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Outlandish Tales from WWII - Issue #1: * in America!
- All-Father of Bash!
- Posts: 2585
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:00 pm
Unknown Soldier: Status: Normal (unliving) 100 Hits, 6HP, 1HD
Unknown Soldier turned towards Blockade and faded from view.
"Would this be useful in achieving surprise? If I can get to the tall one, I will enter it and get the pilot to aid me in turning it on his compatriots. I contend we take the silver one down first."
Unknown Soldier turned towards Blockade and faded from view.
"Would this be useful in achieving surprise? If I can get to the tall one, I will enter it and get the pilot to aid me in turning it on his compatriots. I contend we take the silver one down first."
- kevperrine
- Paragon
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- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
AMERICAN RUBBER (Status: Normal, Hits: 100, 1HP, 1HD)
aka. Dr. Kenny Kirby
Butterflies solidly fluttering in his malleable tummy.... quickly shifting his head back and forth!!
Watching Major Meteor rocket out of the plane, barking his orders.... darting back to take in the follow-up from Blockade... then literally swivel-spinning his torso in such a fast and contorted fashion that might freak those who didn't know of AMERICAN RUBBER's powers, looking to Lady Paramount...
'time to soldier up Patriot!' Kenny .... AMERICAN RUBBER thought!! Cementing a stern look across his putty-like brow....... With a wry smile crossing his mug.......
"How 'bout a missile instead ma'am....UH....LADY PARAMOUNT!?!!!", quickly lowering his voice by and octave - "hero mode" set fully in tone - the Pliable Patriot's arms made that squeaky tire noise, surely drowned out by the intensity below. Lashing his fist-to-forarms around the plane's door facing - the Resilient Reservist tucked his head, at the same time his shoulders and skull melding into something like a bulbous bullet shape.... Anchoring his feet to the floor, wrapping his ankles around what had been their seating - Dr. Kirby began calculating the trajectory. The POWER such a launch would have. Angling for the best 'target' (hoping Blockade or Lady Paramount would speak up) ... looking to the ground, but holding for nothing... Steeling his eyes, looking to his fellow heroes (Lady Paramount & Blockade) ....
"Can't say that I done THIS before...",
another massive grin...
"I'm thinkin' full-load into the little one, then ping-pongin' through then next!! * Heroes, we could even load-up some momentum slammin' two-er-three of them winged Ratzi's on the way down!!",
Rubber taunting, the stretching sound now obvious...
"either way... Should be one *-OF-A-RIDE........
You in?!?!!"
Looking to the two heroes before letting go!
aka. Dr. Kenny Kirby
Major Meteor wrote:Blockade, I want you to take Paramount, Rubber and Soldier, and try and slow down those armored devices.
With that, Meteor went to the hatch, opened it, and started to fly out into the night....
Butterflies solidly fluttering in his malleable tummy.... quickly shifting his head back and forth!!
Blockade wrote:Turning to Paramount, Rubber and Soldier, “You guys heard the Major, when we hit the ground your on me. If we can get any element of surprise or flank then that’s a bonus, but the priority is to hit em hard and hit em fast. Look for any sort of weak point, legs, rear armour and try to stay in their blind spots, you soldiers ok with that?”
Watching Major Meteor rocket out of the plane, barking his orders.... darting back to take in the follow-up from Blockade... then literally swivel-spinning his torso in such a fast and contorted fashion that might freak those who didn't know of AMERICAN RUBBER's powers, looking to Lady Paramount...
Lady Paramount wrote:"Hey American Rubber, I changed my mind about the parachute idea. Let's go! Just watch where your puttin' your hands, Mister" said Lady Paramount
"If they've got a weak point, I'll find it" said Lady Paramount.
'time to soldier up Patriot!' Kenny .... AMERICAN RUBBER thought!! Cementing a stern look across his putty-like brow....... With a wry smile crossing his mug.......
"How 'bout a missile instead ma'am....UH....LADY PARAMOUNT!?!!!", quickly lowering his voice by and octave - "hero mode" set fully in tone - the Pliable Patriot's arms made that squeaky tire noise, surely drowned out by the intensity below. Lashing his fist-to-forarms around the plane's door facing - the Resilient Reservist tucked his head, at the same time his shoulders and skull melding into something like a bulbous bullet shape.... Anchoring his feet to the floor, wrapping his ankles around what had been their seating - Dr. Kirby began calculating the trajectory. The POWER such a launch would have. Angling for the best 'target' (hoping Blockade or Lady Paramount would speak up) ... looking to the ground, but holding for nothing... Steeling his eyes, looking to his fellow heroes (Lady Paramount & Blockade) ....
