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A new site is being built and the Basic Action Games Discord server is an active hub for discussion and games.
(Long) Forum contribution to BAM!
- Protheuz
- Hero
- Posts: 342
- Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:00 pm
I could contribute with the "Triumvirate of the Iron Cross" (Ferrum crux crucis Triumvirate), the leaders of a secret organization.
They would be:
Ammatos, the first The mastermind behind the organization. A controler of the primal energy, capable of healing or damaging all around him.
Zoler, the second The high paladin, a swordmaster.
Orthain, the third The master of the rituals, a mage/necromancer type guy.
They would be:
Ammatos, the first The mastermind behind the organization. A controler of the primal energy, capable of healing or damaging all around him.
Zoler, the second The high paladin, a swordmaster.
Orthain, the third The master of the rituals, a mage/necromancer type guy.
- All-Father of Bash!
- Posts: 2585
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:00 pm
Might I recommend that this column start as a seperate thread? Essentially this thread is about the premise there being such a column "BASH Boards Presents" but I think each "article" developed should be a seperate thread. So make one about super villains, another about headquarters, another about an adventure (that'd be cool- a community developed adventure), etc.
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
a thought...
"we" (the fans and some game designers/creators in our own right) could help BASHMAN and the BASH! UE game alot... To take the "BASH! Boards Presents" to the next level...
If BASHMAN were open to it... BAM could become more of a "fan based" creation magazine. That way it would be published more frequently with tons of ideas.
My thought.
If BASHMAN were interested, folks could "build" the magazine "table of contents" here in the forums and choose to assign themselves "articles" for the next issue of the magazine. Including an outline of what the article would be and a timeline/due-date.
Each person interested in writing an article (or a monthly column!) could post the idea, title, and a short "blurb" regarding what the article will be when finished (you see examples of these in "upcoming" sections of magazines like Dungeon or Dragon magazine or listings for comics in distribution magazines). Just the basics of what the article will be.
Someone could offer to coordinate at organizing and gathering these articles from folks that offered.
Someone could offer to EDIT the entries. And follow-up post-design with a quick edit/look for last minute changes.
Someone that is good with the rules could offer to double-check the RULE points of each article, double-check stats, etc...
Someone that's experienced with design (such as me and others) could offer each month to do the design/layout of that month's issue.
Someone could offer to present image designs (to help the graphic layout designer) with making/supplying images for the mag (based on the article blurbs ... and either original art or art created from character generators, etc...)
THEN. Once organized... I would (like) and suggest that BASHMAN read over the mag, add his own comments (maybe each article could have a "BASHMAN Thinks!" section to end the article!) and note if the article is an OFFICIAL entry as a NEW rule that will be added to the basic BASH! UE system in future publications (like the way the "Heightened" power has been adopted into the system). OR if the article is an "optional rule" addition. Or if a character or setting is "approved by" BASH! as an official setting (owned by the creator). Or if additions to the Megapolis setting is an official "canon" entry. etc... etc...
Basically... a stamp of approval that the articles and entries ARE "BASH! approved" and "official".
I'd be happy to establish "parameters" for this publication (again - all with BASHMAN's approval) and post it as a WIKI with info on "how to" create articles and such. Then post all the "table of contents" here in the BAM section of the BASH! forums for updates and monthly offerings...
Folks (here and now) could help me figure out the "parameters" of the BAM magazine. Such as "how many articles does an issue need before it's published?", "how many pages roughly will each issue be?", "what's the maximum/desired length of articles submitted?", "are there any dos/don'ts for articles? (like 'no Marvel/DC or published trademarked characters')", "what is the basic publication goal timelines - what day of the month is the deadline for next month's articles?", etc... etc...
(please note any other questions to ask/answer)
One idea toward this thought I'm presenting... Allowing fans here to post articles and have their work presented in an "official" capacity FOR the BASH! game would essentially allow amateur writers to "cut their teeth" and get some experience at having their work published. Something to add to your game designer writing credits. Also a forum to have critiques made of your work (we could have an "Errata and Concerns" section each month for any comments posted by others from last month's issue).
