Divine Madness Press is presently trying to decide whether we want to do color for our book in-house or by hiring someone. Because we're among friends here, I have to admit our budget is low.

Is there anyone here who enjoys doing color and wants to get their work into a published BASH supplement? The project would be single character illos without backgrounds, about 20 in number. We have the art; we just need the color. The project wouldn't start for at least a month, but we would hope for completion in a few months from the start time.
If there's any interest or information you could point me to, please let me know either here, via PM, or at drkrash1969 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks so much. (BASHMAN, I didn't think this post violated any forum rules, but if it does, please accept my apology and remove it.)
Christopher Peter
Divine Madness Press