"Can't say that I done THIS before...",
another massive grin...
"I'm thinkin' full-load into the little one, then ping-pongin' through then next!! * Heroes, we could even load-up some momentum slammin' two-er-three of them winged Ratzi's on the way down!!",
Rubber taunting, the stretching sound now obvious...
"either way... Should be one *-OF-A-RIDE........
You in?!?!!"
Looking to the two heroes before letting go!
OOC: I should note - my thinking, Since he already has "affects others" as part of his movement ability, AMERICAN RUBBER can spend a Hero Die to "protect" Lady Paramount and Blockade with the same protection he gets for his "Bouncing" power, to not be hurt by the SLAMMING we can do - possibly for another +4DM. Not to mention, there's NO REASON either of you couldn't get actions WHILE A.R. is slamming/traveling. So, either of you could be taking shots, getting intel by looking around as we go, etc...
Think of it as if (by being a passenger this way) you are getting into a massive tractor-truck tire that then gets rolled down a hill. Except, with the spending of the HD - you won't take damage or ill-effect!!
- bigsteveuk
- Superhero
- Posts: 365
- Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:00 pm
Blockade (Status: Normal, Hits: 100)
“It would sure as * surprise me!” he said looking at the place where Unknown was or maybe still was?
Blockade wished he had a translator as he tried to keep up with the rather over excitable rubber.
“Sounds like a * of plan son!” wondering just what the * he’s got himself into “but can you get the whole team down Lady, Me and the spook?”.
“If so let’s go and see how much damage you can do, Unknown if possible you jump ship during the attack and try and possess one of those brutes, well then focus our attacks on the others”
“It would sure as * surprise me!” he said looking at the place where Unknown was or maybe still was?
Blockade wished he had a translator as he tried to keep up with the rather over excitable rubber.
“Sounds like a * of plan son!” wondering just what the * he’s got himself into “but can you get the whole team down Lady, Me and the spook?”.
“If so let’s go and see how much damage you can do, Unknown if possible you jump ship during the attack and try and possess one of those brutes, well then focus our attacks on the others”
- All-Father of Bash!
- Posts: 2585
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:00 pm
- kevperrine
- Paragon
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 pm
- Location: Detroit, MI
AMERICAN RUBBER (Status: Normal, Hits: 100, 1HP, 1HD)
aka. Dr. Kenny Kirby
"I've practiced this back home with a BIG BUNCH of boys in the local Little League team! Me and the 'Bantum Bay Fish' made it with no trouble off the top of the high school like this several times, Sir!" ...Kenny belted out over the roar of the rushing air, his lips and cheeks buffeting a bit more than a normal man.
"Sure thing Mr. Soldier Sir." ... taking aim before letting go.... "No flying - right! Mr. Solider Sir, how about momentum? Will the speed effect you? Because I'm estimating that we're going to get up to some HEAVY speed, will you be able to stop 'inside' one of them Raztis without flying through??"
Hearing Lady Paramount, who was quickly becoming his very favorite superhero teammate!!... a large wry smile widened on Dr. Kiry's mug.... Spinning around - the sound of rubber gripping and biting along the metal of the plane ... taunt, ready to release...
"You said it LADY!!!"
Letting go (on his Priority)....
aka. Dr. Kenny Kirby
"Yea...YES SIR!" AMERICAN RUBBER barked back with a respectful wink that seemed as if his brow were saluting BLOCKADE...BLOCKADE wrote:“Sounds like a * of plan son!
but can you get the whole team down Lady, Me and the spook?
If so let’s go and see how much damage you can do,
"I've practiced this back home with a BIG BUNCH of boys in the local Little League team! Me and the 'Bantum Bay Fish' made it with no trouble off the top of the high school like this several times, Sir!" ...Kenny belted out over the roar of the rushing air, his lips and cheeks buffeting a bit more than a normal man.
