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Post by Protheuz »

And special rules in practice? Buying advantages, half points, etc?
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Post by Volsung »

I missed that thread 8-O
I wouldn't have enough time for a second ambitious campain anyway^^
Have fun guys!
The concept sounds cool
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Post by BeardedDork »

Atlas II

Scupted from Enchanted clay by Kabbalists in Prague, and patterned after the Golem of legend the being who would become Atlas was created to defend the city's jewish inhabitants from Hitler's final solution. At first he seemed to be the invulnerable weapon the faithful had been praying for until the secrets of his creation where discovered by the Führer's own sorcerers and they created their own "Over-man". This new * weapon was able to capture the Golem and hold him captive for the duration of the war. Atlas I was able to liberate Golem and a handful of other captured heroes at the war's end but was fatally wounded in the process, some months later after he had a chance to recover and return to the skies over Prague he was approached by The Red Square and offered Atlas's place within the Eastern European Super Team, the Titans.

The Titans
A loose affiliation of Eastern European Heroes, each patrols a relatively small geographical area calling upon the others only when absolutely needed, it is not unusual for years to pass between members of the team even speaking to one another.

From Athens founder of the Titans and allegedly the original Hercules of legend. He is cold toward Atlas II as the original Atlas was one of his oldest friends and a founding member of the Titans. With the inclusion of the Turkish Saracen and Atlas II into the team he has become more than usually withdrawn and bitter. He has had few interactions with Atlas II in the decades since he joined the Titans.

Red Square
Soviet super soldier from Moscow, he was the Titan who extended the invitation for Atlas II to join the team. He has slightly superhuman physical capabilities and supreme intelligence, as well as decades of the best training and often the best equipment the Soviet military has to offer.

From Copenhagen gains his power from ambient darkness, he shrouds himself in mystery and most information about him is rumor or hear say rather than fact, he and Atlas II have never met.

From Istanbul Saracen is a speedster and expert with bladed weapons. Saracen and Atlas II have gotten along well on each occasion they have met and usually respond quickly to each-others calls for help.

Arch Enemy
Over-Man was the * golem created from a bastardized version of the ritual used to bring Atlas II to life, his demonstrated powers have been very similar to Atlas's including extreme physical strength and speed, but lacking the guiding moral compass.

Rogues Gallery
Masked Death is a notorious assassin who has on and off again prowled the streets of Prague, he is often stealthy enough to evade even Atlas's notice.

Doktor Hexenmeister was one of the Führer's wizards who cracked the ritual to create Over-Man.

Bestie-člověk a savage and greedy shape-shifter who has crossed paths with Atlas II often enough for them to each create problems for the other.
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Post by Boost »

Volsung wrote:I missed that thread 8-O
I wouldn't have enough time for a second ambitious campain anyway^^
Have fun guys!
The concept sounds cool

Thanks, feel free to follow along ;)

BeardedDork: The Titans look great, and so do your villains, I've got plenty to work with.
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Post by Dustland »

Would it be ok if I went with a god of old returned to Earth type character? I was thinking someone like Prometheus who slips his bonds (or is released) and returns to Earth to defend his beloved mankind, or some other compelling godling.
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Post by Boost »

Protheuz wrote:And special rules in practice? Buying advantages, half points, etc?
Buying Advantages/Disadvantages is in effect, I've thought of half points, but with two characters already in, I'm going to stay with whole stats.
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Post by Protheuz »

First draft

Biomorph (Proteu)

Stanley K. Farlow was a young man working for Hawk Enterprises scientific division, in the North pole.
There was found a special cell that was Eukaryotic, but similar to the organism Protea , Having the ability to change form, transforming into any substance - The GOD Cell.

Before he left the facility, somehow he cuted himself in some freezed petri dishes, with experiments containing fragments of the GOD cell Tissue. The cell DNA was compatible, and all his body, bit by bit gained the same ability, along with high regeneration.

The Protectors
A cute girl, with electrical powers, capable of ionizing the atmosphere, creating storms, magnetizing metals and discharging lightning bolts. Stanley had a crush for her, in the early days but now they have a solid friend relation.

Red Feather
Axe is a human Indian, from the Akotai tribe, with supernatural abilities. Contacting the spirit world he can learn from his ancestors, gain the might of several forest beasts, calling them to fight for him and the land. Stanley respects Red Feathers view of the world, but his "fantasized" view of things makes them clash several times.

