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Zenith Comics Presents: The New Centurions! (IC Thread)

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Post by Dustland »

"Yes Numinous, I am constructed of all the elements so transforming into fire and water are within my ability."

He thinks for a moment,"I agree Zero, it may be a bit too early to decide these matters. Perhaps once we've had a proper challenge we could make a decision. Or we could just hire a p.r. firm to supply us with a talking head." He chuckles to himself at the thought.
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Post by AslanC »

"A real trial-by-fire eh?" says Captain Max as he walks back in. "I agree, we will need to prove our mettle to the people of this city before they will trust us completely!"

He stands in the middle of the room so everyone can see him. "Certainly standing around here all night reading manuals and... " he nods his head at the bar "Well doing whatnot isn't getting that message out."

He smiles a broad grin. "What say you lads figure out how to open this skylight and I will head out on patrol."

He gives Numinous a playful wink, "Any of you heroes want to accompany me?"
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Post by Volsung »

Good question! How do we do that actually? :D
Does the HQ got a artifical intelligence? Can it 'recognize' the new centurions?
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Post by AslanC »

Volsung wrote:Good question! How do we do that actually? :D
Does the HQ got a artifical intelligence? Can it 'recognize' the new centurions?
Narrator Voice: Someone will have to give the Manual a quick once over and make a Mind vs 20 roll to figure out how to open the skylight.

As for the AI, there is one, but it has been bypassed.
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Post by Volsung »

[bash="Mind roll"]4 = 849847526 [/bash]
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Post by Volsung »

That was close!
"To head out on patrol? Good idea, crimes won't stop while we study those headquarters. I think I've figured how to open that dome. However we must find a way to keep in touch. I guess the centurions had a kind of device to communicate or at least a rallying signal.
We need to reactivate the IA aswell.
It would be quite abrupt to declare that any of us is ready to inhabit the place right away. "

where's the janitor! :D
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Post by AslanC »

Ferret stands up and says "Whoa now Tex... hold your horses. We don't NEED to be restarting the AI at all. You would LIKE to, sure, but NEED to? I don't think so man."

He looks around at the others for support on this one.
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Post by Volsung »

Puzzled, Detective Zero add:"Once we'll be sure that we won't be considered as course"
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Post by AslanC »

Image "I think that we had best not rush into that idea Detective. " he smiles warmly at you "While I am sure the AI will give us plenty of insight into this base, prudence is key... at least until we figure out how to make it see us as friends."

With that he gives you a pat on the shoulder.

Image "Dear god." Ferret shakes his head, "I am agreeing with the boy scout."
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Post by Shennaqua »

"If we are sure we will be accepted by the security protocols, what's the problem with restarting the AI? Did it have issues before that I hadn't heard about? Or are you just saying we need to wait until we know we have our security recognition in place? I certainly don't want to start the AI and get booted out because we are not the Centurions."
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Post by Lindharin »

"Yeah, it would hardly be an inspiring start if our first team event was being evicted by our new base," Tempest agrees with a smile. "Once we know we've got everything worked out, though, I'm all for firing it up. But that isn't going to happen tonight. Elemental and the Captain are looking for some action, and I can get behind that. How about we scrounge around here for a minute, just to see if we can find some communicators, or some way to keep in touch with each other? We'll need that in the future, and tonight it would let us spread out a bit and patrol a wider area."
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Post by Volsung »

Where can we find such a device AslanC?^^ if it exists :D Do we have to roll? As a player I don't want to spend hours trying to fix the HQ's IA.I'd prefer to have some fun on patrol or simply to meet Emily and discuss about the situation.
But Detective Zero is concerned about the HQ defenseless.It's an obvious target.Who did build it by the way?
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Post by AslanC »

Volsung wrote:Where can we find such a device AslanC?^^ if it exists :D Do we have to roll? As a player I don't want to spend hours trying to fix the HQ's IA. I'd prefer to have some fun on patrol or simply to meet Emily and discuss about the situation.
But Detective Zero is concerned about the HQ defenseless. It's an obvious target. Who did build it by the way?
Narrator Voice: Volsung please stop making your text super small AND italicized, it is nigh impossible for me to read. :P

Secondly, what you prefer to do as a player vs how you play your character is not ultimately my decision to make. At least to my school of narrating. Sorry if that seems cold, but really I can't read minds... yet... so you have to decide what you think is best for your comfort and go with it.

Logic would dictate that it isn't defenseless since no one has smashed into it yet have they? And you have no idea who built it.
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Post by Volsung »

It was not a reproach! :( I was just speculating about my own actions.
I often get some misunderstandings with conversation in writing :/
The centurion's HQ is a big toy.And now that we've got the keys,and are in charge of it that's a bit intimidating.
Communicators would be welcome I wonder if we'll find Lady America's 'lingerie' ;)
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Post by AslanC »

Narrator's Voice: Sorry for the absence, been busy with family visiting, there will be an update this week. Thought moving forward I would expect about a once a week commitment minimum from me and spurts of more when the energy is there :)
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