Sweeping his elongated neck around to the ghostly-hero...UNKNOWN SOLDIER wrote:If you can get me near one of them, I can jump off and onto them. I do not fly, but I have no mass either, so the fall will not harm me if I miss"[/i]
"Sure thing Mr. Soldier Sir." ... taking aim before letting go.... "No flying - right! Mr. Solider Sir, how about momentum? Will the speed effect you? Because I'm estimating that we're going to get up to some HEAVY speed, will you be able to stop 'inside' one of them Raztis without flying through??"
Hearing Lady Paramount, who was quickly becoming his very favorite superhero teammate!!... a large wry smile widened on Dr. Kiry's mug.... Spinning around - the sound of rubber gripping and biting along the metal of the plane ... taunt, ready to release...
LADY PARAMOUNT wrote:"Better safe than sorry.
Bombs Away!"
"You said it LADY!!!"
Letting go (on his Priority)....
- Harrigan
- Costumed Crimefighter
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:00 pm
- Location: Colorado
As the XCG-79 banked and the pilot thundered it closer to the road he intended to land on, a pair of heroic figures darted out of the aircraft, leaping from the open hatch and powering off into the chaotic night sky, one borne by a rocket engine on his back, the other by the mysterious cosmic energies that left a trail blazing behind him. Not exactly inconspicuous in their approach, neither Major Meteor nor Sky Marshall were surprised when the flying * troopers they were headed for saw them. Decked out in flying harnesses not wholly unlike the one worn by Jesse Dumont, the Germans wore heavy jackets and trousers, tough, high-lace-up boots, helmets and what looked like flying goggles. Their rifles were especially troubling: bulky affairs that fired small, explosive rockets of unknown destructive power. Neither hero was particularly keen to test their mettle against the guns, but when the airborne Krauts turned their way and raised their weapons, they knew they might not have a choice. Four trails vrooshed through the air as the highly-trained quartet aimed and fired, hoping to take out both Americans before they even truly joined the fight.
[OOC: MM and SM, please make Defense Rolls vs. 19 (14+5). If you fail, please also make a Soak roll vs. 35 damage. If you fail by more than 5, please make two Soak rolls vs. 35 damage.]
Back on the plane, American Rubber had stretched himself around both Lady Paramount and Blockade, then flung the trio (quartet, really, as the invisible Unknown Soldier was also along for the ride in his own way) out that same hatch with elastic gusto. Outward and downward the flailing bundle hurtled, right into the thick of the battle.
[OOC: AR, please make a slam roll vs. 6 (this hapless flying soldier doesn’t see it coming). LP and B, please make your attack rolls vs. 6 as well (for the same reason, basically surprise). All those who are successful, please roll damage vs. Soak 5 as well. Hero Point for anyone who tries and succeeds with a called shot to one of the fuel tanks on these bad-boys -- the resulting explosion will be colorful.
Incidentally, this is a different group of buzzing soldiers than those faced by MM and SM, who are a good distance away.]
Moments after the battle had been joined by his fellows, Cauchemar heard a chirp as the rocket-plane put down on the lonely small-town road that ran straight away from the smoldering rail yard. It had almost come to a stop when he, Stevens and Winters piled out and headed for the fight. * his Thompson as he ran, Captain Stevens quizzed the old mystery man when he saw that Cauchemar was headed for the German planes rather than the administration building. “Didn’t the Major say to head on down that way?” he asked between breaths, looking over his shoulder to make sure Winters was keeping up. She was, carrying her own SMG.
[OOC: Stealth roll vs. Difficulty 10, please, Cauche.]
[OOC: MM and SM, please make Defense Rolls vs. 19 (14+5). If you fail, please also make a Soak roll vs. 35 damage. If you fail by more than 5, please make two Soak rolls vs. 35 damage.]
Back on the plane, American Rubber had stretched himself around both Lady Paramount and Blockade, then flung the trio (quartet, really, as the invisible Unknown Soldier was also along for the ride in his own way) out that same hatch with elastic gusto. Outward and downward the flailing bundle hurtled, right into the thick of the battle.
[OOC: AR, please make a slam roll vs. 6 (this hapless flying soldier doesn’t see it coming). LP and B, please make your attack rolls vs. 6 as well (for the same reason, basically surprise). All those who are successful, please roll damage vs. Soak 5 as well. Hero Point for anyone who tries and succeeds with a called shot to one of the fuel tanks on these bad-boys -- the resulting explosion will be colorful.

