So I have been running a supers campaign for 4 sessions now and what happens is one of the players (my best friend John) takes notes while he plays and then transcribes them into an email. I post them on my blog (see my sig) and do not edit them, change them or even correct them.
Because his is a perspective from a player. What he thinks is important or noteworthy may not be the same as me. That's makes them fun for me to read afterward.
Though I will bleep out the swearing.
He missed the first two sessions (was on vacation in the Bahamas) so we start with issue 3.
Issue 1
After the massive event that was the funeral of the Guardsman, the players formed a new team of supers, after being asked to replace the Guardians by billionaire business man Garth Sterling. The leader of the heroes, Zero-G a famous astronaut, turned down Sterling and seemingly earned his displeasure.
They then responded to an Antimatter man who was walking through downtown Capitol City, absorbing buildings and stuff, including people.
They managed to get him free and then go to the antimatter universe and return all the stuff that got sucked through.
Issue 2
They were asked to protect a shipment of materials for a "Golden Age" exhibit at the Capitol City Museum of Art. It was attacked by Agents of the Yellow Dragon, a Chinese sorcerer who was trying to get at a set of statues of the Mystery Men team, the Protectors of New York.
Though the efforts of the team the statues were learned to be actually the heroes, trapped magically by the Yellow Dragon all those years ago.
The frozen heroes are freed, together they drive off the Yellow Dragon and his goons, but not before doing considerable damage to the museum.
In the end the Protectors of New York decide to head back to the city they called home and take up their mantle once again.
Mike - Max Plastic
Robin - Zero-G
Renzo - Galvanos
Pat - The Angel
John - The Masonic Knight
So as of late the media has been unsympathetic to the exploits of our heroes. One outlet likes us, otherwise...
Capitol City isn't really happy, but they do like Vanguard.
Cut to the Masonic Knight in a big windowless room with a nice oak table. He's directed to go make contact with the Sentinels. They have a public image problem, and Vanguard is almost certainly staging their exploits.
MK flies out to their secret base after checking the security on satellite pictures and rings their doorbell.
It's an exciting household, busted robots and everything. Zero-G answers the door. MK explains he wants to join and a team meeting is assembled. Renard Roux and MK exchange some familiar greetings and a team meeting ensues. Renard vouches for MK on the square, but Angel is apprehensive.
Cut to Max Plastic working a matinee dinner theater show. The rough day on stage is brightened by the appearance of the rather attractive blond Tori Fields. She suggests he cash in on his powers. And she wants to talk to the team about the same. She gives her card and leaves with a flourish. She's an Entertainment Agent/Manager.
Max returns as the team meeting is still going on and brings news of the offer. Renard psychoanalyzes Tori based on her card and boldness. Max confirms he's bang on and the team decides they want to work with her. Tori first destroys her telephone when Zero-G calls, but communication is eventually made.
Plans are made for brunch, and half the team goes out on patrol.
Things were going well until Angel accidentally blew up a tanker truck. Not so good for the press image...
And Renard is going to be on the late night news. He behaves, and now 1 out of 12 citizens like the team, specifically because Renard is a part of it. "1 in 12?" says The Angel; "I'll take it."
Next morning 0G goes to meet Tori for brunch.
She has lots of ideas about the team... Plastic needs more face time, 0G needs a jacket, Gal needs to age-up his voice, Monolith needs to shut up, The Angel, too. Follow the rules, success will ensue.
Three weeks pass. First week highlights: Gal breaks some *beep*, but 0G spins it well with a cheque and a smile; Max has a great comedy show and hits one out of the park, gets a spot on morning television as a result; 0G gets good ink in the Chronicle. Second week: Angel dramatically burned down a prostitution league, and is getting underground fans; MK saves a busload of teens; Plastic bombs on stage. Third week: Angel gets some good face time on the * Walsh Show; A lodge in England gets into some hot water, MK takes some flak over a local connection and not doing well in a presser; Plastic hits the stage again and goes over real well when he plays the meltdown card; 0G on the other hand, has an unspectacular week; and Renard popularity continues to grow.
Tori gets a team meeting together to discuss the last three weeks, and her media intervention therein.
She wants us to do an opening bit in the upcoming Sylvana Wolfe concert.It would be a great public appearance as everyone except MK has a fan base.
She also wants us to train with a retired Golden-Ager named the Champion - aka Bob Garrison.
