Nice tale So i'd get a +10 from the called shot.And with the attack weak spot a "double damage?"+1X?)
x7 is my maximum for an energy blast.If i burn my hero dice and add your attack weak spot that would be a x9(+10).
If I push the power by taking 10 hits that'd be x10(+10)
What about taking 20 for a x11? we musn't waste that chance.
At the moment it’s your dmg * 2 + 10
So you could spend a hero dice for and extra d6 then push for say 30 hits for and extra *3 multiplier.
So it would be (3d6 * 10)*2+10
In hindsight I should have been pushing more often for the increased multiplier and I didn’t realize the power stunt for a hero dice lasted the entire scene. I should of got attack weak spot from the start. I should of also used that with Curio to get see invisible!!
bigsteveuk wrote:At the moment it’s your dmg * 2 + 10
So you could spend a hero dice for and extra d6 then push for say 30 hits for and extra *3 multiplier.
So it would be (3d6 * 10)*2+10
In hindsight I should have been pushing more often for the increased multiplier and I didn’t realize the power stunt for a hero dice lasted the entire scene. I should of got attack weak spot from the start. I should of also used that with Curio to get see invisible!!
So attack weak point really double the damages? You do realise the result would be insane?
Without pushing my power I'd get ((3d6*7)*2)+10. Which basically means (3d6*14)+10. If I'd burn 30 hits for a *10. That gives us (3d6 * 10)*2+10 which means: (3d6 * 20)+10... ridiculously powerfull o_o. Around 190 -250 hits while he could soak 48-64 almost? Lindharin do you buy it? @_@
That is the way Attack Weak Point works. Whether Called Shot stacks with Attack Weak Point isn't explicitly discussed, so is probably up to the GM. If you do allow them to stack, I assume you'd need to hit by at least 10 to do any damage, and then hit by an extra 20 (so 30 total) to have the doubled damage. Overall, I don't think it is worth the added risk so I wouldn't try to combine Called Shot with Attack Weak Point; I'd prefer just to go for the best chance at Attack Weak Point.
Regarding Attack Weak Point and Pushing for extra damage, I suppose there could also be a question whether your Attack Weak Point double damage would be applied before or after the extra damage from Pushing. Your GM could treat it either as 7x2 + 3 = x17, or (7+3)x2 = x20. Personally, the one time it came up in my game I went with adding the bonus damage from Pushing before doubling, but I could see an argument either way.
What we've been finding in our games is that combat goes back and forth with relatively minor damage all around until someone gets in the right spot for a combo or makes a great roll (or Pushes) and does a massive hit. That's actually been working really well for our group, it feels like a comic book fight, and the players have some control over when they want to put the hurt on (and the GM can do the same... ).
Keep in mind that even if you take out the bad guy, he can spend a villain die (or the Never Surrender advantage if he has it) to stand back up with 20 hits, if you're not ready to finish the fight.
Oh, and as an aside, because it is so good, I am pretty careful about who I give Attack Weak Point to for NPCs, and my players haven't abused it either. Typically, I'll only give it to characters who have low damage normally, like no more than x3 or x4, and even then only if it is appropriate to the concept. But I do let people use a power stunt to gain it for a scene if necessary to hurt a big bruiser.
I'm back after this memorable day! Now I know what's a super hero's life is.(The wedding is planned 3 weeks later)
So where were we? About to deliver astronomical damages !
The 'Bash code' can handle 3 dices
So we'll do some maths later.
So, for now we've got (3d6*7)*2
I'm not sure how much hits a villain is supposed to have.I suppose it's 100 like heroes.Feyd got a chance to stand after this so I need to push a little.
I burn 20 hits for an additionnal *2.
So we've got either 3d6*18 or 3d6*16
let's roll first.
[bash="feyd soak"]8 = 1612478856 [/bash]
[bash="Roll 2d6"]1 = 1061258519 [/bash]
[bash="Keep the first d6"]1 = 1704876692 [/bash]
180 or 160 hits against a soak of 32
Ite missa est!
LightBringer sits up,grimacing. Without hesitation she casts a blazing beam to Musha's blade with all her might. "Defeat him!" she yells.
Feyd tenses up and strikes the air looking for an invisible opponent. After you.
LightBringers energy beam strikes Musha’s blade which he in turns angles at Feyd, the two energies combined burst forth from the blade shaped in an effigy of a Oriental Dragon it’s maws open.
Even the mighty Feyd stands aghast and as the roaring dragon engulfs him his screams silenced in a massive roar and a flash of light.
As the onlookers finally regain their sight the mighty Feyd lays upon the ground his body battered and burnt, yet there is still the gentles rise and fall of his chest.
Musha picks himself up and kneels before Lightbringer lifting his sword in respect “I thank you goddess for your guidance and enlightenment. I humbly apologise for my earlier dishonour and thank you for showing me the light, my life is yours.”
Half amused, Half moved, LightBringer gets up, leaning on the nearby car. "Well, why don't you invite me to dinner first" she jokes with a bright smile. "Raise Musha,there's nothing to be ashamed about. I was the one to be reckless.You could have been injured by my fault"she sais more seriously.
She gazes at Feyd. "Do you think he's down for the count? Who was he?...Such power and malevolence..."
Meanwhile,media's helicopter lands and some reporters rush at the heroes
At another unknown location, the news feed of the recent events appears on a large screen and two figures look on watching intently.
“Most interesting it would appear these earthlings are more resilient than they first appeared”
“As I warned master, there so called heroes could offer some resistance”
“It matters not Feyd was merely pawn and there resistance is futile as nothing will stop our subjugation of earth”.
Keep in mind that even if you take out the bad guy, he can spend a villain die (or the Never Surrender advantage if he has it) to stand back up with 20 hits, if you're not ready to finish the fight.
But what if?! "Now I'm maaaad!" Feyd roars from the top of his lungs.
The tyrant stands, lifting a car .
The few reporters gathered around the heroes, freezes in terror as the machine, thrown in the air rushes towards the group.
[bash="thrown car attack"]3 = 783303160 = Fixed[/bash] Ok, too slow to harm us.But enough to hurt civilians! The heroes must do something!
PS:Be warned. We forgot he could use super speed.!