Major Star
A former military man, he has the connections that allow the team to avoid legal trouble and the brains to "see" the battlefield and change the group strategy. He wears a Prototype battle armor. Stanley sees him as a mentor, or a second father, and respects his wisdom and abilities

Arch-enemy: Hawk Gall
Proprietor of Hawk enterprises he is an multimillionaire, a new technology fan, and a devious planner. For several times now, Biomorph and the rest of the Protectors have destroyed his evil plans.
Hard to get legally and otherwise, he has the money to spend to get the best help, the best weapons and the best tech.

Doctor Golievi
A Russian scientist, he studied the GOD cell, and was the brain behind the Bio creations spawned from it. As he couldn't harvest all it's power, he could isolate several characteristics and splice the subjects DNA.
Its whereabouts is unknown, but probably still works for Hawk (if his failures weren't punished)

BioCreation Ax243 "Muscle Head"
The first creation to roam Star Lake city, he has superhuman strength, but his brain cells were altered, making him insane.

A super-soldier mercenary that has crossed Stanley's path several times, trying to kill him(probably set by Hawk). He has strange gravity control powers.
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Post by Saker »

British Bad Guys

Prince Arthur
Dr. Arcane believes that this is a dark spirit or demon who has taken the story and regalia of the knights of Camelot to justify his continuous quest to conquer England. He believes that he should be King Arthur and has had many near-misses that have been foiled just in time by the heroes.

Rogues' Gallery
The Georgians
This secret cult of St-George continues to attempt to capture or kill Spitfire. Bowmaster suspects that they are sponsored by the Vatican, but he has never been able to coraborate any of his evidence.

The Druid
This individual fights industrialization with plants, animals and weather. He has been incarcerated, but he manages to break out or allowed to escape. He particularly targets Dreadnaught as the ultimate British symbol of technology.

This normal fellow is the Lex Luthor and ultimate crime boss of Great Britain. Occasionally his schemes are exposed and draw the attention of the heroes. Mostly, he continues to work in the background solidifying his control of major institutions. He has never been incarcerated, because he never allows evidence to prevent him using the law and government against the heroes. Bowmaster continues to match wits with him and must suffer him in Secret ID.
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Post by BeardedDork »

So everybody going with Arch-Enemy and Rogues Gallery then? That's going to give Boost plenty to throw at us.
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Post by Saker »

It seemed like a great and appropriate idea for established world-class heroes.

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Post by Boost »

Dustland wrote:Would it be ok if I went with a god of old returned to Earth type character? I was thinking someone like Prometheus who slips his bonds (or is released) and returns to Earth to defend his beloved mankind, or some other compelling godling.
Hmm... Give me a while to think about it, and I'll get back to you, okay?
So everybody going with Arch-Enemy and Rogues Gallery then? That's going to give Boost plenty to throw at us.
And lots of work to do :P
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Post by Protheuz »

A little back story on the origin of my Hero:

Sometimes among Myth and Legend, Reality can be found…


1994 AC, USA Apollo Research Facility, North Pole
The huge drill continues it slow descend into the heart of the polar cap. The slow movement makes the diamond powder enhanced blade penetrate the ice, the core of it harder than anything on earth. Layers and layers of recrystallized water, enhanced with comet dust, make a worthy adversary.
A team of international scientists stands ready to unveil what the ice is hiding. They are hoping to find parts of the comet that destroyed the dinosaurs. Well… for now, all are looking at the computers, and hoping the drill finally reaches the core.
Four years before, satellite scanning and energy wave propagation study made perceptible lines – “cracks”- inside the ice, that should been made by impact and overheating .

460 BC, Island of Pharos, Egypt
A warrior stands in hiding watching an old man – the old man - emerging from the sea, water dripping from his long beard. It moves dexterously towards the sleeping seals - his herd. The tiredness is visible - life as a shepherd is hard, even to a “God”. God indeed… Son of Oceanus, one of the last surviving titans, retainer of Poseidon and keeper of something that the warrior and all other humans want since their beginning – the future.
Menelaus, king of Sparta, rushes from the trees grabbing Proteus, with all the energy he had. The way home, to his wife, and the whereabouts of his son lay in this grip. The old man in front of him, fights, changing in the blink of the eye into other beings. First a lion, then a serpent, a leopard, a pig… In every form the challenge was new, but the motivation and strength of will the same… The man turns into a tree and even into water – as his father – but the need was great, and so after hours Proteus stopped and answered the Spartan questions truthfully, always truthfully, further informing him that Agamemnon had been murdered on his return home, that Ajax the Lesser had been shipwrecked and killed, and that Odysseus was stranded on Calypso's Isle Ogygia
Proteus powers of premonition and the reading of the sea were always right…

