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Los Angeles area BASH!ers?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:08 pm
by mrm1138
I'm not sure if this is the right place in the forum to post this, but...

So I just recently proposed a BASH! game to one of my two usual groups, and it was pretty much greeted with the sound of crickets. (It appears we'll be continuing to play D&D 5e for the time being, which is fine, but I'm really jonesing for some superhero action!) That said, I was curious if there was anyone in the Los Angeles area who was looking for an extra player in their BASH! game or was hoping to start up a new group. If so, please give me a shout!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:37 pm
They way I got my players to play (back when this was a playtest and I wasn't really a GM in our group) was to do quick 1-scene one-shots with the group while we waited for everyone else to arrive.

So while we were waiting for a couple of players, 3 of us had a very quick scenario where the heroes (golden age WWII era folks) took on a super-powered (transforming) Japanese submarine and a super-powered samurai who was on it.

That took only 30 minutes to run. Next session we did a simiilar 1-scene one-shot while waiting for other players. When the campaign ended, they wanted me to run a BASH! campaign!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:15 pm
by mrm1138
Finally had a chance to run a BASH! session this past weekend! After going to see Avengers, the folks I went with were in the mood for some superhero gaming, so I busted out Vengeance Is Nigh and used the pregenerated characters. Noticing that Defender Center had a battle gym, I decided to open up with a simulated fight between the team and a Doctor Doom-esque supervillain and his Destructobots. (It was easy enough to use the henchmen archetypes for the Destructobots and a tweaked version of the Power Armor archetype for Not-Doctor-Doom on the fly!)

We unfortunately didn't get to the first encounter with Vengeance, but everyone seemed to like it. One guy said he would really like to finish it up and possibly run an adventure sometime. I call that a win!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 5:56 am
That sounds awesome!