This not only helps new/amateur writers get a start at experience and have something "official" published... But it also ADDS to BASH!'s material of publications greatly for BASHMAN and the game.
The negative.
It takes a little "control" away from BASHMAN as the single creator of BASH! material. But not completely, since (my suggestion is that) he'd be "approving" each article, making his own comments/thoughts on what he'd do and/or flat-out turning down articles that are not fit/appropriate or solid enough for the BASH! line. (this could be a simple request for rewrite from BASHMAN with comments if the author wants to resubmit for publication)
Thoughts? Answers or more questions along this line?
Official thoughts, BASHMAN?
fun fun...
"we" (the fans and some game designers/creators in our own right) could help BASHMAN and the BASH! UE game alot... To take the "BASH! Boards Presents" to the next level...
If BASHMAN were open to it... BAM could become more of a "fan based" creation magazine. That way it would be published more frequently with tons of ideas.
My thought.
If BASHMAN were interested, folks could "build" the magazine "table of contents" here in the forums and choose to assign themselves "articles" for the next issue of the magazine. Including an outline of what the article would be and a timeline/due-date.
Each person interested in writing an article (or a monthly column!) could post the idea, title, and a short "blurb" regarding what the article will be when finished (you see examples of these in "upcoming" sections of magazines like Dungeon or Dragon magazine or listings for comics in distribution magazines). Just the basics of what the article will be.
Someone could offer to coordinate at organizing and gathering these articles from folks that offered.
Someone could offer to EDIT the entries. And follow-up post-design with a quick edit/look for last minute changes.
Someone that is good with the rules could offer to double-check the RULE points of each article, double-check stats, etc...
Someone that's experienced with design (such as me and others) could offer each month to do the design/layout of that month's issue.
Someone could offer to present image designs (to help the graphic layout designer) with making/supplying images for the mag (based on the article blurbs ... and either original art or art created from character generators, etc...)
THEN. Once organized... I would (like) and suggest that BASHMAN read over the mag, add his own comments (maybe each article could have a "BASHMAN Thinks!" section to end the article!) and note if the article is an OFFICIAL entry as a NEW rule that will be added to the basic BASH! UE system in future publications (like the way the "Heightened" power has been adopted into the system). OR if the article is an "optional rule" addition. Or if a character or setting is "approved by" BASH! as an official setting (owned by the creator). Or if additions to the Megapolis setting is an official "canon" entry. etc... etc...
Basically... a stamp of approval that the articles and entries ARE "BASH! approved" and "official".
I'd be happy to establish "parameters" for this publication (again - all with BASHMAN's approval) and post it as a WIKI with info on "how to" create articles and such. Then post all the "table of contents" here in the BAM section of the BASH! forums for updates and monthly offerings...
Folks (here and now) could help me figure out the "parameters" of the BAM magazine. Such as "how many articles does an issue need before it's published?", "how many pages roughly will each issue be?", "what's the maximum/desired length of articles submitted?", "are there any dos/don'ts for articles? (like 'no Marvel/DC or published trademarked characters')", "what is the basic publication goal timelines - what day of the month is the deadline for next month's articles?", etc... etc...
(please note any other questions to ask/answer)
One idea toward this thought I'm presenting... Allowing fans here to post articles and have their work presented in an "official" capacity FOR the BASH! game would essentially allow amateur writers to "cut their teeth" and get some experience at having their work published. Something to add to your game designer writing credits. Also a forum to have critiques made of your work (we could have an "Errata and Concerns" section each month for any comments posted by others from last month's issue).
This not only helps new/amateur writers get a start at experience and have something "official" published... But it also ADDS to BASH!'s material of publications greatly for BASHMAN and the game.
The negative.
It takes a little "control" away from BASHMAN as the single creator of BASH! material. But not completely, since (my suggestion is that) he'd be "approving" each article, making his own comments/thoughts on what he'd do and/or flat-out turning down articles that are not fit/appropriate or solid enough for the BASH! line. (this could be a simple request for rewrite from BASHMAN with comments if the author wants to resubmit for publication)
Thoughts? Answers or more questions along this line?
