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A new site is being built and the Basic Action Games Discord server is an active hub for discussion and games.
(Long) Forum contribution to BAM!
- kevperrine
- Paragon
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- Location: Detroit, MI
One additional thought.
I will go back and look.... but BASHMAN, are there any articles from the previous BAM issues that would be great for "updating" to BASH! UE rules?
I think it would be great to "revisit" old ideas from previous versions and update anything of value.
I also think it would be handy to make a short list of all the articles from previous issues to know what's come before. For future article volunteers.
anyone want to help with a quick title and blurb run-down of previous issues?
I will go back and look.... but BASHMAN, are there any articles from the previous BAM issues that would be great for "updating" to BASH! UE rules?
I think it would be great to "revisit" old ideas from previous versions and update anything of value.
I also think it would be handy to make a short list of all the articles from previous issues to know what's come before. For future article volunteers.
anyone want to help with a quick title and blurb run-down of previous issues?
- kevperrine
- Paragon
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- Location: Detroit, MI
hmmm... did excitement, interest, questions, comments and thoughts die away for this NEW idea?
Or did the weekend just hit?
I get jazzed on late Saturdays/Sundays to plan hobby fun like this. I'd love thoughts about how this idea might come together. Who's interested in voluneteering/helping and giving ideas. Who's got articles to work on?
Or did the weekend just hit?
I get jazzed on late Saturdays/Sundays to plan hobby fun like this. I'd love thoughts about how this idea might come together. Who's interested in voluneteering/helping and giving ideas. Who's got articles to work on?
- Dragonfly
- Superhero
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- Location: Miami, Florida
What a great idea all of this is! I'd love to contribute, but am hitting another busy patch at work. I do, however, have an article on expanding the weapons rules. BASHMAN already took a look at a rough, rough version and thought it would make a good article. SO, as people are figuring out what the themes for the various issues are, keep that article in mind. I can polish it up and have it ready for a deadline if need be. Otherwise, I'll just tinker with it and submit it sometime this summer (when work slows down).
Looking forward to all the BASH UE goodness!
Looking forward to all the BASH UE goodness!
- kevperrine
- Paragon
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- Location: Detroit, MI
Dragonfly wrote: keep that article in mind. I can polish it up and have it ready for a deadline if need be.
Here's my thought.
Writing an article for BAM is just a little more in-depth than replying or posting with an in-depth idea here on the BASH! forums.
Helping organize DOES seem a little more involved. But not by much (from my take and experience).
But writing an article is only a little more than posting that idea on the forums. Just thinking it through, referencing current BASH! rules for any consideration, etc...
But otherwise not much more.
That said. Everyone knows what they can "do". I think the word "deadline" just scares folks unnecessarily. A "deadline" makes a fun article become "WORK". I totally understand that.
That said.
I really don't think a BAM article would be much more "work" than a good few hours of hobby-time thinking if and when someone has it. (I'm counting myself in that mix, since I have ALSO not yet actually "written" an article for BAM).
What I would have you consider (that's the royal "you", not just Dragonfly, hehe) is that taking the "time" to write a BAM article is more about hobby fun that also benefits the community of BASH! It's only a little more time/consideration than posting here on the forums.
An offer I would also offer.
I would be happy to review and give comments on articles and article ideas if you have them and want to share with me. I love thinking on ideas like that, and more suggestions might spur your excitement to "finish" the article more/sooner.
Just my thinking. hehe
- MrJupiter
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Sorry, very busy "Non-Gaming" weekend. I did manage to make some alterations to my Super-Team artcle and just resent it off to BASHMAN for approval. I even added a couple things to it (one being a suggestion for a disadvantage made by BASHMAN himself).kevperrine wrote:hmmm... did excitement, interest, questions, comments and thoughts die away for this NEW idea?
Or did the weekend just hit?
I get jazzed on late Saturdays/Sundays to plan hobby fun like this. I'd love thoughts about how this idea might come together. Who's interested in voluneteering/helping and giving ideas. Who's got articles to work on?
- Dragonfly
- Superhero
- Posts: 351
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- Location: Miami, Florida
Hi Kev,
I understand what you are saying, and I would never propose that we have deadlines for everybody involved in this process. That being said, I'm not scared of deadlines, and I work best when I have them. If I know that an issue of BAM is coming out that is suited to my particular article, I'll work on it NOW. If not, I MIGHT work on it now, but I might also work on some of the other projects I have going - like my various campaigns. To make a long story short - I'm inviting anybody to give me a deadline if (and only if) an individual feels so inclined. It won't ruin my fun. I promise.
