kevperrine wrote:LOL
I really dig your style!-
Hey, thanks!
kevperrine wrote:Do you do work (commissions or solid gigs with supers game companies) for anyone currently?
If so (or if not), how would you do requests? Time/Pay, etc...
I don't actually do any RPG work at the moment, but I have been getting some inquiries lately from small-press publishers, so I'm throwing some more of my doodles up on the internet so more people can check them out.
Requests/commissions/etc. are pretty easy...people tell me what they're looking for and I try to draw it! OK, maybe it's a little harder than that...

I try to make sure a client is happy with the design, etc. first, and send them a scanned pencil drawing before I ink. Then the coloring is done with GIMP on the Mac. Payment is usually up front, and I send the completed illo via email at whatever size is requested. I try to keep my rates fair, for the amount of time that goes into the work, but I'm a terrible businessman, and generally give discounts to small press people, indy publishers and the like.
Also, since I work the "old-fashioned" way (pen & ink), I do have the B&W drawing available if the client wants to pay the postage to get it. They're sometimes pristine, and other times have white-out splattered on them...
kevperrine wrote:Can't say I have anything for you now (if that's an option) as I'm not in a position to buy, but I'm always excited about neat artists I dig. To keep in mind for the future (hopefully near!). hehe
Nice. Keep the samples coming!
I'll do that, and thanks!