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Chimera Ch4

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Post by Volsung »

//Ok, she's going to drive me nuts. It's like talking to a brick wall.. You can't reason with her...
And I though nurses were sweet and heartwarming...I should give up.//

Overdrive sighs

"People kill millions for profit, faith or their leader's will, Ms. Lawson. Some despicable Novas follow their example and the media, feeding the fear, shows only this.
What about those who could heal any wounds, any disease, such as cancer. What about those who could stop starvation, natural disasters, or environmental pollution?
I could bring here a Nova capable of true miracles. Someone who could heal patient that medecine can't save anymore."

He pauses.

He used to be happy-go-lucky now he was wasting his breath in a useless discussion. Maybe he was really looking for Nova's acceptance.
"We found wrappers to a dozen hamburgers and half-a-dozen orders of fries on the bed. Guess the fat * was hungry."
//I knew it! That make sense, Ten chin Tony can regenerate by stuffing himself...with junk food...
Let's hope we're not to his liking!//
Last edited by Volsung on Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dustland »

Nycto wrote: "Doctor Mortinson is under a restraining order by Judge Miles, a fed, not to talk about the incident. There is important information here. Can you use your skills to gets us a way over it? Or should we actually go see this Judge?"
The Doorman answers the phone with an unpleasant "What?"

You ask he about the Judge and he pauses for a moment, the sound of beeps and whirring of fans the only sound for a moment.

"So let me get this straight, I give you guys the whereabouts of Johnny Smalls and you guys ignore it. Instead, you all go downtown, get mixed up in this robot battle, and now you want me to help you clean up your mess? I don't get you guys, seriously. Wolfman is looking for a shave and you guys are jacking around with that arrogant piece of...."

He pauses and sighs rather dejectedly. "I thought we were a team, you know, I find the bad guys, you go take them out. Why do you want to talk to her? She screwed up, doesn't suprise me really, but she has the cash to walk away from it. She's not some super villian so I don't know why you're pursuing this."
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Post by Saker »

Dustland wrote:
Fenris wrote:"Doc, what's his problem?" Fenris motions to the Doorman. "Is he more than your assistant?"
"Mike's an angry, but brilliant young man," the doctor says in a hushed tone to you so Mike can't hear him. "He proved the existance of the Chimera particle during his summer break at MITa few years ago, if you can believe that."

Seeing your look on indifference he continues, "It took a team of scientists two decades to prove what he did in two months. He joined our team and advanced our understanding of the Chimera by exponential leaps.

"No matter how brilliant he is, how much praise and credit we give him, he doesn't follow well. He believes he should be in charge of this project. I guess you could call it professional jealousy."
With many years in the academic world, Fenris nods with sage experience. "What direction does Mike think the project should take that it isn't? If he were in charge of the project, what would he do different?"
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Post by Protheuz »

Nycto lets the "kid" ramble a bit before answering him "Real world isn't black and white, like that. There are a lot of gray shades along the way.
Real world isn't a comic strip, we're all human here, even, or especially, with these powers..."

He takes a deep breath and continues "Man, knowing why those robots malfunctioned is as important as it was to shut them down. "

He takes an exaperated look at Nyx as if saying "I understand you"
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Post by Dustland »

Fenris wrote:"What direction does Mike think the project should take that it isn't? If he were in charge of the project, what would he do different?"
The doctor sticks his hands in his lab coat and nervously jingles a set of keys as he considers your question. He nods his head to the door that leads back to the stairs and walks out, you following behind. You don't see the Doorman so you're not sure if he saw you two walk out.

He leads you up the stairs and out a back door that leads to a fenced off, isolated area behind the jail. He pulls out a pack of cigs and lights one up, offering another to you.

"Mike thinks we should be taking a more direct approach to ending the threat of novas. He wants to shut down the Chimera project and start over, see if we can direct the Chimera more precisely." He chuckles to himself, a puff of smoke coming out of his nose. "Like even one particle went where we thought it would."

He takes another drag and looks up, meeting your questioning gaze. He turns and begins to pace the small fenced in area.

"You see, I think we can redirect the Chimera without rebooting the whole project. Can you imagine the crap storm if we have to go back to congress and ask for a few more billion? Not likely. We were running on fumes when the project finally came online."
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Post by Saker »

Fenris actively listens for anything out of place along the way or where the doctor stops to talk.
[bash="Keen hearing"]5,0,0 = 2002965605 [/bash]
"No thanks," he growls in reply. "I don't smoke."

"You've lost me. What do mean by you didn't know where the Chimera particles went? Did this project create the Chimera particles?" His eyebrows narrow as he tries hard not to let the feralness show.
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Post by Dustland »

Overdrive wrote:I could bring here a Nova capable of true miracles. Someone who could heal patient that medecine can't save anymore."
The nurse rolls her eyes. "Please tell me you aren't friends with that Stitch joker?"

"You've met him?"

