Wait, I can burn 10 hits to create a force field right away.(Well only 22 hits left).No roll needed and it's strong enough to contain the impact.So let's that you 'delayed' your action.My force field is standard, and probably don't got a large area but LightBringer can still move in the way of the car.
LightBringer is exhausted but her willpower knows no limits (almost...) "No!" she takes off and rushes against the car. She generates a blazing force field , screaming under the strain.
The projectile explodes on the impact in a fireball but the force field holds the flames. "Strike him Musha! You ca do it" she yells Push a bit
What? that was Feyd actions? Technically He acted once by throwing the car, he'll only act in the end of the round, LightBringer used her force field so it's Musha's turn
“It matters not” says the samurai as the Katana sinks deep into Feyds chest “That’s not possible “spurts Feyd, blood foaming in his mouth “I’m a GOD”. “Even gods can die”says Musha coldly, flicking the blood from his blade and sheathing it.
Feyd topples to the floor blood soaking his makeshift toga.
I make that 43 dmg, maybe thats a big dark to many authority comics.
What? that was Feyd actions? Technically He acted once by throwing the car, he'll only act in the end of the round, LightBringer used her force field so it's Musha's turn
I sort of let him have it for free, so on the next round your action was the shield, mine was to attack him but in effect he still had both actions. So he went first, then me, on the following turn you would of rolled priority to see when you come in .I suppose he got a surprise action. I like push give it a nice super hero feel, great rule. That was a nice test of the rules
Attack weak point added with a push 'to hit' is really crushing!
The despot is gone for good.
Around, the public cheers the hero's victory.
LightBringer lands and breathes a sigh of relief. "That was close...In the end he was no match for your sword skills."
“As history shows us it is the vanquishers who often finds himself vanquished and I would not even be here was it not for you. So I believe it is myself and the people of this fair city who are indebted you.” He says bowing.
2 Months Later,The Isis Institute Cairo “I knew you’d come, I did, I did master” cry’s the figure in a straitjacket giggling as spittle drips down his chin.
Two men watch through a security camera as the man continues to babble and droll. “So who is this guy?” “Don’t really know found him near the strange altar alpha team recovered, all we can get out of him is something about some guy called Feyd!”.
Yeah I liked that one used a lot more rules and it flowed fairly smoothly.
I do like the rules set and will be trying out my M&M campaign in this rule set. I am just going through converting the character well fine tuning what Mr Bashman did for me and a few other people.
Part of me feels there should maybe be some kind of gang up bonus or if being attacked by loads of foes some minus to defence.