I understand what you are saying, and I would never propose that we have deadlines for everybody involved in this process. That being said, I'm not scared of deadlines, and I work best when I have them. If I know that an issue of BAM is coming out that is suited to my particular article, I'll work on it NOW. If not, I MIGHT work on it now, but I might also work on some of the other projects I have going - like my various campaigns. To make a long story short - I'm inviting anybody to give me a deadline if (and only if) an individual feels so inclined. It won't ruin my fun. I promise.

- kevperrine
- Paragon
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- Location: Detroit, MI
Dragonfly wrote: If I know that an issue of BAM is coming out that is suited to my particular article, I'll work on it NOW. If not, I MIGHT work on it now, but I might also work on some of the other projects I have going - like my various campaigns. To make a long story short - I'm inviting anybody to give me a deadline if (and only if) an individual feels so inclined. It won't ruin my fun. I promise.
hehe.... good way to come at it... positively I mean. afterall, all of this is for FUN. The fact that its a bunch of fans in the community interested and somewhat willing to take initiative and make almost whole new issues for BAM is cool.
That said.
I was talking with others about this idea of having articles that are "suited" to anything. I personally dislike the idea of "needing" a theme for an issue of BAM.
Let me explain.
In theory, the idea of theme issues (and therefor you having an article idea that suits/fits the theme) is great in idea.
If BAM had a budget or a volunteer base that was frothing at the mouth to write toward a theme... it works.
However... in practice, BAM does not have a budget to pay writers (or artists) to create anything in a theme. And (most) volunteers will be more apt to be EXCITED to write an article about the (sometimes random) cool idea they have at the moment.
So. If we set a theme and rely on asking people to create toward that theme we immediately CUT the potential excitement and interest for ideas by putting a limitation on it.
In practice, it seems much better suited to the volunteer "writing force" to "solicit" ANY cool ideas. And publish them in the best order possible. If it happens that 2-3 articles "fit" a theme and we have them ... AWESOME! But if not, I think it works against the production and writing of the mag to "wait" for something that "suits" the issue upcoming.
My thought.
Think of it this way......
So.... If your idea for an article "fits" and/or is "suited to" that (ie. Is it a "COOL IDEA"?) then kaBAM!! you have a goal and a deadline = Next Issue!
Now. What does "next issue" mean for a dealine?
I'd say.... get it done ASAP. If you want a deadline. Give yourself the deadline of: from the moment you have the idea to the next 2 weeks. Set the date and get thinking/writing.
I would ask and suggest that anyone even MILDLY interested in writing an article and/or seeing this new idea for BAM to get rolling to set agressive deadlines for themselves.
In the first "issue" of this new idea... it will take MORE effort than anything following.
Think of it the way most RPG campaigns work. A new campaign normally takes double to triple (or more) "effort" from EACH player (including the GM). Each person needs to help the group by taking extra time and effort to set the stage.... Make stats for your character. Write the basic background. Find/make a cool image for your character. Read the rules. Get dice, books, other supplies. etc... etc...
After all that's done with the first session kicked off of the campaign... from there, it's all much much less and becomes (essentially) game maintenance. Dramatically reducing the time needed to be given game to game.
My thought.
Same here.
If everyone interested in this would devote "extra" time to help get this going to see the FIRST new issue produced, then it's all "maintenance" at making the second. Because all the "needs" for how to product the mag are already SET in good place.
make sense?
Again.... all of this is a fun hobby volunteer activity. Once anyone starts to feel like they're being pressured or overwhelmed or ASKED to do "work" they don't want to do... then it becomes something that we DON'T WANT.
If you're not sitting down to write/create a cool thing to "give" to the community in BAM and having FUN doing it. You're doing something wrong.
Even if (here in the beginning) you "know" it might take more EFFORT than normal.
If you can do that. And still sit down (with that more agressive expectation/deadline in mind) and still enjoy doing it.... that's the goal.
If not.
Don't comment, commit, or even suggest that you "CAN" or want to do something. Otherwise it just sets unrealistic expectations against you.
Whew... that said though... my last note.
I don't think writing an article for BAM is "that" much effort. Essentially what I'm looking at (and thinking) is ... take any COOL forum post you've seen or written here in the BASH! forums. Take that idea that's already done, and gussy it up. For much less than the time/effort it takes to have come up with that original forum post - you have a complete and cool new BAM article to submit.
The point.
Don't BUILD a mountain out of an idea you have for an "article". We're not writing a great american novel here. We're making cool ideas, that can also be revisited and expanded on at any time... in future issues.
that's just how I come at it all.... hehe
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
Hey folks,
I've posted a new thread introducing the WIKI for our use in creating BAM! Issue #5.
Check it out here: ... =8387#8387
I've posted a new thread introducing the WIKI for our use in creating BAM! Issue #5.
