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Outlandish Tales from WWII - Character Sheets & OOC Chat

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Outlandish Tales from WWII - Character Sheets & OOC Chat

Post by Harrigan »

Character Sheets & Out of Character Chatter Thread

Time to report in, team -- you know who you are.

Please post full, clean, approved characters here -- then we'll continue to use this thread for OOC chat and game mechanics discussion, etc.

Character Hero Points & Dice
American Rubber: 2HP, 0HD (starts each issue with 1HP, 1HD)
Blockade: 2HP, 1HD (starts each issue with 0HP, 1HD)
Cauchemar: 6HP, 1HD (starts each issue with 5HP, 1HD)
Lady Paramount: 2HP, 1HD (starts each issue with 0HP, 1HD)
Major Meteor: 1HP, 1HD (starts each issue with 0HP, 1HD)
Sky Marshall: 1HP, 1HD (starts each issue with 0HP, 1HD)
Unknown Soldier: 7HP, 1HD (starts each issue with 6HP, 1HD)

Everyone: +1HP for finishing Scene 1
American Rubber: -1HD for power stunt on BOING!
Blockade & Lady Paramount: +1HP for called shots vs. flying *

Current Priority Order
Blockade: 27
Lady Paramount: 24
Falke Truppen (Flying * Soldiers): 18
Cauchemar: 16
American Rubber: 15
Sky Marshall: 14
Major Meteor: 12
Unknown Soldier: 12
Zerstörer (cannon-wielding medium-sized walking panzer): 11
SS Soldiers Guarding the German Planes: 8
Verbrennungsanlage (small, silver, flamethrowing walking panzer): 4
Eisen Drache (huge, dragon-like walking panzer): 2
Last edited by Harrigan on Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:52 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Saker »

The Sky Marshall reporting for duty and standing by.

Last edited by Saker on Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by BeardedDork »


Reporting as ordered sir!
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Post by kevperrine »

"uhh... In the mess-hall ... and the barracks ... and at the officer's tent... Sir..."

the Pliable Patriot; the Resilient Reservist; Mr. Bouncy

Name: Dr. Kenny Kirby

"Mental Malfunction: The military wouldn't take Dr. Kirby due to being 4-F (just to scrawny!), so the solution? Make himself tougher! Dabbling into genetics of several snakes, lizards, and more pliable animals - Kenny Kirby became American Rubber! Determined to prove himself a hero.
Though the still technically 4-F."

Quote: "Sure, I'm, uh... flexible. But not with the American Dream, SCUM BAG!!"

SOAK: x5, (Armor 3)

RUBBERIZED! (Stretching 2) Reach 4 sq (20')
E: LINKED - (Boost Mind 2) Conditional usable only for Skill & IQ.

GOOD 'EARING! (Super Sense) "Directional Hearing".
L: must be able to stretch into place

RUBBER-HIDE! (Armor 3)
E: MULTI-POWER (Special Attack 3) Atk x3, Dmg x6; Rng Close: 5sq (25')
L: can only "reflect" incoming attacks that hit armor.

SLINGSHOT (Super Running 4) 21 sq (105') and can move Vertical;
can Domino Effect (p.69) moving 4sq between atks.
E: Usable on others. L: Tiring (cannot use 2+ consecutive pages)

BOING!! (Bouncing)
Immunne: Slams, Falling, Knockback. Bounce twice distance.
+1DM cumulative momentum (10/20/40/80).

WRAP'EM UP!! (Force Field 1) 60 HITS/10 Soak; Concentration
E: Area Medium Burst 5x5 sq (25'x25')
To trap opponent: MIND x3 vs. Opponent's Defense
L: Damage to Force Field HITS is also Damage to personal HITS.

Jack of All Trades, Photographic Memory, Quick-Thinking
Cursed [1/issue re-roll take worst; trouble magnet.], Honor Bound [USADream:can't lie,steal,cheat(-2DP/atone)], Flashbacks [Pliable-Mind, thoughts-overcome=Mind(20)/Dazed], In a Relationship [Engaged to Maggie Martin]

Athletics 2 (x4)/Acrobatics, Escapology (x3)/Contortion
Medicine (x5)/First Aid, Investigation 2 (x6)/Analysis

Devastating Negating-Cold sources/dmg: Lose all powers; Brawn/Agility = 1; take x3 Dmg each page within 5sq.

