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Chimera Ch4
- Protheuz
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- Volsung
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Behind the guard's back Overdrive winces an expression of forced admiration at Javi.Nestor wrote:The tone of his voice is at odds with the streetwise persona Overdrive had seen him portray up to now.
He lowers his voice.The Doorman answers this time,* You need to talk some sense into him, now!"
"Wow, one thing at a time! How do you know that?. Sure our powers got a fair amount of badassity. But, unlike us, Fenris can't switch those off..
Imagine, how it feels...Being watched as a monster in your everyday life.
He can't order a beer without being hunted by pitchfork-brandishing hordes for Christ's sake!
You can understand he needs to take a break from this life..."
He pauses
"Anyway...We're at 'whatever's' hospital, inquiring about Ten Chin Tony... Someone his hacking their security cams and spy on us openly.Can you track them down? by any chance?"
- Saker
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Mine accident? That would explain some things. I guess I could have it worse. I wonder if there are Nova shrinks, yet. thinks Fenris.
"Yes, OK. Let's do it." Fenris replies with usually surly grimace.If you're willing, we'd have you hold a containment disc for a few moments, then have you let it go to see just how quickly the Chimera finds its way back to you. Who knows, it may not. What do you think?"
- Dustland
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You nod your head and extend your massive, fur covered hand to the doctor. Seeing it tremble, he pats you on the shoulder. "If Mr Golduski's experience is any indication, there won't be any pain, ok?"Fenris wrote:"Ok, good. Here's what you'll do. I'll place the capacitor in your hand. When you're ready, grasp it firmly so the prongs touch you skin. If there's no pain, count to five then let go."
"It's not that," you growl, trying to contain your emotions.
Dr Walker nods and places the small metal disk in your palm. You take a deep breath then clench, feeling the sharp prongs poke at your skin. Immediately the red light begins to blink but for a moment you think nothing's happening.
Suddenly the world shrinks away, the ceiling appearing to rise upwards. But no, it's you who are shrinking, your clothes falling limply on your greatly decreased frame, the fur and claws retracting back into your skin.
Your body shudders with emotion as the feral feelings slip away, replaced by something else. Fear? Relief?
"Please, let go. Let go Agent Fenris, can you hear me?" Through the blur of tears and sobbing you register Dr Walker's worried tone. "Please Agent Fernis, let go of the capacitor."
Last edited by Dustland on Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dustland
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Nyx wrote:Nyx stands to meet Mortinson, "Well to be quite honest a couple robots of yours went berserk, and we're here to see what you've found out about that."
"Yes I have. Sabatoge. Or gross incompetence. I'm not sure which at the moment. It would appear that someone inputted some coding that I'd been writing for the Defense Department's robotic body gaurd program.Nycto wrote:With a more formal tone he asks "Have you determined the robots malfunction?
"If it was sabatoge, then it could have been worse. The code only called for the robots to protect its primary, in this case me, and elliminate any immediate threats." Dr Mortinson appears to grow angrier and more animated as she talks about the tragedy.
"Of course the damage is done to my reputation. *, I can't even use construction bots to build out here in the abandonded warehouse district, I have to use these * union thugs who, quite frankly, move at a snail's pace. And that's an insult to snails gentlemen!"
She snears in contempt as she looks out a window at the slow progress being made. "What you guys should be worried about, and the cops don't seem to grasp this so I'm hoping you two are a bit higher on the IQ curve, is that the ApeBot did not just shut itself down. It uploaded its programming to an outside host."
- Dustland
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Exasperated, the Doorman whispers back, "*, it worked!"Overdrive wrote:"Anyway...We're at 'whatever's' hospital, inquiring about Ten Chin Tony... Someone his hacking their security cams and spy on us openly.Can you track them down? by any chance?"
"Crap, Fenris changed back to, whoever he is. Listen, I'm busy but I can look into it later. I need to talk some sense into the furball." The phone goes dead as the young man hangs up on you.
The nurse smiles the whitest, prettiest smile you've seen outside of a tv commercail for toothpaste. "Lawson. Yes Agent Esposito, I was working in the ICU the day that greasy little turd came in and asked to see his friend. I knew I was supposed to say no and alert the cop on duty, but it just sounded so...reasonable. It's hard to explain. It wasn't until the doctor went in to check on our burn victim that it occurred to anyone, including the officer that was watching his room, that anything wrong had happened.Javier wrote:"I understand you were attending Tony Gucchi during his stay here, Ms...?"