Check it out here: ... =8387#8387
- MrJupiter
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Very cool point kevperrine. Nobody wants more work; adding to BAM content should only be one part of the fun for our hobby. I like the idea of just developing some of the thread posts as articles. Many times I've seen stuff posted here and thought "how cool would this be to have in BAM!"
A note of caution though, don't just take someone else's ideas and make them your own. Instead approach all the original posters of the material you think is relevant and ask them if they'd mind if you put that material together and submit it to BAM first. Maybe they'd like to write it up themselves or collaborate on it with you.
If they would rather not bother and are fine with you using the ideas be sure to acknowledge their contribution at the head of the article; either before or after your writing credit.
For instance...
It is good to set yourself an aggressive agenda for putting your article together, as this creates a writing momentum: but remember this isn’t supposed to be work! This is for fun, so if its not quite ready for this issue, then submit it for the next.
BAM is a magazine we all want to be proud of, and to achieve that we must make everyone feel welcome and valued. BASH is a great game and BAM! is the perfect vehicle for fans to show it!
A note of caution though, don't just take someone else's ideas and make them your own. Instead approach all the original posters of the material you think is relevant and ask them if they'd mind if you put that material together and submit it to BAM first. Maybe they'd like to write it up themselves or collaborate on it with you.
If they would rather not bother and are fine with you using the ideas be sure to acknowledge their contribution at the head of the article; either before or after your writing credit.
For instance...
Once you have finished the writing of that article be sure to let the contributors see it to ensure that nothing offends them or was misunderstood. If there is any disagreements then see how these can be worked out. Maybe even a short footnote at the end of the article for one of the contributors to clarify a point or offer a short alternative view of a sentence or two in length (ie. [Note from Zzzz: Instead of doing _____, you could…] ).Written by: Xxxx
Development by: Yyyy and Zzzz
It is good to set yourself an aggressive agenda for putting your article together, as this creates a writing momentum: but remember this isn’t supposed to be work! This is for fun, so if its not quite ready for this issue, then submit it for the next.
BAM is a magazine we all want to be proud of, and to achieve that we must make everyone feel welcome and valued. BASH is a great game and BAM! is the perfect vehicle for fans to show it!
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
MrJupiter wrote:A note of caution though, don't just take someone else's ideas and make them your own. Instead approach all the original posters of the material you think is relevant and ask them if they'd mind if you put that material together and submit it to BAM first. Maybe they'd like to write it up themselves or collaborate on it with you.
I guess my point wasn't clear.
THIS is exactly what I have always intended.
The "organizer" role for the BAM! issue would be "in charge" of contacting that author and asking that exact question.
First "we'd love to have YOU write/finish the article."
Second "can we use your ideas, with a credit to you?"
MrJupiter wrote: BAM is a magazine we all want to be proud of, and to achieve that we must make everyone feel welcome and valued. BASH is a great game and BAM! is the perfect vehicle for fans to show it!
At current, there IS NOTHING to be "proud of" yet. LOL
No one has really *done* anything yet.
I'd like to see that start changing with folks getting excited and started writing and/or contacting posters (as noted above) to write articles. And make lists of potential articles (from posts) and column ideas, etc...etc...
That's why I made up the "BAM! FANZINE FACTORY" wiki. I'm hoping people will start jumping on and getting writing.
If you already have articles (that you've submitted to BASHMAN or not) it'd be great to get those in the mix. Post their titles and idea to the wiki. So we'll know what we've got for heading to make issue #5.
I'd be happy (as Issue #5's co-organizer) to look at anyone's articles or base concepts right away.
My thought on the "pipeline" of articles to issue is:
- come up with an idea, original or based on a forum post
- note the title and idea on the BAM! F.F. wiki
- send what you have written to the organizers
- the organizers reply with comments/questions
- finish up the article
- send to BASHMAN for final approval
- let editors check the article
- ready for layout
I'll post that note up on the wiki to help folks understand.
additions, questions or thoughts?
- Dragonfly
- Superhero
- Posts: 351
- Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Miami, Florida
Cool beans!kevperrine wrote:That said.
I was talking with others about this idea of having articles that are "suited" to anything. I personally dislike the idea of "needing" a theme for an issue of BAM.
I agree with you 100%. A hard policy on having theme issues places constraints on when stuff can be submitted, which is why I brought up the whole notion of deadlines. A more liberal policy on submissions frees us up to produce whatever we can/want, whenever we can/want, making deadlines unnecessary.
That being said, I'll endeavor to have my expanded weapons and armor article done by the end of Spring Break.
Thanks for pulling this together, guys! Your initiative promises even more exciting times for BAM ahead!