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Chimera Ch3, Like Moths to a Flame

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Post by Protheuz »

"Special black ops team coming this way, gunning for us. We have no time. Come, gather around me. We'll talk later."
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Post by Saker »

Fenris tucks his thugs under his arms like loaves of bread and gets close the Nycto.
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Post by Volsung »

Fenris responded after Overdrive said this and probably before he verified Tony was dead.
(Yes, I though it was interesting to add a bit of drama ;p )
Fenris looks at Overdrive puzzled and replies very unemotionally, "I wasn't joking with Javier. And I don't think he meant to kill Tony. We are all still getting used to our transformation and what we can know do."

"I know Javy didn't mean to kill him, I was here when he shot at him...The fact that he turned to a torch...was an accident... That's just... Man... You didn't see your own gaze...It was like...your beast side took the upper hand...I know I can be a thrill seaker but... that gaze...that was something else..."
//It scared the * out of me...//

(Yup i'm taking Frightening Presence into account ;). Players often forget that their fellow pcs aura can affect them aswell ;) )

"Special black ops team coming this way, gunning for us. We have no time. Come, gather around me. We'll talk later."
"No *! Beam me up, Scotty!" He joins them, trying to swallow his nervousness.
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Post by Nestor »

Javier replies to his compatriot on the phone crisply, "Okay, grab everyone and clear out. I'll catch up with you later."

He doesn't react to Jason and Overdrive's horror, or Fenris's calm response, other than to clench his jaw.

He nods curtly to Nycto to indicate he's ready to go and calls out to Fenris, "Let the pendejos go, dude. I have a pretty good idea who did this and we left him a good enough message."
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Post by Saker »

Fenris shrugs and tosses the thugs back to their friends like they were loaves of bread that had gone stale. "Your town. You call." He replies to Javier as unmenacingly as he can manage.
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Post by Protheuz »

Nycto embraces the shadows and covers all of the team with it, allowing them, and Ten Chin to teleport to the hospital first (leaving Ten Chin to be treated) and Nycto's House later.

When (and if) he arrives he tells the others "Welcome to my home."
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Post by Nestor »

At Nycto's place, Javier calmly asks, "Where's your bathroom?"

Once shown, he casually goes in, closes and locks the door, then proceeds to empty his stomach in the toilet.

It was the smell, more than anything else. Crawling out of the charred remains of his home, it had been the smell that guided him to where what was left of his wife lay buried under the rubble.

He stays crouched over the porcelain bowl for a minute or so afterward, face clenched tight to keep the tears from streaming out of his eyes and the sobs from blurting out of his mouth.

Once he's back under control, he flushes the toilet, rinses his mouth out, and emerges from the bathroom with his face set, daring anyone to make a comment.
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Post by Protheuz »

"Please seat." says Nycto "I received a call from The Doorman, giving us a meeting point in two hours. He said that our fight was on TV, and that the black ops team used in Afghanistan was going there." sitting he adds "Javier you said you knew who did this. Who was it?"
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Post by Saker »

Fenris paces back and forth like an animal in a cage. "Do you have something to drink in here? Something hard." He tries to calm down but the new and boxed location prevents him. He breathes deep and stretches out his senses to detect any dangers... especially that high-pitched sound at altitude.

[bash="Hearing"]5,0,0 = 1438181877 [/bash]
[bash="Smelling"]5,0,0 = 1880219503 [/bash]
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Post by Volsung »

"The 'super' black ops...Heroes of war...on our tail...*' awesome..." Harrison murmurs

Sure they had saved Javi's 'family'...still, for the public eye they only helped some petty crooks... Harrison's family would have labeled their team of supers as...obnoxious...
He sighs

He seats on a couch ,trying to relax.
"I wonder if they're talking about us on tv. May I?" he asks grabbing an hypothetical remote.
"And I wouldn't mind a drink aswell..."
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Post by Protheuz »

"Sure, turn it on!" replies Nycto as he picks a bottle of scotch and some cups. "Be my guests."

The tv set, and old model, looks right in with the old furniture it's on, and the old rug beneath.

In the wall you see a Picture of Nycto in the army with a lot of guys. Next to it, a decoration of the army for deeds beyond the call of duty, for Alan Parsons.
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Post by Dustland »

Turning on the tv only shows whatever crap they show at 5am in the morning; I'd assume infomercials for the most part.

Flipping over to NovaNews, they are talking about Horizon City, both the upcoming trial of Officer Grumbles and that NTI (Nova Tech Inc) is going to begin construction downtown on their new headquarters today. Questions have been raised such as how is NTI going to build their huge office complex and manufacturing facility when no one seems to have the construction contract?

Fenris: Fenris immediately picks up on the strange sound; now that you've heard it, it's almost always there in the background noise for you (no need to roll anymore). This time, you think it's actually coming from two points in the night sky, one closer and to the north, one further away and to the south (in the direction of the warehouse district you guys just left).
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Post by Nestor »

Protheuz wrote:"Please seat." says Nycto "I received a call from The Doorman, giving us a meeting point in two hours. He said that our fight was on TV, and that the black ops team used in Afghanistan was going there." sitting he adds "Javier you said you knew who did this. Who was it?"
Javier waits until he has a tumbler of Scotch to pull on before answering.

"There's some Mafioso * trying to muscle in on the business here in HC; has the name of Johnny Smalls," he begins to explain. With a snort of derision, he adds, "Probably refers to the size of his huevos.

"I'm guessing he snatched the guys we rescued to put the squeeze on the Latino group. Thanks for the help there, guys, by the way.

"The fact he's got at least one Nova on his payroll is not good news. Heat's bad enough as it is; if a mob war touches off with Novas involved..." He shakes his head in dismay.
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Post by Protheuz »

"You are right. For Novas in general this is going to be bad... Can't you "control" your boys?" asks Nycto.
"No matter. Lets take care of things, that we can take care first. This meeting with The Doorman."

Nycto searches the net for the place that the coordinates show.
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Post by Saker »

Fenris sips the scotch looking for some calm. "Can any of you get to altitude? At the warehouse there was this high-pitched buzz at altitude staying in the same place. I can still hear it over there, but now there's a second one heading this way. It's too coincidental that they are not following us. Any ideas?"
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