Official thoughts, BASHMAN?
fun fun...
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
Looking at the other forum threads, specifically - the "BAM! FAQ" thread. It seems that THIS idea I'm proposing IS already in place. Sort of.
BASHMAN makes it clear some of the submission guidelines for BAM, meaning inherently that everything I'm asking about is sort of "in play" and ready for accepting articles to publish.
The ONLY thing that's not in place that I'm suggesting, is taking the "load" of the organization and design off BASHMAN's hands.
Coordination of articles per month and the layout seems to be one of the main things that might be "holding up" each issue. Because... I'd imagine if you have a person COMMITTED to helping organize articles, you WOULD have an "advocate" in someone to go ask for or enlist folks to create new articles or even expand on forum posts.
That advocate COULD ALSO look for ideas from anyone volunteering OR email and ask folks from posts about BASH! found in the BASH! forums or even in other forums - for example... if someone writes a neat post on the M&M Forums, or RPGnet, or Champions, etc... this "organizer" (or anyone seeing a neat idea) could approach that person and invite them to update/finish the post idea for a full article in the next BAM issue.
Once enough articles are "planned" watch and ask for the deadline timeline monthly (the same day each month). Then collect the articles and organize them.
If there's someone willing to edit... Facilitate that too.
Then pass it along to the layout volunteer.
Then back to the coordinator and to BASHMAN for approval.
Then publish.
We could establish a (literal) calendar and choose the day of the month for article entry. As well as the layout and edit time to finish/publish. So any fan could watch, wait and see each issue come out on time.
For Example:
Article Submission Date for the Next Issue of BAM: the 1st Monday of each new month.
Article Organization completion: the 1st Wednesday following that.
BAM Layout completion: the 1st Sunday following that.
Edits & BASHMAN approvals: the 2nd Monday of the month. And back to the layout-designer to publish to PDF, for the coordinator to post a link on the forums.
easy-peasy simple!
That's alot of control of a BASH! made material BASHMAN would be trusting with fan creation. But, it would also be open to his approval or not.
If BASHMAN okay's the project plan...
Anyone want to volunteer??
Looking at the other forum threads, specifically - the "BAM! FAQ" thread. It seems that THIS idea I'm proposing IS already in place. Sort of.
BASHMAN makes it clear some of the submission guidelines for BAM, meaning inherently that everything I'm asking about is sort of "in play" and ready for accepting articles to publish.
The ONLY thing that's not in place that I'm suggesting, is taking the "load" of the organization and design off BASHMAN's hands.
Coordination of articles per month and the layout seems to be one of the main things that might be "holding up" each issue. Because... I'd imagine if you have a person COMMITTED to helping organize articles, you WOULD have an "advocate" in someone to go ask for or enlist folks to create new articles or even expand on forum posts.
That advocate COULD ALSO look for ideas from anyone volunteering OR email and ask folks from posts about BASH! found in the BASH! forums or even in other forums - for example... if someone writes a neat post on the M&M Forums, or RPGnet, or Champions, etc... this "organizer" (or anyone seeing a neat idea) could approach that person and invite them to update/finish the post idea for a full article in the next BAM issue.
Once enough articles are "planned" watch and ask for the deadline timeline monthly (the same day each month). Then collect the articles and organize them.
If there's someone willing to edit... Facilitate that too.
Then pass it along to the layout volunteer.
Then back to the coordinator and to BASHMAN for approval.
Then publish.
We could establish a (literal) calendar and choose the day of the month for article entry. As well as the layout and edit time to finish/publish. So any fan could watch, wait and see each issue come out on time.
For Example:
Article Submission Date for the Next Issue of BAM: the 1st Monday of each new month.
Article Organization completion: the 1st Wednesday following that.
BAM Layout completion: the 1st Sunday following that.
Edits & BASHMAN approvals: the 2nd Monday of the month. And back to the layout-designer to publish to PDF, for the coordinator to post a link on the forums.
easy-peasy simple!
