Besides being a long time role player, I also am a professional freelance artist. And I do lots of commissions. Now, I do not have a "Bruce Timm" style, which seems to be the "house" style for BASH. I like that style, but I don't work in it. I tend to a somewhat more "realistic" art... albeit, still idealized.
My rates for commissions are $45.00 per figure. I do full color, as you will see in my samples. Occasionally, I'm asked to do b&w or pencil, but I still charge $45.00 as I just simply take more time and care in that stage. Backgrounds are negotiable. I send patrons a 450-600 dpi version.
I do take my private commissions and try to make a few extra dollars by releasing some of them as clip art via LPJ designs. I've got 12 portfolios up and we've been releasing about one a month. If publishers need good resolution clip art, please check them out here:
I prefer being contacted by email. I tend to miss PMs. My email is
My website is:
Which has 622 images of me writing this.
Here are some samples of my work: