This volume focuses on expanding your available cast of characters for sci-fi and fantasy swashbuckling. Most Honor + Intrigue characters are human, as the presumed campaign setting was Earth; however, if you want to set your Honor + Intrigue game in a fantasy or science-fiction world, use these rules to incorporate nonhuman characters. We've included guidelines and tools to help you build your own fantasy and science fiction folk. We’ve also included over 50 sample PC ancestries.
Features of this Volume:
● New Boons & Flaws
● Creating New Nonhuman Ancestries
● Languages & Nonhuman Characters
● Adapting Dueling Styles
● Genre & Nonhuman Characters: We discuss the value of Reskinning to get extra use out of your fantasy and sci-fi folk by repurposing them for other genres. We give suggestions for Space Opera, Gothic Horror, High Fantasy on High Seas, and Sword & Sandal subgenres as well.
● Quick and easy conversion to change existing NPC stat blocks into nonhuman characters
● Over 50 sample nonhuman ancestries for fantasy, space opera, and a few other subgenres. We've got your classic fantasy elves, dwarves, goblins, and gnomes, but also much more. Alien species of various planets, robots, "synthoids" are among the sci-fi staples you will see here. We've also added some you might not have expected. The crab-like pagoona who dive for salvage, the walrus-like rosmar who hunt sea monsters and tell great tales, the highly advanced and secretive Atlanteans, and many others.
● A master list of Ancestral Boons and Flaws to let you more easily create new ancestries of your own.
● Sample spells from Intriguing Options 4: Spells + Spellcasters.
Get it at Drivethrurpg.com. Have a look at the Table of Contents and some sample pages below:
Table of Contents

Dwarf and Elf Preview Pages

Lunarian Sample Page