"Yah, he came to the ICU a few hours ago with a flock of adoring fans. They barged their way into the room of a young kid who had attempted suicide. He went in, everyone dropped to their knees and he made quite a show of healing him. I half expected fireworks to go off and a soundtrack to kick in.

"On his way out he walked right up to me and said 'I'll bill you later' and tossed his card at my face." She produces the taxidermist's card and tosses it across the table; it's the same one you guys have for Stitch.
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Post by Nestor »

Javier glances at the business card and up at Overdrive, raising an eyebrow with a look of slight disgust mixed with concern.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Ms. Lawson," Javier says, keeping the polite official vibe going. "I realize it's most likely a dead end, but did Mr. Gucchi leave a contact address on his admittance form?"
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Post by Volsung »

Overdrive looks at the card shocked in disbelief.
//No f*cking way! You must be kidding me!//

Then he performs a solemn facepalm, giving up his calm and austere role.

"You win fair and square Ms. Lawson I'm done...
It seems you were right. Most of the novas seems to be a bunch of d*ckheads."

He adds with a bored expression
"Maybe I should go with the flow aswell..."

He's about to leave the place.
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Post by Dustland »

Nycto wrote:"Man, knowing why those robots malfunctioned is as important as it was to shut them down. "
After a few more minutes of pouting by the Doorman, Nycto finally gets him to focus on the problem at hand.

"You should be able to approach the judge directly. With your credentials and security clearance he shouldn't have a problem releasing her to speak to you guys about the program.

"I can save you some time though, I know where it uploaded to and where it is now." You hear the clicking of a keyboard then,"After the battle it uploaded to one of the security blimps. Looks like it jumped around from blimp to blimp until today. Weird, it downloaded to a security system at the Horizon City General Hospital (or whatever it was called :)) today."
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Post by Protheuz »

"Dang..." Nycto curses "a moving personality capable of jumping and controling its enviroment..." breathing he adds "Thanks man. Keep the good work."

He looks at the Doctor and says "What are you doing to catch it?"
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Post by Dustland »

Fenris wrote:Fenris actively listens for anything out of place along the way or where the doctor stops to talk.
You can hear the normal noises that take place around the police station/jail and the street out front. Other than a security cam posted at each corner of the building and the slow orbiting security blimp high above, no is around to see or hear you two.
Fenris wrote:You've lost me. What do mean by you didn't know where the Chimera particles went?
He shakes his head, "No, we know exactly where they went, to you guys. They just weren't supposed to." He glances around, then continues quietly, "Listen, this is well above your pay grade Agent Fenris but you seem like a bright guy who can keep his mouth shut." You nod your head for him to continue.

"The project called for us to direct the Chimera particles to a few, hand picked individuals. Instead, the Chimeras went everywhere but where we hoped they would. Now they flow like a river to, what, a few hundred? Thousand? Random people. There seems to be a psychological factor that drew the first Chimeras that we hadn't counted on. A strong emotional reaction at the time of the arrival of the Chimeras seemed to draw them to people."
Fenris wrote:Did this project create the Chimera particles?
He laughs and points up as he blows out a stream of smoke. You wrinkle your brow in confussion. "The sun Agent, the sun! It produces millions of Chimera particles every second and spews them out into space. There was never enough of them hitting the earth to make a meaningful impact. Once we discovered them, we figured out a way to collect them by getting close to the source and shooting them back to earth in a steady, concentrated stream. Mind blowing stuff!" he exclaims as he slaps your shoulder to emphasize his point.
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Post by Saker »

Fenris tries to contain his feral reaction to do real damage to the fellow who just admitted to changing his life. "So you're saying that you harnessed these Chimera particles from the sun and redirected them? And you missed who you were aiming at and hit random people like me?"

He pauses to take a couple of deep breaths, "So you did this to me?" Fenris asks showing the doctor his furry arms and clawed fingers.
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Post by Dustland »

Javier wrote:"I realize it's most likely a dead end, but did Mr. Gucchi leave a contact address on his admittance form?"
She frowns then gives you an amused smile. "Well, seeing as how he was just this side of dead, we weren't able to get him to fill out the proper forms, sorry."
Overdrive wrote:"You win fair and square Ms. Lawson I'm done...
It seems you were right. Most of the novas seems to be a bunch of d*ckheads."
"Thats been my experience," she replies with more than a little hint of contempt in her voice.
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Post by Dustland »

Nycto wrote:He looks at the Doctor and says "What are you doing to catch it?"
The armed man steps forward and places his hand firmly on Dr Mortinson's shoulder once again. She tries to shrug him off but his grip holds her solidly in place as he glares at you. "Until you show up with a court order, I suggest you stop this line of questioning. I'd also like to have a look at your phone. Whoever you were talking to is way out of line."

He holds his hand out to you, expecting you to hand over your phone. The other armed men in the room shift nervously as the tension builds...
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