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A Familiar Adventure, Ch 2: The Enemy of My Enemy Is My?

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A Familiar Adventure, Ch 2: The Enemy of My Enemy Is My?

Post by Dustland »

The days drag on into weeks, but on account of your canine sense of time, it may as well be years that pass. Your days are spent patrolling the ruins or lying in the shade, watching Mable create a maze of burrows through the weed choked grounds. You are truely amazed at the speed with which the rabbit tunnels through the earth; she's as quick as a fish cutting through the water when she wishes to be.

Your evenings are painful afairs; every sunset you feel the silent pull of Summer's will from the den down below. She tries to sooth you as she did when you were a pup by scratching behind your ears and giving tummy rubs, but the coppery smells of strangers' blood that clings to her is a constant reminder of just what she has become. You can't bring yourself to say the word.

The rakish Mr Redcoin holds court over the wolves, rats, and bats every evening. Unlike Summer, he doesn't seem to care much for his followers and uses them simply to deter intruders.
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Post by Dustland »

At first you wondered why this monster led your master into this Red touched life, but it quickly becomes clear when Summer begins to train him in the arcane arts for nights at a time, as Master Morgan once did for Summer. How that life now seems a blessing!

The question of just how willingly Summer followed Redcoin down this path crosses your mind from time to time when you see them together, laughing and dancing with one another as though they were a pair of moon struck lovers. Of course you are afraid it would destroy you to know the answer, so you never ask your master...
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The sun is high in the sky and you're taking a rest from your morning long training, Mable mindlessly nibbling on some wild onion at your side. Your muscles are sore from the strenuous katas that you use to keep your skills sharp and to burn off the anger and frustration that now define your dog's life.

"Um, Kerbi, what's that," Mable whispers, standing as tall as her fuzzy body will stretch, her scared and scabbed ears high and twisting to capture some distant sound.

You look off to the side and see Redtooth and a few of his favorite females lounging in the shade some distance off, asleep no doubt. The familiar smell of musky cat assaults your nose and you almost wretch when Sloat appears under your muzzle, a beaming smile on his ugly face.

"It's just Sloat Mable; I figured you cut your loses you scoundrel..."

"No Kerbi, I knew he was coming." You twist your head in confusion but Mable continues, "No, him, that man."

You look back to where the lawn drops down to the ruined gardens below; a man in a cloak slips from one hiding place to another, making his way towards the you and the manor house.

"Kerbi my boy, that's my Vampire hunter! You can thank me later!"
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Post by Nestor »

Kerbi throws the cat a skeptical glare. "Your vampire hunter?"

He looks in the direction of the wolves, his nose twitching. "He'd better make sure to stay downwind of that lot. They may be a pack of mangy mongrels, but their noses work fine."

He signals to Sloat as he moves into a secluded part of the ruins. "If he's coming over to talk to me, tell him to meet under that wall. The onion patch there should mask his scent." Though nothing could possibly erase yours, he adds silently.
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Post by Dustland »

Mable darts into the maze of tunnels, but you can smell her as she takes up a spot near your meeting place in the ruins.

A few minutes pass and Vanishin' Sloat slips from the shadows, finding a comfortable perch on the remains of a fireplace. You smell the man before you see him, the smell of garlic, sweat, and leather filling your sensative nose. You marvel at just how quiet the hooded figure is as he cautiously picks his way through the remains of the manor to your location.

A gray beard sticks out from under a tattered brown hood; the various instruments of his trade are strapped to his leather armor: cloves of garlic, bags of rice, wooden stakes, a crossbow carried at the ready in his gloved hands.

He stops a cautious distance away from you and lowers the weapon, raising a gloved hand in a gesture of welcome from one warrior to another. "I hear you have tracked a pair of vampires to here. I am Father Truefield, I'm here to help you Master Kerbi."

You look at Sloat at the man's claim that you tracked the vampires; he shrugs and flashes an ivory smile as though to say it was easier than telling the truth.
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Post by Nestor »

Kerbi mulls silently on his words before speaking.

