One thought to keep in mind is this, an old GF of mine was a sword fighter, she used to bemoan the women who wore their hair loose in movies, since it would always in a fight get in their eyes. As Lady A is a consummate hand-to-hand fighter, I decided that was when she would wear her hair in a pony tail.
It was only about a year ago I found the original picture I had done (a tracing based on Fury from DC Comics Who's Who) back in 1988 that had her with short hair.
Here is that pic;
Overall I think the problem with the short hair is that while it is very 80s, it makes her too manish. The long and loose hair is good, but better when she was looking like Ms. Marvel;
The long + ponytail seems to work the best over all, as you can see even braided in this Timm done by Dr. Cyclops for me;
So while I am leaning towards long + ponytail, I really am torn since they ALL look good...
* she just looks good