I'll keep my fingers crossed for a win. I have been very impressed with the Bash! system so far, and our group has found it to be a fun break from the number crunching of our usual M&M and Champions games (and no we do not miss the days when you needed a slide rule or your trusty $500 Texas Instruments calculator...).
Voting has opened! Go http://www.ennie-awards.com/voting/ballot.asp to cast your vote. After you are done voting for product it will take you to the judge's page to cast your vote there.
Vote for BASH entered! Sadly I hardly know anything about any of the other products other than Shadowrun4 (which, being a Shadowrun player since 1989 I dislike intensely).
Congrats BASHMAN! _VERY_ well deserved. I've been away from the boards for a few weeks, but am glad I made it back in time to get the news and cast my vote.