Breakdown: 29= Stats: 16, Ads/Disads: -1, Powers: 18, Weakness: -4

----------The Origin Of...----------
"Dr. Kenny Kirby always had a vibrant & flexible mind. He always thought out of the box. So when the army wouldn't take him due to his scrawny size he came up with an idea that would transform him into the power hero he is today. Subjecting his own DNA to the more ""pliable"" DNAs of mutiple plant & animal types, he found that he could manipulate his DNA to become as rubber!
With this amazing discovery he used the formula to permanently change his structure. Now able to stretch as rubber, he uses his powers under the guise of AMERICAN RUBBER, the pliable patriot!!"
Last edited by kevperrine on Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Heroglyph »



Mavis Oklahombi: is the daughter of a Choctaw father and French mother. Her parents met during WWI while her father was serving in France as a code talker. After the war they were married and moved back to America.

Prior to the war, Mavis' mother had been a championship archer, but afterwords could no longer compete due to the slight nerve damage she'd received from a bomb explosion. However, she was able to pass on her expertise to Mavis, who became just as good, if not better than her mother ever had been. To round things off, her father taught her a few hand to hand tricks he'd picked up in the war, in case someone got fresh with her.

When America entered WWII, Mavis wanted to do her part as she was very proud of her father's service and had been raised a patriot. She tried to obtain a code talker position as her father held during the first war, but (due to her sex) was relegated to training others how to speak Choctaw and French, and wasn't allowed into the field.

Frustrated by her predicament, Mavis decided to go to the archery range to blow off some steam. While leaving, she witnessed a carload of thugs being chased by a police car. As the car advanced toward her she took aim and let fly. With expert precision she pierced all four tires with arrows, causing them to deflate and allowing the police to apprehend the criminals. She later found out that they had just robbed a bank.

Elated by the experience, Mavis choose to emulate the actions of the costumed mystery men she had read about in the papers. Costumed men and women, protecting the home front from saboteurs, criminals and fifth columnists. If she couldn't be a hero in the field, then she could be one at home. She deigned a costume and dubbed herself Lady Paramount
Last edited by Heroglyph on Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bigsteveuk »

blockade cs by rpggeekuk, on Flickr
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Post by Harrigan »

Posting Rules for the game... probably should have done this earlier, but:

-Please try to write in the 3rd person, past-tense. I won't freak about this, but it does read better if everyone is using the same general style. That is, not this: "I look around and then try the door," or this, "Jim looks around and then tries the door," but rather this: "Jim looked around and then tried the door."

Also, and here's one I *will* be sticky about, please put your character name and status at the top of each post in bold.

For example:
Lady Paramount (Status: Normal, Hits: 100)

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Post by BASHMAN »

Ok- I *just* noticed these threads. I'll post something tomorrow.
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Post by Harrigan »

No prob, BASHMAN. Can you also please post the approved version of Unknown Soldier in this thread?
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Post by Harrigan »

Saker wrote:Sky Marshall (Status: normal, Hits: 100)

Great. Here he comes. Lady P barely slowed him down. Must be an odd bird. Jesse thought to himself watching Couchemar approach.

He firmly shook the proffered hand and replied, "it's been awhile. I guess the Marshall has taken its toll on me." The toll was Greg's life, which isn't a lie. He continued to himself.

"How have you been?" Jesse attempted to steer the conversation toward Couchemar or the mission. "Do you have any idea what this is all about?"
Tidbit: Cauchemar may have some idea. There have been rumors of direct German attacks on American soil. Not sabotage, but rather direct assaults.
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Post by Saker »

Cool. Thanks for the RP help.

Please PM us if we're supposed to know anything useful or something the others don't.

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Post by Harrigan »

Will do, but I'll probably just use this thread for info that's more broadly known. For example, both characters with military backgrounds will have also heard something about recent German assaults on American soil. It's very hush-hush, but also very hard to keep quiet.
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Post by Heroglyph »

OOC I apologize for my poor French, it's been years since I used it.
No problem. I don't speak a word of it. I used an online translator...babelfish
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Post by Heroglyph »

Hey kevperrine,

How did you get American Rubber's name to link to your character sheet?
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Post by kevperrine »

Heroglyph wrote:Hey kevperrine,

How did you get American Rubber's name to link to your character sheet?

Go to the forum post so you can see where you posted your character. "Edit" that post. Don't change it, just immediately save the Edit. Then Copy the URL from your browser. That JUMPS the link exactly to YOUR post there with your character sheet.

Then go back to the IC thread, Edit your post, select your character's name, use the forum "URL" formating button, to insert your URL you copied above. Save the edit.

It should look something like this:

url= ... 2625#12625]AMERICAN RUBBER[/url]

make sense?
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