I'm glad so many people have shown interest in the idea! And thanks Nestor, I did pick up Gestalt thanks to your mention of it. What I have in mind will veer pretty far away from the core Gestalt setting though.
Volsung: I glanced at your DP7 ideas and for the most part they would work. Is there one in particular you'd prefer?
I'm about to head out of state for ten days but will have limited access to the site for the next week (it's my 5 year anniversary!) but I will have a more detailed outline up Sunday evening along with character creation guidelines so start thinking about the "archetype" you'd like to play.
I know, * poor timing on my part but I could see starting the game week after next if things go smoothly!
When looking over character creation, don't worry about "party makeup" or having irrelevant powers; as long as the powers fit your character concept and you'd have fun playing, I will tailor the game to fit their abilities.
Protheuz: I didn't have enough interest from players in the Dreamlands game so I'm shelving it for now. I may get back to writing the story about it instead.