Moments after the battle had been joined by his fellows, Cauchemar heard a chirp as the rocket-plane put down on the lonely small-town road that ran straight away from the smoldering rail yard. It had almost come to a stop when he, Stevens and Winters piled out and headed for the fight. * his Thompson as he ran, Captain Stevens quizzed the old mystery man when he saw that Cauchemar was headed for the German planes rather than the administration building. “Didn’t the Major say to head on down that way?” he asked between breaths, looking over his shoulder to make sure Winters was keeping up. She was, carrying her own SMG.
[OOC: Stealth roll vs. Difficulty 10, please, Cauche.]
Last edited by Harrigan on Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
- BeardedDork
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- Location: The Snow Covered Mountains of Montana
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Cauchemar, Normal, 80 Hits
"If I half suspected that the Major had given a second thought to the tactics of the situation I'd probably do that. When our Officers begin to think more about their responsibility than their rank, I'll pay more attention to them." Cauchemar replied to the Captain. "The mission we were given by the General was to stop these attacks, that's what we're doing," he continued, darting between covered and concealed positions.Stevens wrote:“Didn’t the Major say to head on down that way?”
- Saker
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- Location: Montreal
The Sky Marshall (Status: Normal, Hits: 100, 1 Hit Die)
Jesse drew his Venusian ray gun from its holster as he followed the Major. He felt more like the Sky Marshall with it comfortably in his hand than in his holster.
He smiled as the Germans shot their rocket rifles. This wasn't his first rodeo. Jesee took aim with his ray gun and destroyed the two rockets heading towards him and accelerated to close with them into an effective distance for his ray gun.
[bash="Defense including Deflect"]5,0,0 = 1773014858 [/bash]
Jesse drew his Venusian ray gun from its holster as he followed the Major. He felt more like the Sky Marshall with it comfortably in his hand than in his holster.
He smiled as the Germans shot their rocket rifles. This wasn't his first rodeo. Jesee took aim with his ray gun and destroyed the two rockets heading towards him and accelerated to close with them into an effective distance for his ray gun.
[bash="Defense including Deflect"]5,0,0 = 1773014858 [/bash]
- urbwar
- Cosmic Hero
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- Location: Gresham, OR
Major Meteor, Normal, 80 Hits
As he flew towards the Rocket Troopers, the Major saw them turn towards him and Sky Marshall. They fired some kind of rockets from their weapons at the two of them, but none of them scored a hit.
Looking back at his companion, and hoping Sky Marshall could hear him, the Major yelled out
"Ok Marshall, let's take these Ratzi bastards down hard and fast!"
As he flew towards the Rocket Troopers, the Major saw them turn towards him and Sky Marshall. They fired some kind of rockets from their weapons at the two of them, but none of them scored a hit.
Looking back at his companion, and hoping Sky Marshall could hear him, the Major yelled out
"Ok Marshall, let's take these Ratzi bastards down hard and fast!"
- bigsteveuk
- Superhero
- Posts: 365
- Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:00 pm
Blockade, Priority 27 , Normal, 100 Hits
As Blockade hurtled towards the ground he let off a few rounds, one of which hit one of the germans jet packs.
As Blockade hurtled towards the ground he let off a few rounds, one of which hit one of the germans jet packs.
Last edited by bigsteveuk on Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Saker
- Paragon
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- Location: Montreal
The Sky Marshall (Status: Normal, Hits: 100, 1 Hit Die)
Jesse rocketed to close on the two Ratzis that targeted him. He adjusted the focus and amplification of his Venusian ray gun and fired at their rifles.
[bash="Damage without AWP"]4,0,0 = 855594092 [/bash]
Jesse rocketed to close on the two Ratzis that targeted him. He adjusted the focus and amplification of his Venusian ray gun and fired at their rifles.
[bash="x4 Disarm vs. 14+10 Defense"]4,2,-24 = 2009505160 = Fixed[/bash]I'm going to spend 2 points of variable on area for Medium arc. I thought I remembers somewhere that your wrote that the Ratzis were 3 squares apart, so 8 squares of arc seems appropriate. I'm targeting their rifles, so their Defense is 14+10=24, and I get a +2 dice bonus with Disarm Expert. The results will show fixed, because I'll wait to roll damage depending if Attack Weak Point +20,
[bash="Damage without AWP"]4,0,0 = 855594092 [/bash]