5, pg 11)
Telepath- Psychic Switchboard (AP #5, pg 18)
Trick Ammunition- On the Fly (2pts) (AP #6, pg 26), Extra Shots (AP #6, pg 26)

For Certain Types of Powers:
Accidents Happen (AP #7, pg 10)
Adjustable (AP #6, pg 9)
Affects Area 1-5 (1-5 Points) (AP #4, pg 11)
Affects Others (UE, pg 38)
Affects Range 1-5 (1-5 Points) (AP #4, pg 11)
Affects X (UE, pg 38)
Annihilation (5pts) (UE, pg 98)
Cornering (AP #2, pg 11)
Double-Maker (AP #7, pg 10)
Extended Duration (UE, pg 38)
Extended Range 1-5 (1-5 Points) (AP #5, pg 11)
Friend From Foe (AP #6, pg 10)
Ghost Strike (+2 pts) (AP #3, pg 10)
Graceful (AP #2, pg 11)
Inaudible (AP #2, pg 11)
Inseparable (1-2 pts) (AF, pg 7)
Lightning Reflex (AP #3, pg 10)
Lockout (AP #6, pg 10)
Mach Speed (AF, pg 7)
Movable (AP #1, pg 6)
Opaque (AP #1, pg 6)
Overcharge (AF, pg 8)
Overdrive (AP #1, pg 6)
Persistent (+2 pts) AP # 9 p. 9
Programmed Response (AP #5, pg 11)
Psychic Deflection (AP #5, pg 11)
Reach (AP #1, pg 6)
Recharge (UE, pg 39)
Reinforceable (AP #2, pg 11)
Resilient (AF, pg 8)
Reusable (+2 Points) (AP #5, pg 11)
Reversible (AP #1, pg 6)
Second Nature (UE, pg 39)
Sidestep (AP # 9 p. 9)
Skill Substitution (AP #8, pg 10)
Space (UE, pg 98)
Staggering (AP #6, pg 10)
Summon (AF, pg 8)
Tactical Shunt (AP #3, pg 10)
Target Exclusion (AP #4, pg 11)
Target Only (AP #1, pg 7)
Unbreakable (AP #1, pg 7)
Unseen (+2 Pts) (AP #1, pg 6)
Vampiric (AP #1, pg 7)

For Most Powers:
After-Effect (+2 Pts) (AP #1, pg 5)
Automatic (+1-2 pts) (AP #1, pg 5)
Bypass (+2 Pts) (AP #1, pg 5)
Delay (AP #3, pg 10)
Doubles (AP #2, pg 11)
Esoteric Training (AP #1, pg 5)
Extra Effect (UE, pg 38)
Linked (UE, pg 39)
Multi-Power (UE, pg 39)
Remote Use (AP #3, pg 10)
Undetectable (AP #7, pg 10)
Variable 2-5 (2+ Points) (AP #4, pg 11, updated in #6, pg 10)
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Post by Sijo »

Power Limitations Rearranged

Now for the final Power Modifications, the Limitations. (Alterations are covered in Awesome Powers #6, pg 9.) The format is the same as for the Power Enhancements.

The Primary Limitation on a power reduces the cost by 1 point; Secondary Limitations give 1 Hero point per Issue when activated instead.

Again, only named Limitations are listed.

As usual, UE = Ultimate Edition, AP = Awesome Powers, and AF = ADEL File

For a Specific Power:
Power- Limitation
Flight- Maximum Altitude (AP #1 pg 7), Tethered (AP #1 pg 7)
Teleportation- Self Only (AP #3 pg 15)
Transparency- Translucent (AP #3 pg 13)

