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Reorganizing BASH! alphabetically as a "BAM! Enhanceme

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:20 pm
by kevperrine
One thing I started doing for my home group was to:

- gather ALL the power, ADS/DISADS, and anything suggested for any type genre (in the genre section of the core book), as well as the new rules (like the Heightened power from BAM! #5) and add them in with all the existing options for character creation.

- then start reorganizing each section (ADS/DISADS, Powers, Enhancements, Limitations, Weaknesses) in their own section alphabetically.

I found, that IN-play at the game table, even with and index and the page (in the core book) that has powers listed with page numbers - it was very very time consuming for my group to FIND a power to reference. Especially when Narrating, and looking to make an NPC "on-the-fly"...

Having the powers organized in sections for the core book at character creation seems to work well. But during play, I found it very challenging to look things up.

My thought and question for BASHMAN is, would it be okay to have an insert in a future issue of BAM! reorganizing each of those sections for use as a game aid. Additionally, if someone were to have Adobe Acrobat Pro, they could pull in these alphabetical pages into their core book for use. Or if someone were printing a book from PDF, add in these pages for use. Or simply print these pages alone for table-use.

I am not sure if that would be "too much" to give away in BAM! I could see giving those couple (big/important) sections of the core book as a freebie being something not desired from a sales point.
Then again, you can't really USE the powers or ADS/DISADS without knowing the full rules in the first place.

Specifically, I'm suggesting only an alphabetical update, perhaps doing any grammar/spelling edits, and potentially adding in the new rules (from BAM #4-5, like Heighten) into the mix. As well as pulling the obscure and hard to find rules from the genre section and cosmic section into alphabetical order with the rest for a single list for at-table use.

It's something I started on as a home-play Narrator Aid for myself and I was wondering if it would be a nice option/addition as a "BAM! Narrator Aid Enhancement" much in the way BAM! #5 had the new character sheet and charts at the end.


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:43 pm
by MrJupiter
It would definately be useful to have a list compiling all the official Advantages, Disadvantages, and Powers (though I don't think there are too many of these; Mind Blast does seem to come to mind).

One solid list, even just showing the appropriate page numbers to reference, would be so handy.

Cool idea!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:55 am
Sounds like a good candidate for the Downloads section of the website, in fact, and maybe a freestanding item to put for free online.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:20 am
by MrJupiter
BASHMAN wrote:Sounds like a good candidate for the Downloads section of the website, in fact, and maybe a freestanding item to put for free online.

P.S. Just noticed that the downloads page should be updated to include BAM #5; and maybe a link to the narrator's screen you made as well.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:42 am
by kroh
Ban! Ugh... hate punks like this

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:39 pm
kroh wrote:Ban! Ugh... hate punks like this
Threat neutralized.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:48 pm
by kroh
Yessir! You truly are bashman!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:55 am
by Sunslinger
I wondered whether there is a combat summary sheet. I did not find anything browsing the forum...