"I thank you for your offer, Father," he says respectfully. "I must correct you, though. Only one of the two is a vampire; the other is an inoccent in thrall to the foul being, and someone I wish to resuce from his clutches."
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Father Truefield stands as still as a statue as he listens to you. You can't see his eyes on account of the deep cowl he is wearing, but the motion of his head suggestions that he looked to Sloat for a moment, then back to you.

"Master Kerbi, perhaps you should remove yourself from this place until my work is done. Though you appear to be a capable warrior, fighting a vampire is less about force and more about faith. I assure you, if there is an innocent within their lair, I shall do my best to free them," he pauses for a moment before continuing in a rough but even voice that betrays no emotion.

"Do you even know how many people have been fed upon over the last few weeks? I've long known that a vampire hunted Tidewater, but it was discreet and selective, preying on the wicked. Things have changed; another feeds on the innocent and its hunger is insatiable. Did you know this?"
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Kerbi's ears flatten in distress at the news.

"No, I did not," he whispers. His mind roils as his love for his mistress battles against the horrifying implication of this revelation.

In a normal tone, the canine insists, "If you are to face this fiend, I will come too." His tone brooks no argument.
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Post by Dustland »

The bearded man nods in acceptance. You lead him through the ruins, showing him hiding places, passage ways, and the like. Finally you come to the stairs that lead down to the stout wooden door, and beyond there, the den in which your master and her companion are now fast asleep.

Father Truefield starts to make his way down the stairs and your instinct to defend your master kicks in full force; you lunge in front of him, teeth bared and hand on your glaive. He does not seem startled but he does freeze, then step away from you and the stairs.

"I can't, she's my.." your voice trails off. Is it devotion and a love for the innocent girl Summer was just a few weeks ago? Or is it her power to dominate you with a thought that guides your actions? Or hope, if the White should allow such a thing.

"I understand Master Kerbi," his raspy voice states, emotionless and detached, conveying no feeling of sympathy. "You have done well my friend; the day grows late and it would be best if I returned to my sanctuary before they awaken. I shall return soon."

Trembling, you can still feel the urge to kill the man; only the glimmer of hope he offers you stays your hand...this time. You watch as the vampire hunter slips from shadow to shadow, skillfully picking his way back across the lawn, then slipping away into the overgrown gardens and out of sight.

Sloat comes slinking by, shaking his head in silent shame. "Kerbi, what do you think is going to happen? Maybe you should just leave this place; I'll come find you when he's done."

"When what is done?" pipes up Mable, popping her head out of a hole and begins to nibble on a clove of garlic Father Truefield must have dropped. Great, her breath is going to be monstrous...
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Post by Nestor »

Kerbi slinks away miserably without another word.

He wanders the dilapidated grounds as the light fades, unaware of his surroundings. His heart and mind clash with opposing feelings and thoughts.

Finally, his pain and frustration well within his chest and he throws back his head to throw a mournful howl at the night.

A distance away, Redtooth raises a lazy ear at the faraway call. Whiner, he grouses mentally, as he shifts to find a more comfortable position and goes back to his nap.
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Post by Nestor »

Some time later, Summer hears the approach of her familiar as she prepares for the evening's entertainment.

"There you are, furball," she says with a cheerful air. "I was wondering where you'd gone off to."

There's no response from Kerbi, and it takes her a moment to feel the pressure of his piercing stare.

With a sigh, she turns to regard her silent companion. "What is it now, Kerbi? I'm kinda busy."

Kerbi's voice rumbles from somewhere deep, laced with pain but fortified with conviction. "Summer, we must leave this place before it's too late."
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Post by Dustland »

She flashes a smile across her pale face, kneels, and wraps her arms around you. You refrain from pulling back; her skin is cold (humans always seem cool to you, but she's like ice) and she smells of a mix of other humans...only a hint Summer remains.

"Kerbi, we will boy, we will. I promised Mr Redcoin I'd teach him a bit about The Art, then we'll be free to go. I know, those dirty old wolves are a pain, aren't they..." she ruffles the fur atop your head as she blathers on, oblivious to the fact that what she has become is the real problem.

