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Zenith Comics Presents: Applications OPEN! 2 Spots

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Zenith Comics Presents: Applications OPEN! 2 Spots

Post by AslanC »

Slots are open for 2 players now.
Last edited by AslanC on Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Unknown_Blitz »

I'll be watching this space! :D
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Post by Nightshyft »

SO...what criteria are you thinking of for application? Would there be room for a recently reformed thief?(I have a new build for Shadowjak....better build I hope).
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Post by AslanC »

Whatever it will be, it is set in 1984, in my Zenith Universe.

Whatever other details come, remains to be seen.

Glad to see two of you are interested... once I get settled into the rhythm of classes (first week) I will be better set to actually put more thought into this. :)
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Post by AslanC »

Hey guys.

Okay so I am GOING to do this now.

I am just putting together some thoughts and such about where and how I want the game set.

Part of me is thinking a Canadian game, but then I am not sure.

I already have a campaign in Capitol City and one about to start on the West Coast (sort of Seattle area).

How about a Chicago style city? Centropolis or something to that effect?

Feel free to start pitching me character ideas, understand that they have to fit inside my universe, which can be read about here.

Let's get to BASHing! :)
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Post by Lindharin »

I'd love to participate. I'll start working on a character. Generally, I tend to like bricks and/or energy projectors, so something like that is most likely what I'll go with. Details to follow...

Any thoughts on what the campaign is going to be about? Is it a fairly typical hodge-podge of heroes coming together more-or-less randomly for the first time? New members to fill in the empty positions in an established group? An organized / subsidized / official group working for the government or some other entity/purpose? Is there any over-riding theme or meta plot you'd like us to incorporate into our character backgrounds?
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Post by Lindharin »

I've got an initial character idea, a telekinetic / kinetic mastery power set with some flight, blast, telekinesis, etc. I'll try to put it online later this morning, so you can look it over and see if he seems appropriate. I do have three questions:

Are mutants hated/feared in this world? Would they have to take the Social Stigma disadvantage?

Can telekinesis be used at zero range on myself to give me the equivalent amount of Brawn for lifting things, escaping from an immobilize, etc (but not damage or soak, I have Special Attack and Armor for that)? If not, could I take an enhancement (like Affects Self or Extra Effect) to have that option?

I am toying with the idea of having a technological item, built into my costume, to help focus my powers. I can still use my powers without it, so it isn't really a gadget or a negating weakness, but I'd like to be less effective without it. I was looking at the Susceptibility disadvantage, which is sort of close. Could I take a modified Susceptibility that applies to just power rolls (but regardless of stat) when I am not in my costume? Or do you have a suggestion for an alternate approach that might work better? It isn't critical to the concept, so I'm happy to drop the idea entirely if it doesn't seem appropriate.
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Post by AslanC »

Lindharin wrote:I'd love to participate. I'll start working on a character. Generally, I tend to like bricks and/or energy projectors, so something like that is most likely what I'll go with. Details to follow...
Let'er rip!
Any thoughts on what the campaign is going to be about? Is it a fairly typical hodge-podge of heroes coming together more-or-less randomly for the first time? New members to fill in the empty positions in an established group? An organized / subsidized / official group working for the government or some other entity/purpose? Is there any over-riding theme or meta plot you'd like us to incorporate into our character backgrounds?
Think Avengers/Teen Titans/Justice League/Defenders/Champions of Los Angeles/etc...

There is no over riding meta-plot.

Also I should make this clear.

I am picky, I like what I like and make no bones about it.

I would prefer at least 3 ideas for each person so that I can pick the one I think would most fit.

If you can only pitch 1 idea, so be it and I will leave it at that. :)
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Post by AslanC »

Lindharin wrote:I've got an initial character idea, a telekinetic / kinetic mastery power set with some flight, blast, telekinesis, etc. I'll try to put it online later this morning, so you can look it over and see if he seems appropriate. I do have three questions:
I will have three answers :)
Are mutants hated/feared in this world? Would they have to take the Social Stigma disadvantage?
There is no "mutant" issue in this world, unlike the Marvel Universe. If you were born with your powers, there needs to be a reason (Parents had powers, father was an alien, etc...). There is no "coming evolutionary jump", etc...
Can telekinesis be used at zero range on myself to give me the equivalent amount of Brawn for lifting things, escaping from an immobilize, etc (but not damage or soak, I have Special Attack and Armor for that)? If not, could I take an enhancement (like Affects Self or Extra Effect) to have that option?
In a word, no. To explain, I don't like it. It certainly doesn't seem to fit how I see TK and I was never a subscriber to the "tactile tk" concept of Superboy and Gladiator.

