Avoiding the rockets launched at him, Meteor's face went taught with concentration. His eyes started glowing red, before unleashing beams of energy from them, racing towards one of the rocket pack *....
Dice Roll to hit:
[bash]3,0,1 = 666623583 = Fixed[/bash]
In a matter of seconds, the team burst onto the violent scene. Major Meteor led the way, dodging a volley of rockets even as Sky Marshall, right behind him, blasted several deadly missiles out of the air. Moving to the attack, the pair rapidly took their opponents out – Meteor with a flash of searing light from his eyes, Marshall with three expert shots from his raygun, each one leaving a * blitzer weaponless, their rocket-rifles shattered or knocked from their grasps. Below, the GIs on the ground who had been pinned by the Germans cheered and broke from their meager cover, running for safety as they fired wildly up into the night sky.
Wind tangled Lady Paramount’s raven hair as she soared towards the ground, carried there by American Rubber’s unorthodox means of transport. Despite the speed, she loosed an arrow at a distant flying German and watched with satisfaction as the soldier’s fuel tank ruptured and plumed orange fire, sending the man careening out of control. Pinned back-to-back against the slight heroine by Rubber’s stretchy, colorful body, Blockade fired his Thompson on the way down, trying not to think about the coming impact. He saw a helmeted trooper explode into a fireball as the .45 cal slugs tore into the man’s rocket-pack, then the quartet – for the Unknown Soldier, invisible and silent as he was, accompanied them – slammed straight into a third flying *, sending the man screaming and spinning off into the darkness, his flying harness damaged.
The group then carried on towards the ground as American Rubber howled gleefully, finally hitting their intended target hard – the largest of the so-called walking panzers, the big, twenty-foot-tall one with the massive, reverse-articulated legs and heavily armored hull. AR’s body compressed, flattened and then rebounded, springing the heroes away from the machine a split-second after they’d plowed into it.
OOC: The Eisen Drache is BIG. Slow-moving and not exactly trying to get out of the way of the slam, so AR’s slam auto-hits. So we need AR to roll damage (x4, Brawn 2 + Momentum 2, right?) vs. the Drache’s Soak of x7+10. Here’s that roll now:
[bash]7,0,10 = 326186940 = Fixed[/bash]
The Unknown Soldier remained behind as the All-American bouncing bundle skipped and sproinged away, eventually slamming noisily into a small wooden outbuilding, flattening it before the uninjured American Rubber relaxed his protective grip on Lady Paramount and Blockade. The enormous German war machine loomed over the invisible spirit, clanking and whirring as it turned, bringing its weapons to bear on the newly-arrived heroes. A long-barreled, high-caliber cannon swung round as a pair of 20mm rapid-fire guns extended from what might have passed for a mouth on what the Führer had named the Iron Dragon. Two men rode inside the beast, a pilot and a gunner, and the ghost of one of America’s first minutemen set his sights on possessing the German weapons officer even as the other two bipedal tanks clanked their way towards his companions from across the tracks.
OOC: US, please make your Mind Control attack. This is straight mind vs. mind on each page, right? The Ratzi pilot has Mind 1. His roll:
[bash]1,0,0 = 1582824839 = Fixed[/bash]
Further away, rushing in stealthily from where the allied jetplane put down, Cauchemar, Captain Stevens and Lieutenant Winters left Evans behind with the aircraft, speeding quietly into the rail yard combat zone. Winters brushed a curl of blonde hair out of her face as she paused and looked down towards the besieged building Meteor had pointed out – then she moved out as well, pulling up the rear as Cauchemar wound carefully but purposefully towards the German planes. Explosions and gunfire thundered nearby as the trio moved, keeping to shadows and behind cover. The gas-masked mystery man’s eyes narrowed behind his round goggles when they came within sight of the * transports; they were protected by a dozen German soldiers, hard-looking men wearing black SS uniforms and carrying MP43 automatic rifles. The soldiers seemed unaware of the heroes who were less than a hundred feet away, but alarm went up as a submachine gun behind Cauchemar went off. Turning, he saw Winters firing at the sky, at a pair of evasively moving Falke Truppen. “* it, they’ve spotted us!” she cried, firing again, her M1928 chattering against her shoulder.
“*!” Stevens swore, kneeling behind a crate as the jack-booted soldiers across the yard scrambled for cover. “What now?!”
Wind tangled Lady Paramount’s raven hair as she soared towards the ground, carried there by American Rubber’s unorthodox means of transport. Despite the speed, she loosed an arrow at a distant flying German and watched with satisfaction as the soldier’s fuel tank ruptured and plumed orange fire, sending the man careening out of control
"Woo Hoo! Take that ya Ratzi bums!" shouted Lady Paramount.
The Unknown soldier easily slipped into the skin of the weak-minded Hessian and began moving its gun turret towards the the silver walker, deciding to take aim at the knee joint or *, whichever was easier.
He knew that the pilot would be suspicious, but by the time he did anything it would be too late. Even if he decided to shoot the gunner, the Unknown Soldier would be able to leave his body unscathed... and take over the pilot's.
OCC: In case you need it, here is an attack roll followed by a damage roll for the walker. I'm using US' agility to hit, but I have no idea what damage this thing does, so it's just a flat 2d6 roll, and you'll have to apply the modifiers yourself.
