Living Megapolis: Fame
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:21 am
I would like to play with the Fame rules. Here's the draft text for the rules. Please provide comments, discussion and questions. The point is to make these rules as good as possible.
Living Megapolis uses the Fame rules as described in BUE. All characters begin with a fame score of ten (10) acclaim and zero infamy due to the publicity of volunteering and being selected as a Defender. Fame scores are modified by certain advantages and disadvantages as follows:
• Celebrity +20 acclaim
• Resources +5 acclaim
• Social Stigma -5 acclaim
Before the start of each issue, characters lose two (2) from both their acclaim and infamy scores to a minimum of half their maximum values. Therefore, characters must track their current and maximum fame scores.
Characters with infamy scores of ten (10) or more at the beginning of an issue are asked to resign from the Defenders by Ace Ashby, effectively removing the character from the Living Megapolis campaign.
in the Narrator's section
Awarding acclaim & infamy
The first three examples to award experience points should also earn acclaim, while the fourth example would not earn acclaim.
Use the Fame table in BUE as a guideline; however, each issue will also provide additional guidance.
Hopefully, the only infamy will be gained by characters destroying property. The Defenders have insurance to compensate for some collateral damage but not excessive. Each issue will provide guidance.
If a villain mind controls a hero to break a law or threaten laws, the issue will provide guidance.