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Powers Uniting

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Powers Uniting

Post by Boost »

Game will begin shortly after Christmas, holidays are a busy time, and I'll need some time to polish up the campaign.

Who will you be?
Nothing less than the greatest heroes of your time. This is a World Class game. So that means 40 pts to play with.

What will you be?
You will each be members of different Super Groups. Each group has 3-4 members (including you), you come up with who they are summed up in a short paragraph, I'll take it from there.

Everything Else:
The world you're set in has a lot of Supers world wide, both Heroes and Villains. Even though, you will be among the most notables, names everybody knows. Powers bring as much of a stigma as race does. There are a few common stereotypes that persist, and a moral minority that are outright against Supers at all, but for the most part unless you've been a villain at one point you will be accepted (Public ID is still a disadvantage though).

There will be 4-5 openings available, feel free to discuss your concept here. Beyond that if you have any questions, just ask!
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Post by BeardedDork »

Like I said elsewhere, I'll be in.
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Post by Protheuz »

I would also like to play!

Maybe even try my namesake (Proteu), a hero built around the shape-shifting power.
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Post by Saker »

Ooooo. Wow! I would like to reserve a spot.
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Post by Nestor »

Hmm, could I ask what sort of flavor are you looking for the game? Silver, Bronze, Iron? Are we talking Watchmen or Justice League: TAS?

I've got a strong hankering for a straight-forward supers game. Seems everyone's into street-level, dark, gritty stuff and I miss the old four-color tropes. :)
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Post by Boost »

Justice League: TAS, or if you prefer DC Comics in general :P If you've ever read Identity Crisis, that's the kind of feel I'm going for, not the murder mystery aspect of it so much as the human nature of the heroes.
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Post by Dustland »

What power sources will you allow? High tech, magic, mutation, etc?

Am I reading it right, each player will come from a different team?

I think this could be a lot of fun; I've never played in a supers game other than the aborted Aslan game (r.i.p. Elemental, I barely knew you).
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Post by Boost »

I am allowing supers from all walks of life. If you and Nestor are both biting then we have our five players!

And yes, each player is coming from a separate team. You're teammates will become secondary characters throughout the game, offering support every now and then.
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Post by Nestor »

Oh, yeah, I'm on the hook. Like I said, I've been wanting to do this sort of thing for a loong time. :D

Hmmm, now to think of a hero concept. I realize the ION Guard sourcebook's pretty much taken the concept, but I've always had a soft spot for the Ringbearer character.

If not that, I could go for an archer/weaponmaster type.

Or maybe a stretchy hero. So many choices...

Let me ruminate on the idea for a while and see which idea floats to the top.
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Post by Protheuz »

What's your call on characters, team and background. You want them public, or private (by PM)
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Post by Boost »

Protheuz wrote:What's your call on characters, team and background. You want them public, or private (by PM)
It's up to you.
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Post by Saker »

OK, I've had 16-hours to dream about this game. I played supers during my 5-years in college. Many supers games. Here an amalgamtion of some of my favorites:

My team will be the premier British super team. I'll come up with a suitable team name, like the Flying Squad, Excalibur, Avalon, London Fog, or something like that. I'm taking suggestions.

Steven Birmingham was a working-class bloke who wasn't healthy enough for the infantry in WWII volunteered for the super-soldier program. Over the decades, his 100-year old body has aged and decayed, but the British government department MI7 has steadily invested in their hero replacing much of his body with cybernetics. His powers are equivalent to Iron Man, and his loyalties and reputation are like Captain America. He acts as Field Commander.

Born into wealth and nobility, he pursued all forms of entertainment. He had a suitable family tragedy to push him into crime-fighting. His powers are equivalent to Hawkeye with a bit of Batman thrown in.

An ancient fire-breathing dragon, she has survived disguised as and living among humans for several mellennia. After she was targeted and attacked, she was saved by the team who invited her to join for mutual protection.

Dr. Arcane
Dr. James George Frazier authored the Golden Bough and mastered the arts of magic.

I would play Dr. Arcane which is the similar build as who I wanted to play in Aslan's game. I will pm you the update.

I would be happy to make the other three characters and flesh out their backgrounds.

Boost, does this hit the mark of your expectations? Please advise.

Last edited by Saker on Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Boost »

Looks good Saker, like I said, I'll be taking care of your teammates.
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Post by BeardedDork »

So how much info do you want on the teams? and not unrelated if we take Arch Enemy or Rogues gallery how much info do you want on the villains?
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Post by Boost »

For your team, what Saker wrote was adequate, with the addition of how your relationship is with each teammate, do you get along, bicker etc. I will need a more detailed background for PCs of course, you can provide that here or via PM depending on how much you want your fellow players to know about you.

As for Arch Enemy and and Rogue's Gallery, same thing, but instead of providing relationship context, tell me why they are fixated on you.
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