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BASH!-UP BEATDOWN: Cap vs. Spidey!

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Post by bigsteveuk »

[bash="Parry"]5,0,0 = 1279146936 = Fixed[/bash]

All too late Spiderman realised he had overstretched his attack and Capt. seized the advantage, smashing his shield into Spiderman’s guts and then bring the shield up in a wicked uppercut.

“Were going to talk about this know kid, nobody is above the law!!”

(The double defence roll and tricky style allows for 2 attacks)
Variable (Gut shot +3 to Attack, +1dmg, Uppercut +2 Attack, +2 Dmg)

[bash="Gut shot"]5,0,0 = 122220516 [/bash]
[bash="DMG"]3,0,0 = 521033909 [/bash]
[bash="Uppercut"]5,0,0 = 380369622 [/bash]
[bash="DMG"]3,0,0 = 1786767623 [/bash]

(How do you want to handle hero points, when can they be spent, if I get some good rolls I would want to spend them to try and increase my chance of hit)
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Post by Saker »

Captain adds Hero points before Spidey rolls Defense.

Captain's Tricky counterattack is unarmed, so your first attack is only x2 to Hit and x2 Damage: 38 and 14, respectively.

Your second attack doesn't reflect +2 DM to Hit +2 DM Damage Uppercut. It would be 44 to Hit and 28 Damage if it did. Instead, your multipliers are +3 Hit and +1 Damage. I would let you clarify before Spidey rolls Defense and Soak.

Last edited by Saker on Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bigsteveuk »

I interpreted unarmed as hand-hand, my mistake.

The second attack should be *4 Hit *4 DMG so 44 to Hit and 28 Damage.

Ok done.
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Post by Saker »

Just to be clear, I'm here to facilitate fun and gain some game mechanic experience. When I wrote "I would let you..." means that is my opinion, you can do as you want. Please tell me to bugger off if you need to...


Spidey's turn to Defend Cap's two attacks and then to Act.

Also, I think you would both find it more interesting to have some environment to involve in the fight: tables, chairs, chandeliers, fire extinguishers, etc. I find that this element is what sets BASH apart from D&D slug-fests. I suggest each of you take turns adding some description until you're satisfied, like in minis (warhammer) tournaments alternate placing terrain on the table.
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Post by bigsteveuk »

Grateful for the input saker, good to have an impartial judge.

I kind of loosely set the scene as a lap, so computers, desks, lab equipment, white coats and anything else that turns up in a comic book lab.

I keep hoping other people will have some fights so I can learn from them and how they run the game.

(Not about tomorrow but will check tonight)
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Post by WaylanderPK »

Spidey twists in mid kick valiantly trying to avoid Cap's blows.
[bash="defence"]5,0,0 = 1755962251 [/bash]
[bash="defence"]5,0,0 = 596208796 [/bash]

If he's hit - he soaks
[bash="Soak"]3,0,0 = 1659488999 [/bash]
[bash="Soak"]5,0,0 = 225519608 [/bash]
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Post by Saker »

Cap tags Spidey twice for 5 damage on the first hit and 8 on the second, so Spidey has 87 Hits left.

First Attack 38 vs. 35 Defense
First Damage 14 vs 9 Soak

Second Attack 44 vs. 35 Defense
Second Damage 28 vs 20 Soak

Spidey's action next...
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Post by WaylanderPK »

Spidey dodges the first punch only to be caught by the shield

The Amazing Spiderman takes a step back, his head ringing from the blow, he shakes his head "Any one get the number of that bus?"

He aims a dolp of good ol' webbing at Winghead.
[bash="Confuse"]2,0,0 = 1338003209 = Fixed[/bash]
(Mind contest)
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Post by bigsteveuk »

[bash="get this gunk out of my eyes"]2,0,0 = 388258435 = Fixed[/bash]

[bash="get this gunk out of my eyes part 2"]2,0,0 = 994958608 [/bash]

"Can't see a * thing" thought Capt. A as he stumbled over a computer console and sent if crashing to the ground. "Better give web head something to think about" Capt launched his shield, the disc ricocheting of various walls and surfaces.