We agree, a week passes, the concert arrives. As we hit the stage calamity ensues.
Starts with Gal getting an EMP.
Then the ice wall forms up and a fray begins with Ravage 5.
The heroes certainly get their attention, but Ravage is clearly getting the better of the heroes to start.
The Mexican Non-Union Wolverine does significant damage to multiple members of the team, most to Renard, before 0G introduces him to the harsh mistress - Gravity.
Angel squares off against Trauma and gloriously punches her heart out. This proves to be a turning point.
Brain Flex warps the team's minds and tries to make good an escape. Gal boots back on line and the tide swings back to the players. He opens with shattering Frostbite with a rocket fist. Trixie's shot at Max Plastic is interposed by MK. Gal attacks Brain Flex with his other hand and the retreat is fully halted. Gal, with his hands back, flies through the crowd and super laser sword attacks Brain Flex directly. The villains are subdued, heroes are triumphant, and EAGLE arrives to clean up the aftermath.
Renard, however, is dead from his wounds. As the team is mourning the loss of their teammate, their dead teammate walks into the scene to ask why everyone is so sad. He explains his resurrection is from being a beast lord. MK and the Angel nod knowingly, everyone else seems to get the gist of it.
Tori arrives all oh-my-god-ing and super excited. She wants us to go rest, there will be a big presser in the morning on the steps of City Hall - please everyone be sober; I'm looking at you, Angel...
We get back to the base to find that Bob Garrison has let himself in, and wants to work with us.
-End of Session-
Last edited by AslanC on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
Session Notes - Sentinels Session 4 - March 13, 2010
Renzo - Galvanos/Kenji
Mike - Max Plastic
Anthony - Monolith
Pat - The Angel
Robin - Zero-G
John - Masonic Knight/Bronco
So the public is liking the team. Almost as much as they still like Vanguard... Team Justice is still working for the Man, so they're off most of the public's radar.
It's early spring in Capitol City, and 0G is returning to the base after lunch with Tori. Lots of brainstorming and cursing the general policies of those Vanguard pricks.
0G notices the not-quite-rightness of the skies overhead. Reminiscent of the Anti-Matter events of a couple issues ago. As he's admiring the effects, a monster crackling with energy drops down and attacks him. Though 0G takes a hit, a divebombing manoeuver dispatches the monster handily.
0G's radio call to base is interrupted by an Earth-shattering kaboom. Renard and Gal spring into action and the team rallies at the Blue Jay.
So a big anti-matter storm and a huge pillar of energy are centered on Hero's Hill. 0G is first on scene, and sees ground zero is The Guardian's memorial entombment crypt cairn. He lands, puts up a shield, and gets knocked unconscious by a really big fist.
The rest of the team arrives to see the Negative Zombie Guardsman looking dessicated and * off. He drops the unconscious 0G and begins a fray with the whole team at once.
NZG gets all ragey after Monolith punches him soundly. Gal sends a fist off into the night. NZG punches Monolith in the face. Monolith gloriously holds his ground.
Then gets punched again, and is out of the fight for a while. The fray continues.
The Angel pokes into NZG's mind only to find no cognitive mind. NZG continues to flatten the team. Then Gal whips out the giant *beep*ing sword and manages to inflict the first actual damage on NZG. NZG retaliates and knocks Gal offline, sword still glowing.
Monolith grows more and loses his mind attacking NZG. NZG returns the favour and goes a little more crazy, too. He continues to pound the team and shrug off most of the damage we're dishing out.
Then Gal comes back online and *beep*stabs NZG mightily.NZG keeps coming. Finally the stomping eases off and the heoes turn the tide of battle. Monolith strikes the coup-de-grace and NZG looks like he's going to explode. 0G ties to jettison the *. Enough altitude isn't reached and the team takes some additional damage when he goes kablooie.
Fight over. Dust clears. EAGLE shows up just in time to miss everything.
At the base, The Masonic Knight learns he's needed elsewhere and quits the team. Renard Roux also quits as he's been killed too many times recently and is becoming more and more afraid of his beast within.
The Sentinels reconvene and have a team meeting at HQ. 0G and Tori have a private conversation about the future of the team. It is decided they need to recruit "female and ethnic" members, or at least Tori decides this. On Tori's suggestion the team heads out to an Unlimited Power Wrestling match to scout for super powered wrestlers.
She didn't want them all to go, they just do, anyway...