That's alot of control of a BASH! made material BASHMAN would be trusting with fan creation. But, it would also be open to his approval or not.
If BASHMAN okay's the project plan...
Anyone want to volunteer??
- All-Father of Bash!
- Posts: 2585
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:00 pm
Kevin, I'm fine with that. The current method of building BAM! Articles has been slow, actually; so putting together a whole issue and having me read it over works well.
I would want to add stuff- I like my "To the Rescue" column, for instance, and also would want to make sure that I can give tidbits for other BASH! stuff coming down the line.
But otherwise, it sounds good to me.
I would want to add stuff- I like my "To the Rescue" column, for instance, and also would want to make sure that I can give tidbits for other BASH! stuff coming down the line.
But otherwise, it sounds good to me.
- MrJupiter
- Cosmic Hero
- Posts: 1505
- Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Trenton, Ont. (Canada)
This is a great idea I love contributing to BAM. I already have an article on super teams in the pike, just waiting for BASHMAN's approval.
As for the development side of things, I was wondering if there would be a way of hosting the actual development footwork off this forum in some effecient manner. We could still post updates on what's coming, post errata, and solicite fan/forum requests and discussion on articles or ideas here, but keep the heavy development work somewhere else so that the full content of each issue is still fresh (and a little surprising).
My only caviate is that, with so little time to spare, I don't think I could make a monthly contribution rate!
How about a bi-monthly schedule?
As for the development side of things, I was wondering if there would be a way of hosting the actual development footwork off this forum in some effecient manner. We could still post updates on what's coming, post errata, and solicite fan/forum requests and discussion on articles or ideas here, but keep the heavy development work somewhere else so that the full content of each issue is still fresh (and a little surprising).
My only caviate is that, with so little time to spare, I don't think I could make a monthly contribution rate!
How about a bi-monthly schedule?
- MrJupiter
- Cosmic Hero
- Posts: 1505
- Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Trenton, Ont. (Canada)
More great additions! Every supers setting worth it's salt needs supernatural elements, and the leaders of this dark cabal would be an awesome inclusion.Protheuz wrote:I could contribute with the "Triumvirate of the Iron Cross" (Ferrum crux crucis Triumvirate), the leaders of a secret organization.
They would be:
Ammatos, the first The mastermind behind the organization. A controler of the primal energy, capable of healing or damaging all around him.
Zoler, the second The high paladin, a swordmaster.
Orthain, the third The master of the rituals, a mage/necromancer type guy.
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
BASHMAN wrote:Kevin, I'm fine with that. The current method of building BAM! Articles has been slow, actually; so putting together a whole issue and having me read it over works well.
I would want to add stuff- I like my "To the Rescue" column, for instance, and also would want to make sure that I can give tidbits for other BASH! stuff coming down the line.
But otherwise, it sounds good to me.
Tidbits and your own additions would be wonderful. I'd add (as I hinted at), maybe even every article could have your "quick comment" added (in a little thought bubble maybe) at the end of the article for "BASHMAN's thoughts" on this article...
MrJupiter wrote:This is a great idea I love contributing to BAM. I already have an article on super teams in the pike, just waiting for BASHMAN's approval.
As for the development side of things, I was wondering if there would be a way of hosting the actual development footwork off this forum in some effecient manner. We could still post updates on what's coming, post errata, and solicite fan/forum requests and discussion on articles or ideas here, but keep the heavy development work somewhere else so that the full content of each issue is still fresh (and a little surprising).
My only caviate is that, with so little time to spare, I don't think I could make a monthly contribution rate!
How about a bi-monthly schedule?
Monthly vs. Bi-Monthly
I'd suggest an "aggressive" schedule, sticking with a monthly plan as best possible. The mag could plan to have xx articles per issue. If that number is not met, then this month's "organizer" would post to everyone on the forum saying so... asking for more input, etc... then hopefully gather enough for the next issue.
That said... we might want to set that number some what low. Or on an "average" of page count. Something somewhat low for a PDF like:
12-15 articles
8-12 pages (not counting cover)
Whichever hits the spot first.