Well-trained soldiers, the Germans reacted quickly to the heroes' assault. Infantry took up defensive positions near the two flying wing transport planes, the three stalking panzers all turned their attention to the trio of attackers who'd dropped (or ricocheted, rather) into their midst, and -- fastest of all -- the flying FalkenTruppen swarmed and pressed the attack, coming seemingly from all sides.
Explosive projectiles sizzled through the air as the * barraged the newly-arrived ground and air forces, firing their rocket-guns, peppering the Americans in an effort to overwhelm them.
OOC: Major Meteor and Sky Marshall, you'll have three each attacking you. Using the Minion "Gang Rules" on p70, that means you have defense rolls to make vs. an attack of 2x7=14+10 or 24. If you're hit, each 5pts you missed by equals another hit, up to three. Damage will be x5, x6 or x7 depending on whether you're hit once, twice or three times (provided I'm reading the rule correctly) -- I'll roll that once we've determined if you're hit or not.
LP, Blockade and AR, you'll all have a pair of flying soldiers attacking you with rockets. So as above, except the attack is coming in at 19 rather than 24. (And Paramount and Blockade actually get to act first, just trying to accelerate things a little here. Unless you take actions that will somehow prevent your being attacked from the air, make your attack rolls and follow with with the defense rolls outlined above.) Clear as mud?
Jesse saw three more flyers come after him. He grinned as he performed evasive maneuvers and shooting at the rockets with his ray gun.
[bash="Defense with deflect"]5,0,0 = 2095368599 = Fixed[/bash]
After destroying the incoming rockets, he turned his ray gun on the flyers themselves. With deft practice, he adjusted his ray gun as he closed with the nearest trooper. He swept his shot across the air attempting to disarm as many of them as possible. He had never faced this many enemy flyers before or felt "crowded" up here in the sky.
Variable 5 = 3 pts Large Arc (15 squares), 1 pt Close Range (starting at 5 squares), +1 to Hit. And +2 DB from Disarm Expert
[bash="To disarm vs. 14 Defense & +10 Called Shot = 24"]3,2,0 = 283949918 [/bash]
[bash="Damage vs. Brawn"]3,0,0 = 636659400 = Fixed[/bash]
As Blockade rolled to the ground, he came up shield raised and made a quick assessment of the situation…it was pretty bad!
As the rockets impacted around him he broke into a sprint towards the largest of the 3 walkers, his intention to get between it’s legs and use it as cover.
Blockade spotted a warhead roaring towards him and more in desperation than skill tried to knock it away. It will never be known just who had the biggest look of surprise Blockade or the flying kraut, when the warhead deflected off his shield and spiralled back towards it's owner!!!
Without stopping to gloat, Blockaded continued on his path towards the largest of the 3 walkers and launched his shield which bounced of the other 2 walkers.
AMERICAN RUBBER (Status: Normal, Hits: 100, 1HP, 1HD) PRIORITY 15
aka. Dr. Kenny Kirby
MEANWHILE, on the ground...
Lady Paramount wrote:Wind tangled, hair whipping, arrow flying...
"Woo Hoo! Take that ya Ratzi bums!" shouted Lady Paramount."
Blockade wrote:Sprinting towards the largest of the 3 walkers, knocking warheads, launching his shield!!!
...rolling to a tire-screeching halt after consigning his fellow heroes to do their own brands of heroing, Kenny roared out another... "HUZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
Partly to gather attention of these * mechanized operators to focus attention on the Pliable Patriot, partly to let his own unit know his position...
Welling up his boots to thicken with a tank-like tread, slowing his falling momentum - his feet, to his upper legs expanding shocks to absorb... lowering his left hand in the form of a G.I.'s spade to dig out a final stop - AMERICAN RUBBER swept his head on the swivel of his shoulders looking for the full compliment of his unit. Awaiting orders as much as looking to add support to any teammate needed.
"...I should be able to bound to most of the field from this position with a hardy bounce, 'n maybe some leverage with a slingshot off'a one of them tank-men..." Dr. Kirby thought.
With a rubbery yelp A.R.'s very hand (right hand) warped into a makeshift megaphone! "SIT-REP BOYS!! er..an' gals!"
AMERICAN RUBBER bellowed to his nearby unit... (again looking for orders or aid options).
Cauchemar looked back and forth between his companions, "Now? Charlie Mike."
He looked around noting the position of a near by water tower. Then he began to fill the area with a blanket of concealing smoke from his gas gun.
"Watch out for my other gas, You two won't like it much" He told Stevens and Winters, before running away from their position toward the water tower. As he neared the edge of his smoke cloud he fired his line gun toward the tower and began to swing around to flank the SS around the planes.
Lady Paramount, Normal, 100 Hits, (2/3 arrows remain)
Lady Paramount darted towards a nearby jeep as the Falkenn troopers' projectiles kicked up chunks of earth behind her. She slid across the hood, and nocked an arrow at the same time, coming to a stop in a crouching position on the far side of the jeep.
As the Falken trooper buzzed overhead, preparing for a second pass, she let her arrow fly. The arrow smacked into the fuel supply of the *'s rocketpack causing it to explode instantly. The shock wave of the blast slammed her against the tire well of the jeep, but she was unharmed.
Arrows are getting low, she thought. Must have lost some on the ride down.
So... all of you who put so much into this little game, please accept my apologies for dropping off the face of the earth. (For like a year and a half. Wow. Where *does* the time go?)