Let us know, sir. I have no problems paying now for the promise of artwork later, but I certainly don't want to cause you any additional headaches.
No worries there. He told me via email to send the money up front to reserve slots. That way, when you send in a concept, it gets added to his queue. If you wait, it will get added once he gets the cash. By paying in advance, you can take your time (like I am), and they get added right away. If you're in no hurry, it's not a big deal, and by sending the money up front, you're helping him now, which is kind of the point of the offer in the first place, right?
Hey guys, for those who are counting, we only have six (count 'em) SIX Dawsey Houser pieces left on the trading block. If you want in on this, you need to get on the ball.
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and give everyone a big thanks for helping Dan out right now. I'm having a blast working with him, and I'm sure you'll see more of our Dynamic Duo artwork in the future! It.. probably won't be this cheap, though.
Anyway, thanks again for your goodwill and enthusiasm. I'll be burning the midnight oil to keep up with the requests.
And if anyone is going to Gen-Con, please stop off and see me at my table in the Anime Artist Alley. (It's not in the main dealer room) I'm gonna see if I can't chain Dan to the table with me so we can work on some more team-up stuff at the con.