On the way out Garrison get's Max's goat. Max takes a swing, and gets punched out for his efforts. He's woken up and they head out to see the rasslin'.
Garrison's interested in checking out a prospect (once that's explained is the purpose of the wrestling field trip). He and The Angel steal a car and head to the arena, too.
The lead in to the main event is a women's championship match, handily won by Amanda Reese. Then the main event is Eric Bluemoon, a tall drink of water with a Native American theme, and The Kenyan Lion, who seems to be a lion beast master. Eric does well, but does the job and the Kenyan Lion retains his title and looks great in the match.
Tori arranges for backstage passes, 0G and Kenji go with. While waiting to see the champ, Kenji gets to meet the lady's champ.
Amanda Reese is quite *beep*ed that Kenji came to see her, revealing her identity as Lady America, and surprising the * out of Kenji. "Ooh, I gotta tell 0G about this!" He suggests that she join the Sentinels. Lady A doesn't really want to join the team, but is horrified by the environment this child is existing in. She nearly goes ballistic when Kenji explains robot servant jousting.
Meanwhile 0G and Tori have made their way to Bluemoon's area in the lockers and have a brief conversation with the naked Indian.
Tori's more than impressed, 0G offers him an opportunity to join the team, which he'll take them up on. He likes the name Bronco as a codename.
0G, Kenji and Tori leave the arena with Max and head over to WYM to bug the Wiccan, and maybe get some *beep* for the team.
She categorically denies the request, citing the amount of chaos we generally attract. She feels the team's cumulative blood debts are attracting bad things. Then she kicks them out.
So... team meeting with Bronco. The team seems cool with him, and Tori's doe eyes are fluttering, so he's in. Then an EAGLE shuttle lands on the lawn and Amanda Reese gets out. She wants in, too.
"So Lady America's joining the team, too...?" Monolith
"Amanda Reese is Lady A...?" Bronco.
She's retired from EAGLE, but really really wants to team to stop being jackasses.
Lady A reveals the president is upset at Vanguard, and it's up to us to distinguish ourselves.
Angel takes some flak for recent shenanigans. He dishes some back, but is ultimately aware of his issues. But he still defends his attitude.
Lady A and 0G have a tete-a-tete in 0G's nice new office. They discuss staffing issues. She expresses that the Wiccan is a full of *beep* side-liner and should be ignored. And she has dirt on everyone. Particularly Tori. They emerge from their meeting, only to have Tori grab 0G and drag him back. Tori doesn't want Lady A on the team. Thinks she's a *. 0G points out the demographic widening of the team. Tori leaves in a huff.
So now Monolith wants an office, too.
The Angle, Monolith, and Bronco head to the boathouse to see Garrison.
A fight is picked and the session comes to an end...
-End of Session-
Last edited by AslanC on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
Session Notes - Sentinels Session 5 - March 27, 2010
Pat - The Angel
Renzo - Galvanos/Kenji
Mike - Max Plastic
Anthony - Monolith
John - Bronco
So Bronco and Garrison square off. The fight goes wildly back and forth. Bronco didn't think Garrison was that tough. The fight ends in a draw after an extended stalemate, ultimately leaning on Garrison for the win.
Then Van Jove calls the house. Monolith answers and is invited to chit chat with Brain Flexx.
The Angel wants to go, too. Mono is fine with that. Off to Bell Isle they go, and boy, is Van Jove *beep*ed that The Angel is there. He leaves and Monolith and Van Jove have a sit down. Van Jove goes on for a while about how much he's gonna * The Angel for the whole punching out Trauma's heart thing. They discuss the recent luck of the Sentinels and the NZG event. Van Jove plants seeds of dissent involving Doc Titan. He then proceeds to talk more * about The Angel. Then he suggests the NZG might not have been real at all. He then demands to be returned to his cell, as he's done talking. Monolith catches up to the Angel and relays the litany of threats and they rehash vital points of the conversation with Van Jove. The whole anti-matter things is discussed again.
Meanwhile... Max Plastic, on patrol, is grabbed by Il Duce, the super Italian. He literally ties Max up around some poles in the shape of a wrestling ring and uses Max's communicator to contact the team. He calls Bronco out and waits. The team heads downtown. As soon as they arrive a fray beings. Bronco takes Il Duce, the rest go to crowd control and disperse. Monolith gets taken out by Il Duce while doing crowd control. Gal unties Max while Duce's distracted beating up Monolith. Lady A scores with a justified cheap shot. The painfully long fight ends when Galvanos super-seizure eyes' the * Italian. Takes half the team out as well. EAGLE is called, we go home.
