So here's my first crack at some sketches up here. Nobody laugh, k! I just got this new tablet thing called "Bamboo" for my computer, and within an hour of getting it, I made this sketch. Can you guess who it is?
I have some drawing experience, but never with one of these tablets before- hopefully I'll get better with practice:
Volsung wrote:Pen tablets! Once you get one, you'll never change it!
Keep up the good work!
Besides I should finish my sketch...
Definately. It takes a little getting used to as your staring at the screen but your hand is over to your side doing something completely wrong. But with a bit of practice your coordination begins to adapt.
I bought one of the cheap models and completely love it. So far I've only used it to tweak my Fabricas characters to add elements that the program can't do. The level of control you have with a tablet is incredible.
Some day I might get the guts up to try some original stuff with it... someday.
These illustrations are really good. In particular, great work with the detective's left hand and the lady's face (faces are particularly difficult). Be sure to post your impressions of using your tablet for coloring.
Well, at the time I started drawing it, I had no clue, but later I decided to make it Shadow Iron (Amber Blackstone) with her helmet off just working around the lab. It will still need more touch-ups though. I wanted to practice highlighting a black surface to give the impression of 3 dimensions.