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Newbie stumbling out of the blocks!
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:17 am
by loudriver
So, I'm stumbling out of the blocks a bit with BASH! and how powers are defined/used . Mostly the point buy in system itself.
So, if I'm understanding correctly each power costs 1 point per level of proficiency, with a cap at 5! Of course I can take an enhancement, or limitation to increase/decrease the cost accordingly.
Here's my confusion, I'm looking at some of the movement powers
1 pt, Sustained.
Then Flight
1-5 pts, Maintained.
What's with the points listings? I mean it's already established that all powers cost 1 pt per level? And with Flight, what's with the range of 1-5?
I mean, let's say I'm wanting a super fast flying super-hero, so I put everything into flight. 5 pts.
I can now fly at 25 squares a panel which if my math serves correct is about 430 MPH hardly super-heroic.
Also looking at the super-vehicles, a fighter jet has a flight rating of 5 as well, and we know a jet can hit speeds well over 430mph.
I know i must be simply missing something, but I've read the powers section several times now and I'm just not seeing it.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:33 am
by bentleyml
My understanding, which I'll admit isn't perfect, is some powers are bought in levels (like Flight) and others Clinging have a certain cost. Another one is Bouncing, which costs 3 points. So for 2 points you have the ability to cling to walls. Where as Flight you can have at levels 1-5 and costs 1-5 points. I of course could be wrong.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:40 am
by loudriver
I thought that too but doesn't Teleportation have a range of 1-10?
So a hero could teleport themselves to a distant galaxy, whereas by my understanding can only fly half the speed of sound.
I know I am missing something.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:06 pm
by bentleyml
Well Flight doesn't give specific speeds associated with each level, but a number of squares per level per panel.
Hopefully someone more versed in the system can step in and explain things more clearly than I can.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:16 pm
by loudriver
The way I interpret flight or movement is 5 squares per panel per level.
So if 1 square = 5 feet.
and 1 page = ( a few seconds)
I just used
1 panel = 1 second
at level 5 that's 25 squares or 125 ft per second
so if you multiply
125 * 60
then by 60 again that's 450,000 ft per hr
then divide by 5230 the number of ft in a mile I get 86 MPH.
I dunno where I came up with 430 MPH before.
So a super hero can only fly at 86 mph.
I'm missing something, I know i am .
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:53 pm
by loudriver
Okay so it took me some time, but the search function works and I found the answer.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:34 pm
by MrJupiter
I might be wrong on this but page 42 of both versions of BASH:Ultimate Edition outlines rules for the maximum speed of super movement powers. It breaks down to
10mph x maximum squares per panel for your
hourly speed or
3 x maximum squares per panel for your
speed per page.
That means Flight 5 (25 sq/panel) can have a maximum speed of 250mph (or 75 sq/page). This assumes your character has taken the full page to reach that top movement and hasn't been required to make "frequent turns" in their flight (cause then they'd only be able to use the "move twice" option described on page 17 of both editions).
Yeah, this isn’t too impressive. Especially when you consider that Yahoo Answers was touting top speeds for X-Planes at anywhere from 2500 to 4000 mph! Even a super speedster hero maxed out with Agility 5 and Super Running 5 has a 40 sq/panel move and top speed of 400mph (120 sq/page).
Well, no game is perfect: not even BASH (though it comes close). It was written to be able to make play at the game table manageable (particularly when using miniatures)! Heroes and villains zinging through downtown Megapolis at Mach 2 and 3 are pretty hard to track in relation to the other players busy busting heads with The Master and other members of the Sinister Circle. It would be enough of a headache trying to deal with a character moving at
just 75 squares per page!
Still, for those situations where Hero-X needs to fly from Megapolis to Boston (and just how many miles would that be, you ask? – I have no idea.) some kind of improvement might be found for those who really want to do it faster and without having to resort to the Teleport power. Here are three house rule ideas you might consider:
Option 1: Rule Tinkering.
The rules on page 42 for super movement and maximum speed are what apply to regular “Super Movement” powers, but Flight is an exception. The multiplier becomes x20mph (and x6 for the movement per page) for Flight’s top speed; putting this power more on par with Super Running heroes.
Option 2: Mach Fast enhancement.
Your hero can fly fast. How fast? We’re talking the speed of sound fast! With this enhancement, your hero moves at Mach 1 times his/her level in this power. So a hero with Flight 3 and the Mach Fast enhancement can move at 3 times the speed of sound or Mach 3 (2200 mph at an altitude of 100 feet*). Just don’t hit anything because the drawback of this enhancement is that you suffer a cumulative -1 Result penalty to your Agility checks per Mach factor!
Option 3: Pushing Your Flight.
On page Pg 26 of both editions of BASH:UE are rules to Push a Power. By taking 10 Hits you could give your hero the Mach Fast enhancement.
Sweet! Now your BASH games can really take off!
*Check out this calculator (scroll down):
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:37 pm
by WaylanderPK
There is the non-combat multiplier thing they do in Champions. Maybe have Non Combat movement advantage that is 10 times faster than base movement for one point. Which can only be used out of combat. Or something like that.
Mr Jupiters MACH advantage looks cool

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:50 pm
by MrJupiter
Thanks WaylanderPK.
The 10 times faster for non-combat is a great idea too.
That's the beauty of BASH: it's pretty simple to tinker with.
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:40 am
by daddystabz
I'd really love to see BASHMAN's thoughts on this.