For Certain Kinds of Powers:
All or Nothing (AP #3 pg 10)
Always On (UE, pg 36)
Avoidable (AP #4 pg 12)
Awkward (AP #2 pg 11)
Concentration (UE, pg 36)
Consuming (AF, pg 8)
Difficult (AP #8, pg 10)
Diminished X (AP #1 pg 7)
Disruption (AP #1 pg 7)
Energy Hog (AF, pg 9)
Extreme Focus (AP #8, pg 10)
Fading (UE, pg 37)
Inaccuracy (AP #3 pg 10)
Impairment (AF, pg 9)
Limited Duration (AP #2 pg 11)
Maintained (AP # 9 p. 10)
Only Affects Others (UE, pg 37)
Permeable (AP #4 pg 12)
Personal (UE, pg 38)
Poor Manipulation (AP #6 pg 11)
Reciprocal (AP #5 pg 11)
Recoil (AP #2 pg 11)
Retrieval Required (AP #6 pg 10)
Same Source (UE, pg 38)

For Most Powers:
Activation (UE, pg 36) (updated in AP #7, pg 10)
Addicting (AP #6 pg 10)
Backlash (AP #3 pg 10)
Burn-Out (UE, pg 36)
Casting (UE, pg 92)
Charges (UE, pg 36)
Clumsy (AP #6 pg 10)
Debilitating (AF, pg 8)
Distracting (AP #6 pg 10)
Disorienting (UE, pg 36)
Energy Cost (UE, pg 36)
Finite (UE, pg 37)
Fluke (AP #3 pg 10)
Gadget (Easily Taken, Fragile, Ammo) (UE, pg 37), (Frailty, AP #1 pg 7) (updated in AP #6, pg 11)
Gradual (UE, pg 37)
Half Effect vs. XY (AP # 9 p. 10)
Immobile (UE, pg 37)
No Effect Vs. X (AP #1 pg 7)
Only affects X (UE, pg 38)
Partial Effect (AP #1 pg 7)
Random (AF, pg 9)
Restrained (AF, pg 9)
Side Effect (AP #4 pg 12)
Silenced (AP #3 pg 10)
Single Use (UE, pg 38)
Situational (UE, pg 38)
Skill Check (AP #6 pg 10) (updated in AP #8, pg 10)
Time (UE, pg 38)
Tiring (UE, pg 38)
Vs. High-Stat (AP # 9 p. 10)
Warm-Up (AP #2 pg 11)
Weakening (AP #6 pg 11)
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Post by MrJupiter »

Fantastic compilations of Enhancements and Limitations! These lists are going to be very handy references. Thanks, Sijo.
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Post by Sijo »

Thanks Mr. Jupiter! :D And here's a new alternate List: Advantages!

Advantages Rearranged

This list is also divided into three parts: Super Advantages are those only superhuman or non-human beings can take. Personal Advantages describe the character; while Situational Advantages are external to the character- they can be anything from equipment carried to their social status.

Advantages don't cost Character Points; instead you must take one Disadvantage for every Advantage taken. Alternatively, you may take a Setback instead.

UE = Ultimate Edition, AP = Awesome Powers, AF = ADEL File

Super Advantages
Ascetic Discipline (AP #8, pg 10)
Brain in a Jar (AP #2, pg 11)
Cyborg (AP #2, pg 12)
Energy Efficient (AF, pg 3)
Energy Reserves (AF, pg 3)
Grimoire (UE, pg 92)
Healing Trance (AP #8, pg 10)
Immortality (UE, pg 11)
Instant Change (UE, pg 11)
Mental Link (AP #5, pg 10)
Multiple Suits / Bodies (AP #2, pg 12)
Non-Sentience (UE, pg 11)
Pocket Dimension (AP #3, pg 9)
Relic (AF, pg 4)
Unliving (UE, pg 12)

Personal Advantages
Alter Ego (UE, pg 10)
Appeal (UE, pg 10)
Composure (AF, pg 3)
Fearless (UE, pg 10)
Frightening Presence (UE, pg 10)
Furtive Movements (AF, pg 3)
Gadgeteer (UE, pg 10)
Jack of All Trades (UE, pg 11)
Leadership (UE, pg 11)
Lethal Weapons (UE, pg 88)
Never Surrender (UE, pg 11)
Perseverance (AF, pg 3)
Photographic Memory (UE, pg 11)
Quick-Thinking (UE, pg 11)
Versatile (UE, pg 12)