Fan Contributions
I wouldn't worry about how much YOU can add specifically. It'd be great for you, me, or others to always volunteer 1-2 or more articles. Then again if you can't, you can't. It's all volunteer anyway. Also. You could plan articles "officially" (ie. telling the organizer and giving a mini-blurb for pre-month distribution), then write as much as you want. And turn them in as you finish, if needed for the current issue - GREAT, if not it'd wait for next month.
Working on the Mag
I'd suggest using a Wiki for any "work". For holding the Official Monthly Mag calendar plan, etc... Anyone can update a wiki for this purpose.
As for actual articles or Mag work. I think it'd be best to keep private until turned in. If a duo/group were to work on an article, they could do it by email together.
If all this seems good we need to "organize" the opening group of "facilitators". Meaning... find people to volunteer for the base duties:
- Organizer and solicitor of articles.
- Editor for grammar/spelling and final PDF art look and rule checker.
- Layout designer
I can aid the first "organizer" volunteer for the month. Or perhaps work on it as partners with someone. Mr. J. - would YOU be able to be co-organizer with me for the first issue? We could talk about details of how to do it and what to do privately. We'd set up the "format" of HOW to organize the plan monthly as we go and post those suggestions we learn on the wiki.
Speaking of a wiki. I can set up the initial wiki plan for the BAM project. I've done it dozens of times for each of my home RPGames. It's fun and easy.
I am not an editor. I stink at spelling/grammar. And don't have the fortitude to check stats and rules.
I'd be happy to volunteer for the Layout designer for the first month. (which will actually "set" the design fairly good for future issues easy layout). I'll set it up in a WORD doc so that anyone potentially can edit it. You can export directly from Word to make a PDF easily.
As an opening "salvo" of good intentions.
I toyed around with a new BAM! logo. Clearly I'm a Bruce Timm fan (as BASH! has always been). So I whipped up some images in that style.
I'd love comments. And if folks think one of these would be cool enough to use.

- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
- MrJupiter
- Cosmic Hero
- Posts: 1505
- Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Trenton, Ont. (Canada)
Hey kevperrine, these are all fantastic. I love that top right piece (I'll call it #3) the most as it is perfect for the title and also gives room for issue's cover art!
The lower piece would make a great header for each page (if the mag goes that route).
I like the idea of an 8 to 12 page count goal most, but even the 12 to 15 articles seems kinda reachable considering most articles would probably be one or two pages.
The lower piece would make a great header for each page (if the mag goes that route).
I like the idea of an 8 to 12 page count goal most, but even the 12 to 15 articles seems kinda reachable considering most articles would probably be one or two pages.
- MrJupiter
- Cosmic Hero
- Posts: 1505
- Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Trenton, Ont. (Canada)
This is such an enticing offer that I want to say yes; BUT the pressures of time and wife (mostly because of the time) force me to decline. I’m still in for the submitting of content though! [Did I mention that I have a Super-Team article already submitted? That could get the ball rolling.]kevperrine wrote: … If all this seems good we need to "organize" the opening group of "facilitators". Meaning... find people to volunteer for the base duties:
- Organizer and solicitor of articles.
- Editor for grammar/spelling and final PDF art look and rule checker.
- Layout designer
I can aid the first "organizer" volunteer for the month. Or perhaps work on it as partners with someone. Mr. J. - would YOU be able to be co-organizer with me for the first issue? We could talk about details of how to do it and what to do privately. We'd set up the "format" of HOW to organize the plan monthly as we go and post those suggestions we learn on the wiki.
Speaking of a wiki…
- All-Father of Bash!
- Posts: 2585
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:00 pm
Yes, sir, and I just read it and LOVE IT, Mr. J! I have a couple ideas for revisions, but it looks very cool! I think it might be a good idea for us to have a "Theme" for particular issues.MrJupiter wrote: [Did I mention that I have a Super-Team article already submitted? That could get the ball rolling.]