Since you can use your TK to lift anything "up to" it's maximum range, using it to pretend you are lifting something is not an issue.

Using it to resist Immobilize, etc... My GM sense is tingling, telling me to be wary. Given that while immobilized you could still be slamming trash cans and park benches into the dude who is immobilizing you, while everyone else is stuck in place, seems to be advantage enough in my mind.
I am toying with the idea of having a technological item, built into my costume, to help focus my powers. I can still use my powers without it, so it isn't really a gadget or a negating weakness, but I'd like to be less effective without it. I was looking at the Susceptibility disadvantage, which is sort of close. Could I take a modified Susceptibility that applies to just power rolls (but regardless of stat) when I am not in my costume? Or do you have a suggestion for an alternate approach that might work better? It isn't critical to the concept, so I'm happy to drop the idea entirely if it doesn't seem appropriate.
Where does the item come from?

How did he make it?

Who did it belong to?

Why does it focus his powers?

These are questions I would want answered before deciding and working out game mechanics.
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Post by Lindharin »

AslanC wrote:There is no "mutant" issue in this world, unlike the Marvel Universe. If you were born with your powers, there needs to be a reason (Parents had powers, father was an alien, etc...). There is no "coming evolutionary jump", etc...
So typical origins would be alien, weird accident (radioactive spider, etc.), deliberate experimentation (super soldiers, etc.), and legacies/children of those, plus technology/gadgets and special training? What about magic, mythological gods or beings, etc? Any others?
Where does the item come from? How did he make it?
Who did it belong to? Why does it focus his powers? These are questions I would want answered before deciding and working out game mechanics.
My plan was that he invented it, he does have genius IQ and some appropriate skills (Technology and Science). In terms of how it works, I'm not sure yet in part because I need to nail down his origin. So I'll work on that next.

I'll also work on a few other characters as well. I'll try to have a few up by tomorrow.
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Post by AslanC »

Lindharin wrote:So typical origins would be alien, weird accident (radioactive spider, etc.), deliberate experimentation (super soldiers, etc.), and legacies/children of those, plus technology/gadgets and special training? What about magic, mythological gods or beings, etc? Any others?
That seems to cover it and yes there are mythic/magical origins as well.
My plan was that he invented it, he does have genius IQ and some appropriate skills (Technology and Science). In terms of how it works, I'm not sure yet in part because I need to nail down his origin. So I'll work on that next.
I'll also work on a few other characters as well. I'll try to have a few up by tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing them :)
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Post by Lindharin »

AslanC wrote:
Lindharin wrote:So typical origins would be alien, weird accident (radioactive spider, etc.), deliberate experimentation (super soldiers, etc.), and legacies/children of those, plus technology/gadgets and special training? What about magic, mythological gods or beings, etc? Any others?
That seems to cover it and yes there are mythic/magical origins as well.
Having just read Dragonfly's latest actual play report, does your setting have something like his Kevalrite, or Smallville's version of kryptonite, something that has a reputation for imbuing super powers? Or is every weird accident / experiment unique?
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Post by AslanC »

Lindharin wrote:Having just read Dragonfly's latest actual play report, does your setting have something like his Kevalrite, or Smallville's version of kryptonite, something that has a reputation for imbuing super powers? Or is every weird accident / experiment unique?
Mostly unique, the only thing that comes close is the Infinity Serum, but that requires being tied into a very specific campaign background, which to be honest I would like to avoid.
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Post by AslanC »

Just a quick note, since Dragonfly mentioned this in my Zenith Universe thread, I wouldn't expect more than say 1 or 2 posts a week from players, unless it is a combat and then we might need a few more ;)
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Post by BillionSix »

Well, "parents had powers" is similar to "evolutionary jump" in theory, or at least is one step away from "runs in the family" or "skipped a couple generations"

The fact is, I am pretty decent at comic up with ideas for characters and personalities, but not so much with tacked-on origin stories.

I don't care for the "mutant menace" concept, but I do like the idea that some power manifestations are just a mystery. One day you are an ordinary person, one day you are lifting trucks. Maybe it was triggered by stress, or maybe the stressful situation was just the first time you noticed it.
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