Heisenberg: Raised in a secret organization to believe he was being trained as Ameria's first super soldier. Through scientific and magical experiments, "ProjectQX9" gained heightened strength and reflexes, along with the ability to manipulate space/time to teleport himself from one area to another. Project QX9 discovered that the mysterious organization was not apart of the US Government and had a much darker purpose. Living on the streets of New York in poverty, QX9 took the name Heisenberg, and has been fighting crime for the past two months.
The Crimson Avenger: Grant Williams lost his parents in a horrible plane accident. Grant grew up to go on to college on a Boxing Scholorship, and became prominent in the ring. Life was well until the local mafia forced him to take a dive in an important match. Developing a grude, Grant traveled the world developing his skills in many forms of Martial Arts. Returning to school and finishing his degree, Grant opened his own company that quickly became a large corporation. The idea to fight crime did not strike him until he was mugged in an alley, the encounter did not go well for the muggers. Donning a cape and cowl, Grant became feared on the streets of Chicago as The Crimson Avenger
The Lizard (name subject to change): Not much is known about Billy. Born and living in Australia, Billy found out only recently that he was Earths Avatar of the Egyptian God Set. The revelation changed Billy physically, at his most normal, his mouth is lined with sharp teeth, and his eyes are reptilian. In his true form he becomes a large scaled creature with long poisoned claws. Billy has not begun to explore the possibilities of using his powers to help others.
(I'll add the contents or our session later today