Kerbi frowns in confusion. What the rat says doesn't make sense.
[I the player have an inkling, but I'm not sure our hero would be that sharp. ]
Seeing the animal's distress, he remembers his promise. Aware of the risk involved, he searches for something he can turn into a stake.
After all, isn't that the way you kill a vampire?
Finding a wooden spoon, he quickly whittles the handle into an acceptable point, then approaches the cage. * the wooden implement between the bars, he positions the point on the rat's heaving chest, then plunges it in.
A small "crack" signals the end to the suffering rat as the impromptu stake pops through his chest. You wonder for a moment if it will turn to dust or explode in a puff of flame; instead, it dies a rather rat-like death, complete with ratty smelling blood.
You hear skittering in a cage behind you; turning, you see one of the slumbering rats has awoken, sniffing the air and snapping at the cage with unnaturally sharp rat teeth. "Give 'em here, wastin' 'is blood you is. So hungry, give him here, pleasssssse," it trails off into a feral hiss, eyes glittering red in its blood lust.
Kerbi is even more confused. The rat's death was unexpectedly anticlimactic. He was sure that a vampire reacted to a wooden stake in a definite un-mortal way.
He taps the cage thoughtfully with the bloody-tipped stake for a few seconds, then turns to the beseeching undead rodent.
"Want some of this, you wretched creature?" he says, waving the tip enticingly in front of the hungry rat. Choosing his moment carefully, he strikes, plunging the wood into its second victim of the day.
The horrific rat hisses and scurries backwards, but it has no room to run; the stick skewers the mosntrous rodent. Like an animal left dead in the snow overnight, the disgusting rat stiffens on the end of the stick. You hold it up to inspect it (noting it has no smell), when a sudden flash of blue flame engulfs it, leaving behind a charred stake and a small pile of ash.
Kerbi looks even more thoughtful as he wrinkles his nose at the foul smell from the vampire rat's immolation.
He glances back at the still corpse of the first rat. Its dying words echo in his head. He's trying to take the blood back.
Kerbi's earlier resolve dims as the mystery tamps the fire feeding it. He stands for a long time in the dank hole, feeling very much like the dumb beast whose form he mimics.
In happier times, he would've run to Summer, seeking the answers from his bright mistress. Now he has no one, and the ache in his chest almost overwhelms him. He can't help letting a whimper escape his lips.
Finally, he slowly climbs his way out of the oubliette, any thoughts of his mission washed away in the flood of sorrow and despair swirling in his head. His only desire is to crawl into a corner of his room and wait for oblivion.
I'm figuring his next step is to confront Summer and/ or Redcoin and try to get the full truth of what's going on. And for that he has to wait for them to wake.
Of course, other events may intervene.
So, yes, I guess we're ready to move to the next scene.]
The morning gives way to the noon day sun as you sit in your den, contemplating what you're going to do now. You smell him at about the same time you hear Sloat talking to Mabel at the top of the stairs.
"Go get him girl, he'll tear my head off if I set foot on those stairs."
"What a loss that'd be," the rabbit responds in her squeek of a voice but you hear her begin to thump her way down the stairs. "Kerbi? Kerbi?" she asks wearily.
You grunt by way of reply, causing her to pause as she catches sight of you. "Kerbi, you ok? They didn't, you know, hurt you, did they?"
You make your way over to her and reassure her that you're ok. "That smelly friend of yours is back." The two of you go up the stairs and find Sloat sitting on a low stone wall, impatiently taping a ceramic flask with a pointed claw as though he's been waiting for ages.
"Good news Kerbi my boy! Father Truefield was able to rustle up this potion, says it will help you resist that girl's commands. He wanted me to tell you to drink it at first light tomorrow morning, then he'll come in, kill that * Redcoin, and get your girl out of there! Simple as that!" He tosses the small flask your way; it's sealed with a cork and a bit of wax and looks like the hundred other potions you've seen back at the tower.
Sloat shakes his head no. "I don't think my vampire hunter is worried about things like his own continuance of life. He's all about one thing Kerbi, slayin' vampires! That's why I like 'em! Simple fellow really.
"Besides, if things go as planned, he won't have much to worry about. You take the potion at dawn, we come in a short time later, you know, make sure you're right in the head and all, then we go down stairs, kill one vampire, rescue your girl, and we're out of here! Simple as that Kerbi my boy!" He smiles a big ivory grin as you try to mull over the quickly explained plan to rescue Summer.
Kerbi absentmindedly secures the bottle in a pouch.
When it rains, it pours, he thinks sourly. Not only does he have to confront the vampire master of his own mistress, in the process most likely challenging her authority, but he also has to deal with a fanatical vampire hunter chomping at the bit to barge in and create mayhem.
At this point, he almost quite feels nostalgic about the old days back at the tower. And that is the saddest thing of all.
With a deep soulful sigh, Kerbi sets off to prepare for the coming trial.
Kerbi sits quietly in the main chambers, staring at the still bodies resting there. He can sense it's close to sunset; he stole in and has been waiting there for the last two hours.
He wonders what Sloat might have thought, once he returned and didn't find him. At this point, Kerbi does not much care.
He fingers the potion that the cat gave him. He's not sure he can truly trust the vampire slayer. Perhaps his plan is to render the familiar unconscious to keep him safely out of the way while he goes about his grisly business.
He figures he'll take the potion once he sees Summer stir awake. Whatever happens next, will happen.
The day burns away as you canine mind turns over the facts in your mind. Every instinct calls out to kill Redcoin and take your pack away from this place. The thinking part of you, that magical construct that Summer crafted to, what? Serve her? doubts every move you make, including sitting here, ignoring your meeting with Sloat and waiting for Summer to awaken.
The sun slips behind the trees and darkness falls as you sit staring at your master, hoping she awakens before Redcoin to give you a moment alone with her. Then you hear her stir, a small yawn from under the covers. You quickly break the wax seal and open the vial; it smells sweet and metallic and sour all at once, much like the other potions you've gotten close enough to sniff.
You swallow it it one gulp; thankfully you smell much better than you taste so you down the strange concoction with no problems.
Summer rises from the bed, stretching, then smiles warmly as she sees you. "Kerbi, come here boy!" She pats her lap enthusiastically to call you over.
You take a deep breath and steel your resolve to confront her. "Summer..." you begin but the words come out as Subber. You * your head to one side in confusion and Summer giggles. "Subber," you try again but your lips are numb and your eyelids grow heavy.
What were you about to say? Think Kerbi. Oh yah. You open your mouth but only a deep, heartfelt yawn escapes and you lay down on the nice, cool stone floor. "Bubber," you mumble; * cat you think just as sleep steals away your anger.
Somewhere nearby, a stinking cat paces among the trees, keeping an eye out for his friend Kerbi to finally come out and meet with him while staying well clear of the wolves that are waking for the evening. As the sun sets, he knows something's gone wrong. Probably his own fool dog's fault thinks the cat as he tries to figure out how to rescue him from whatever nonsense he's gotten himself into.