"Summer, I don't understand this," Mr Redcoin intones as he comes walking towards you two with Summer's leatherbound spellbook in his hands.

"Perhaps if you'd study something other than necromancy things would go faster," replies Summer, who sighs and walks over to him. You growl and stalk off through the ruins in frustration as Summer's attention is drawn to the monster.

Later in the evening, you see Mr Redcoin, dressed in his best coat and vest, a rapier on his hip, come walking towards you. Strange, you've never seen him armed before and immediately you tap the hilt of the glaive, reassuring yourself its still there.

"I know you're not happy Mr Kerbi," he begins, his voice quiet and somehow sad. "Neither am I. I promised Summer and I'll promise you; as soon as I learn what I need, you'll be free to go. Until that time, I'd appreciate it if you'd make more of an effort to keep people from wandering around the manor."

Startled, you look up, waiting for Mr Recoin to lash out in anger. Instead, a look of deep sorrow crosses his face. "You're not the only one with a nose around here; the pack picked up on his scent when I called them in this evening. I intend to live Mr Kerbi, just as you intend to take your master away from here. By the White, perhaps we will both have our wish. But if the pack finds his scent again, I will not hold them back from hunting him down as I did today."
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Post by Nestor »

Kerbi rears up to his full height to stare at the man-thing with slitted eyes.

His ears flattened and lip curled to show his fangs, he snarls back, "Your lies stink as bad as your breath, blood-drinker. You've no intention of letting Summer go; you've already marked her for your own. So don't waste your foul breath on empty promises.

"As for any intruders, my concern is for Summer and Summer alone. If your pack of jackals can't ensure your safety, I couldn't care any less."

Kerbi snorts a canine cough, as if to clear an unpleasant smell. "Is there anything else, monster?" he challenges.
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Post by Dustland »

Mr Redcoin's face looks as though it may turn to ash and blow away, so great is the weariness of his countenance. Without a word, the vampire turns on his heel and walks away.

A short while later Summer comes stalking through the ruins; you allow yourself a wag as she approaches until you see her face (which should be flushed as fuming as she is, but it is pale as chalk). "Kerbi, you are not to allow anyone near myself, or Mr Redcoin! He told me about your stunt. Who is this man, hmm? Some adventurer out to make a name for himself?"

Your mouth begins to answer her question but she continues on, heedless of your obedience. "Nevermind. Just keep him, and everyone else out of here, do you understand me!?!"

You whimper and lay at her feet in submission as you feel her will wrap itself around you, giving power to her commands. Before you can find the words to sooth your master, she looks skyward, draws her cloak about herself...and flutters away in the form of a bat. You see another bat meet her in the moonlit sky, then the two flutter away towards Tidewater.

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Post by Dustland »

(Early morning, a few days later).

You see your master and her, lover? master? to their den, then you plod up the steps to meet the day. You haven't heard from Sloat nor "his" vampire hunter, and you're beginning to wonder if Summer and Redcoin took matters into their own hands.

You are a few minutes into your kata when Mable pops up from a freshly dug tunnel at your feet. You wonder for a moment just how stable the ground around here is anymore, what with her constant burrowing. She's stopped coming in the den with you, but she seems safe enough in her holes so you've let it be.

"Where've you been hiding?" you ask your furry companion. "Cold's coming, you might want to start staying in the den with me at night again."

"I don't like them Kerbi, they scare me."

Understandable you think. "Listen, Summer's really quite sweet, she's just going through a , um, change right now..."

"Not her. The rats."

You stop your excercise in mid swing and tilt your head. "The rats stay down in the orchard. Redcoin doesn't let them up here."

"Yes he does, he's been keeping them in cages back in their room. They're awful, they don't sound right. And the things they say to each other..." the small rabbit shivers.

You make it a point to not pay attention to Redcoin and his doings, but you're suprised you wouldn't notice rats in the den, even in Summer and Redcoin's private room...
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