2003 AC, Hawk Enterprises Apollo Research Facility, North Pole
“Welcome to the pole.” Says a heavyset man, with close cropped hair and a military outfit. Two men stand opposite to him, at the entrance of the facility: a young blondish one with the heavy clothes of the scientist team and a gray haired old man, with small rounded glasses – Dr. Dimitri Golievi, head of the microbiology department of Moscow university, and leading researcher of the new team assembled in the Apollo facility, by Hawk Gall himself.
“You can take that to my room, wherever it’s located.” answers Dimitri with a heavy accent. “I’m going straight to the laboratory to get to know the rest of the team.”
As he hears the other man name, the youth stumbles slightly on the baggage, and starts picking it up “My name is Stanley, by the way, and I’m honored to meet you.”
The doctor moves down the corridor never looking at the guard or at the man tripping on his luggage.

- 2 weeks later –

“What do you think, Golievi.”
Doctor Golievi stands near the EYE, a powerful electron microscope, watching the cell for the hundredth time. Near him, a large, middle age man, with grey streaked black hair, and a thin beard, that leaves his upper lip naked stands looking expectantly.
The Russian looks up from the EYE, into Hawk “Incredible. This cell is different from any other, I’ve ever seen. Its structure is similar to the protozoa Protea, the ameba, but is a normal Eukaryotic Cell, not an entire organism.”
Hawk, replies in his deep voice “Yes Golievi, as I told you before. And when subject to small electric impulse it transforms. It has the ability to become any form, any cell.”
“The famed GOD cell… It is…It can be anything; it can be used in any transplant… You said you found it inside the Ice cap?”
“Yes, and part of a multicelular organism.”
“So why did you call me here? If you already have all the answers…”
“Not all of them Golievi…I still don’t know how to make a profit out of this. The Animal tests have been full of deaths… The Dna of this cell is not compatible with any of the subjects.
It could be anything, but now it is nothing.”
Golievi stands a minute without talking, as if reaching a decision “Then you already tested it in humans… The easy answer would be the Dna could be compatible with the human one. For that you wouldn’t need me.”
Hawk gives a loud laugh “Now you see the need. This is pure gold, my… Our name can be connected for eternity with this discovery. It could revolutionize humankind…”
Golievi looks into Hawk, and them into the EYE, with a little smile appearing on his lips.
“I suppose all others that know something about this cell have been taken care of.”
Hawk only nods.
The Doc smile deepens.

456 BC, Island of Pharos, Egypt
The mighty God Proteu, as he travels the deep ocean, starts to have a strange feeling. For a moment he feels time slip by, as if Chronus was alive again. This feeling he already knew for prophecy, and after that thought, the future entered his mind.

“In a time beyond time,
In a time after the Gods,
After the dark ages,
After the light age
It will be the time where the flesh of the ocean,
The powers of change, will be needed
To save a man into something more,
And to alter the fate of the city.”

The meaning was only one.
Proteu removed a part of his tail and casted it into the great sea, to become one with the ice, and one day be the key for what is needed.

2004 AC, Hawk Enterprises Apollo Research Facility, North Pole

From: Stanley K. Farlow
To: Sarah Farlow

Mum, I’m sending this letter one month ahead of my return. Yes the six months of work are almost done - I know you are counting them as I am. These five months have been eye openers to me. The knowledge doctor Golievi has is enormous. I’ve learned more than in all my years of university.
Hawke enterprises are huge, and all the work they do is spectacular. And I’m not even in the special team on level 7. There are the Top secret projects. I can only imagine the breakthroughs they’re making.

Level 7 – Special projects department
“Failure again…” Golievi sighs as he looks at the mass of muscle and flesh ahead of him. “The serum is not working. We can’t control the cells...” Hawk won’t be pleased… If this goes on my life is at risk…

“Dispose of this thing… and store the cell with the others in the vault.”

- One month later – The Vault
Stanley stands in the large room, guarding the last of his research, with two guards on the entrance.
If.. No… When these genetic markers really work, the fight against cancer will be easier.
His hand tumbles and crashes into some petri dishes, breaking one of them and causing blood to appear.
“Dang.. I’m fine… I mean…” Slowly he looks at the guards - They weren’t paying attention. With his hand hiding in his trousers, he leaves the vault, ready to embark the plane out of the pole.
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Post by Saker »


What can we do to help minimize your preparation for the campaign?

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Post by Boost »

Thanks for asking, but there isn't much really. I've just started stating out NPCs and I'd rather do that myself than assign to players. I've got finals, work and preparation for my birthday coming up, so it's just going to take time.
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Post by Saker »

Well Happy early Birthday!

Don't be shy to ask for help... life drafting things for you to tweak rather than starting from scratch.

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