Situational Advantages
Arch-Villain (villain advantage) (UE pg 69)
Celebrity (UE, pg 10)
Contacts (UE, pg 10)
Contingency Program (AP #2, pg 11)
Devoted Henchmen (villain advantage) (UE pg 69)
Dumb Luck (UE, pg 10)
From the Future (AP # 9 p. 10)
Headquarters (UE, pg 10)
Membership (AP #4, pg 9)
Mentor (UE, pg 11)
Police Powers (UE, pg 11)
Portable Suit (AP #2, pg 12)
Remote Control (AP #2, pg 12)
Resources (UE, pg 11)
Right Place: Right Time (AP #7, pg 10)
Royalty (UE, pg 92)
Security Clearance (UE, pg 12)
Security System (AP #2, pg 12)
Sidekick/Pet (UE, pg 12)
Steward (AF, pg 4)
Super Vehicle (UE, pg 12)
Support Squad (AP #2, pg 12)
Time Machine (AP # 9 p. 10)
Untouchable (villain advantage) (UE pg 69)
Last edited by Sijo on Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Sijo »

Disadvantages Rearranged

And now for the Disadvantages.

This list uses the same format of my Advantages list. Super Disadvantages apply to superhuman or nonhuman beings; Personal Disadvantages help describe the character; while Situational Disadvantages depend on things external to it, like equipment or social status.

Each Disadvantage taken gives the character one Advantage in return. Optionally, a Disadvantage gains it Hero Points when they come into play.

UE = Ultimate Edition, AP = Awesome Powers, AF = ADEL File

Super Disadvantages
Clone (AP # 3, pg 9)
Cosmic Conscript (AP # 3, pg 10)
Cursed (UE pg 92)
Detrimental Metabolism (AP # 9 p. 11)
Freak (UE pg 12)
Hidden Powers (UE pg 12)
Involuntary Change (UE pg 13)
Limited Reserves (AF, pg 5)
Maximum Capacity (AP # 2, pg 12)
Mental Hook (AP # 5, pg 10)
Normal (UE pg 13)
Obtrusive (AF, pg 5)
Onerous Change (AF, pg 6)
Susceptibility (UE pg 13)
Techno-Jynx (AP # 6, pg 9)
Time Paradox (AP # 9 p. 11)
Uncontrollable Powers (UE pg 14)
Unsustainable Powers (AP # 9 p. 11)
Unstable Powers (AF, pg 6)

Personal Disadvantages
Addict (UE pg 88)
Age (UE pg 12)
Fatigued (AF, pg 4)
Frail (AF, pg 5)
Headaches (AF, pg 5)
Honor Bound (UE pg 92)
Illiterate (UE pg 92)
Moral Code (villain disadvantage) (UE pg 69)
Non-Combatant (AP # 4, pg 11)
Old Injury (AF, pg 5)
Physically Challenged (UE pg 13)
Short Temper (AF, pg 6)
Unskilled (UE pg 14)
Vertigo (AF, pg 7)
Voices (AF, pg 7)

Situational Disadvantages
Arch-Enemy (UE pg 12)
Bad Luck Rubs Off (AP #7, pg 10)
Dark Future (AP # 9 p. 11)
Destitute (UE pg 12)
Duty (UE pg 12)
In a Relationship (UE pg 13)
On the Run (UE pg 13)
Outsider (UE pg 13)
Public ID (UE pg 13)
Pursued (AF, pg 6)
Revolting Development (AF, pg 6)
Rogue’s Gallery (UE pg 13)
Secret (UE pg 13)
Social Stigma (UE pg 14)
Ward (UE pg 14)
Last edited by Sijo on Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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