Perhaps the next issue could be "Teamwork"- with this being the basis of your Article; I think a list of some Sample HQs as well as some sample Villain Teams or Hero Teams would be a good call for next issue.
- kevperrine
- Paragon
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- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
MrJupiter wrote: This is such an enticing offer that I want to say yes; BUT the pressures of time and wife (mostly because of the time) force me to decline. I’m still in for the submitting of content though! [Did I mention that I have a Super-Team article already submitted? That could get the ball rolling.]
Okay. Two thoughts.
No pressure at all Mr.J. however.... I was/am suggesting the first issue (by we fans) we work as co-organizers specifically to combat that stress on any single person. Also, the first organizer(s) will set a precedent (and outline even) for the future volunteers.
That said...
I would be excited enough to be willing to "take point" on this, but I'd appreciate a co-organizer to help me think/plan. Basically someone to email thoughts with and maybe do a few little things to get rolling.
One of the BIG things that I think would be a very first thing for the organizer to do is to make a short list of potential volunteers for articles (and/or for a co-organizer).
Basically, what I'm asking for HERE & NOW is a short suggestion list of names of people hear on the forums or elsewhere that would be great to contact with a "request". Sending a sort of "hey wanna get involved" letter. And also... looking through the many past posts on these forums and any others for GREAT ideas that could be turned into full articles for the first issue and ask the author - "hey can we use your post for an article and would you want to update it?".
Basically... I see the names of the people that POST the most around for BASH!. I'm looking for help in making a list of those people (here) that we can send a PM to.
And also a link/list of posts that might be great to "turn into" articles. Clearly many of these could come from posts in the various forums here, it would be great to narrow down some of the best with links to them - so that (I) can contact the writer/creator.
The next big step (for the organizer) would be to create a table on contents for the issue. Getting those articles/writers thinking. And finding someone to EDIT the rules and grammar.
any suggestions on all that?
I will create a wiki for the working page of the new BAM! plan.
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
MrJupiter wrote:Hey kevperrine, these are all fantastic. I love that top right piece (I'll call it #3) the most as it is perfect for the title and also gives room for issue's cover art!.
Thank you!
I also liked that one. I'd like other's thoughts on those, any suggested changes on those. AND ideas for completely other ideas.
I'd also like to hear BASHMAN's thoughts, again - with this *new* plan HE is the ultimate authority on approval for making it (and anything in the new BAM) an "official" part of BASH! material. So... any changes or complete revisions on that logo are up to him. (I've learned as a designer to have little "ego" for corrections or suggestions, so I'm open to critique - just keep them polite, hehe)
As for "cover art" ... I've been thinking on that.
Since we'll be (likely) hit or miss on actual ART for the mag, since that is honestly one of the hardest things to get volunteers for (and since it's an "official" mag we can't use non-custom art)... I was thinking about making a "generic" BUT STILL COOL basic cover that has something as simple as an issue "number and theme-title" change each issue. Rather than trying to come up with a new cover art each issue.
The big reason I suggest this is that I *refuse* to work/design something of lower quality. And frankly - many of the "volunteer" art I've seen on many publications tends to be amatuerish and ugly. I'd rather see a "standardized" cover that's in a neat "superheroy" style that reoccurs monthly.
I'm thinking of designing something like a "U.R.G.E.N.T." dossier style cover. Or a neat "trouble alert" screen. Or something neat but simple with panels and pages of blown up half-tone comic images and a nice clean
(with a short title list of articles)
MrJupiter wrote:The lower piece would make a great header for each page (if the mag goes that route)..
I thought that same thing when I posted it here. Hadn't considered it until then. But yeah - 100%. I'd add some neat stuff for a full boarder-bleed around the page as a "header/footer" in the WORD Doc I set up for the design. That way, each issue would have the SAME boarder and style and anyone could do the layout.
MrJupiter wrote:I like the idea of an 8 to 12 page count goal most, but even the 12 to 15 articles seems kinda reachable considering most articles would probably be one or two pages.
Yup. I was simply thinking, whichever comes first. And focus around 8-12 pages.