"I even waved bye to the two of them as they left. It all just seemed right at the moment."
- Nestor
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"It's all right, Ms. Lawson," Javier reassures the nurse with a sympathetic smile. "It's not your fault. We're aware that Mr. Smalls has... the ability to convince people quite easily."
Keeping a light, pleasant tone, he continues. "Ah, if I understand it correctly, Mr. Gucchi was suffering from serious burn damage. What was his condition when he left with Mr. Smalls?"
Keeping a light, pleasant tone, he continues. "Ah, if I understand it correctly, Mr. Gucchi was suffering from serious burn damage. What was his condition when he left with Mr. Smalls?"
- Saker
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Emotions swirling in his head, Fenris won't let go of the disk. Replacing the large beast of Fenris is a slightly thin and average height man with a mop of blond hair. He searches and finds a reflective surface to stare at himself. He sees his normal self in a quite disheveled appearance. He touches his face and his teeth to feel the difference ensuring that this is not a dream. With that confidence, he returns the device to Dr. Walker with a smile.
"Wow, I'm back to normal." He says with a slight Scandinavian accent. "Maybe I can get my life back too." He continues to stare at his reflection.
"Wow, I'm back to normal." He says with a slight Scandinavian accent. "Maybe I can get my life back too." He continues to stare at his reflection.
- Dustland
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You hear Dr Walker ask the young man if he recorded the event. A smarmy "of course" is his reply. You're smiling into the mirror, enjoying the sensation of not having long, pointy teeth in you mouth once again when you hear, almost feel, a slight humming build to a low, background noise. Your hair stands on end, your pulse quickens. You never realized it was there these past few weeks but the few moments without it makes it undeniable.Fenris wrote:"Wow, I'm back to normal." He says with a slight Scandinavian accent. "Maybe I can get my life back too." He continues to stare at his reflection.
You scream in feral rage as the Chimera particles begin to flow back into you, reclaiming your body, drawing on and amplifying your emotions. The room has gone deathly quiet as Fenris returns.
Fearfully you look back into the mirror and see the hairy, snarling face has returned. No, it's worse than ever. What could have passed as a human face under certain conditions is now obviously..something else. Your nose flares through slitted nostrils, your ears are more pointed, a fine fur covers the whole of your face.
"I I I," Dr Walker stammers, "I tried to warn you Agent Fenris, I didn't think it would be permanent."
- Dustland
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"Right as rain, didn't you see the video? He just grinned on his way out, munching on a hamburger. I hate these Novas. A bad guy gets what's coming to him for once and what, a couple of days later he walks out of the burn ward like nothing happened? Next time I hope whoever did that to him has enough sense to kill him," she pops off, suddenly blushing when it occurs to her that she's talking to law enforcement.Javier wrote:"Ah, if I understand it correctly, Mr. Gucchi was suffering from serious burn damage. What was his condition when he left with Mr. Smalls?"
"Maybe not kill him, but you know what I mean, right? He shouldn't get to just walk away."
- Dustland
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Nyx wrote:A flash of concern does come across Nyx's face, but just for a second, "There any chance of it being traced?"
"Of course, I know exactly where it uploaded to.." She's cut short as one of the security guards steps up from behind her and places his hand firmly on her shoulder.Nycto wrote:"That can be... Problematic... Did you inform any of the authorities?"
"Mam, you're under a restraining order, remember?" he asks sternly.
She shakes his grip off. "Well agents, like the jarhead said, I can't talk about it."
- Nestor
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Javier lightly pats the nurse's hand as if to comfort her. The smile on his face doesn't reach his eyes, though.Dustland wrote:"Maybe not kill him, but you know what I mean, right? He shouldn't get to just walk away."
"Don't worry, Ms. Lawson," he says, "I understand how you feel."
He presses on. "So, just to confirm, Mr. Gucchi exhibited accelerated healing during his stay, or was his recovery instantaneous?"
The polite, well-spoken man speaking is totally at odds with the smart-talking street tough that anyone who'd met Javier in the last few days has seen.