(Variable medium burst=auto hit, +2 DMG)

[bash="round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows"]4,0,0 = 1406143089 = Fixed[/bash]
Last edited by bigsteveuk on Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Saker »

EDIT: I just saw Captain's edit of his action...s

Captain successfully got the gunk out of his eyes with the second Mind Check of 20, but that takes his entire panel.

So Captain's attack should not happen this panel. FYI:
His Medium Burst is not a automatic hit per se. Spidey would get to make a Athletics/Acrobatics check:
20 = half damage
30 = 2/3 damage
40 = no damage

Next up: Spidey to take his action.

Also keep track of your web-shooter ammo. You've used 1 TK and 1 Confusion. Although I think a harsher accounting is that you've used the webshooter multi-power twice. I don't have my book, but I think there's a 4 per scene on Ammo Gadget.
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Post by WaylanderPK »

Saker wrote:EDIT: I just saw Captain's edit of his action...s

Captain successfully got the gunk out of his eyes with the second Mind Check of 20, but that takes his entire panel.
So the 1st roll is his mind check to avoid it, the second is him scrapping it of his eyes. Cool.
Saker wrote: Next up: Spidey to take his action.
Also keep track of your web-shooter ammo. You've used 1 TK and 1 Confusion. Although I think a harsher accounting is that you've used the webshooter multi-power twice. I don't have my book, but I think there's a 4 per scene on Ammo Gadget.
I am, I just forgot to mention it in the last attack, yeah I'm down to 2 - think since its a multipower it has come from the same ammo pool.
Ok enough rules.
Spiderman waits until Cap gets his eyes clear and lets him have it again..
"I can keep this up all day Blueboy"
"Assuming I dont run out of web fluid that is :)" he thinks to himself
[bash="Confusion"]2,0,0 = 1516746819 [/bash]
{1 ammo left in the web cartridge}
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Post by bigsteveuk »


Couple of things:-

1. Confusion
I have looked at confusion and it doesn’t say anything about it taking a whole turn for the mind check. Just says lasts until I make a mind check or 3 turns elapse. So I would be at -4 dice penalty until either of those happens.

on the other hand you do lose your action.

2. Blast
The blast is an auto hit to these in range so there is no need to roll to hit. Though those targeted can reduce the damage through there agility roll. So as an attacker I don't roll, but the defender rolls twice agility/acrobatics to reduce (possibly a bonuse from cover) and then soak (the dmg maybe being reduce by the previous roll).

3. Ammo
Would he not have 4 uses of each power rather than 4 for all of them?

Even though I would much prefer he runs out of ammo quickly!!! :roll:

Again I am grateful for your input soaker so don’t take these as criticisms.


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Post by Saker »

Hey, no worries on the criticisms. I invited myself here.
1. Confusion. Yes, it doesn't say that it takes a full panel to make the Mind check. However, that's how I play it, because it's similar to Daze. Green Goblin always takes awhile to pull the webs from his eyes, so as I wrote before, it's your call.
2. Burst. Yes, that's why I wrote "per se" and reminded Spidey to make his acrobatics roll. Acrobatics is so important in this game.
3. Ammo. Prior to Monday I would have agreed with you as a Champions-trained character builder. However, BASHMAN made some posts about the limitation "same source". That's why I said a that a harsher interpretation would be 4 charges for everything. Again your call.

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Post by bigsteveuk »

1. Confusion

So do you run it as

Player can either attempt to removed confusion or continue to act but act at the minus (-2/-4)?

To me it's a minor action, when you think of the things you can do in a full action, use thermal scans, run, fly etc I am not sure I would say it takes a whole action. Maybe let them attempt to remove the confusion but lose either their move or attack action.
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Post by WaylanderPK »

I'd run it like Immobilise, you have it make it by 10 do anything else.
But there's no rule to back me up on that - it just seems right to me.

I'm happy with whatever you decide between you.

I'm with Soaker on the Ammo thing, it seems harsh but I can live with it.
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