Lady A, upon arrival, gives Kenji a bunch of *beep* over homework and such.
So the news media seems pretty cool with us. Tori calls in to let us know about insurance issues. And she wants to access some of Kenji's money to deal with this kind of stuff. We'll think on that. Team discusses. Kenji will giver her some cash, but keep her on a short leash.
Monolith and Lady A have a heart to heart in 0G's office. She doesn't want any leadership responsibility, and reveals a chunk of her origin and her 50 year old ghosts.
Monolith then goes to find Kenji. Mono convinces the kid to wait for 0G to make any firm financial decisions.
Meanwhile, The Angel is on patrol. He meets Katana Dan in an alley. And a woman behind him - Lady Steel. And Night Raven, with all his bad repute, lands in a flourish. The Capitol City Irregulars are offering The Angel a place on their team. He'll give it some thought.
Next morning Max is a guest on Cap City AM tv. It's a bush whacking - they place the 'Sentinels Are A Menace' angle. He tries to hold his own, fails, leaves.
Lady A continues the Kenji slave driving. "Do you want to go to public school...?" Kenji replies in sotto voce: "Might be better than here..." Lady A then continues to rag on Tori, who leaves.
Garrison talks a lot of *beep* to Max about the heroes he idolizes, and reveals his history, as well.
The doorbell rings. Monolith answers. It's Gyro. He wants to talk to him and Bronco in private. He wants them to join Vanguard. He leaves his card and departs. Bronco and Monolith discuss not spending too much time thinking about the offer.
The Angel sees a * statement in the news that didn't come from us and calls a team meeting. That's followed up by a live statement from Tori, digging us further in the hole.
So how do we un*beep* ourselves...? Kenji plays some of the messages flooding in to the HQ. Most are surprisingly favourable, in an anti-heroic kinda way. Tori arrives, smugly proud. She defends her move and leaves the team to discuss.
We chat, and bring her back in. We're happy. Surprised, but happy. She asks us for autonomy or she walks. We agree to keep her, in a display of democratic abstention.
Garrison and Max have another chat after the meeting. He thinks we should turf Tori and go our own way, let being a hero play out properly. He's here to help form and train a team - not publicity.
Max and Lady A have a tete-a-tete of their own. Lady A reiterates her disdain for Tori.
Max continues his tour and meets Monolith in 0G's office. They discuss worries and tendencies and have a nice Hallmark moment.
The brief period of calm is once again shattered by a kaboom. We rally to see what's going on.
A big pod has landed in the city. A blue-skinned dude gets out and starts screaming in an alien language. He hooks up a translator. He kinda challenges the team, kinda. He's Prince Zorin, and he wants to fight.
Last edited by AslanC on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Session Notes - Sentinels Session 6 - April 10th, 2010
Renzo - Kenji/Galvanos
Robin - 0G
Mike - Max Plastic
Anthony - Monolith
John - Bronco
So about Prince Zorin, Sword of the Valek Empire...
0G has been at NASA for three weeks, tracking the arrival of Valek's pod. He tries with his powers to stop it, fails and passes out. Wakes up, radios in, and heads to Cap City to see where it's landed in town.
The rest of the team, meanwhile, has piled into the Blue Jay. The Angel is strangely absent.
Radio tells us Vanguard is already on scene, getting their asses handed to them. Gal gets launched in first. Zorin takes the hit without moving out of the way, and swipes a glancing blow at Gal as he goes by.
Lady A and Max Plastic enter the fray, with little success. The fray goes into full effect with the Sentinels. The heroes have trouble landing solid hits, the villain doesn't do much better. Bronco scores first noticeable hit. Gal takes first damage on the team. 0G moves Gal out of the way from Zorin, just in time to be cleaved in half, he instead is only cleaved _mostly_ in half. Lady A is paralyzed by grief over the loss of a teammate, and mentally shuts down. Zorin takes this chance to run Lady A through with his sword. Max Plastic takes the hit for her and gets knocked out of the way and out.
Bronco pounds, Monolith pounds, 0G drops the pod on the blue skinned *. Zorin bursts out of the debris with his sword. Lady A scores a big hit, and Monolith takes Zorin's follow up to Lady A instead of her. Monolith gets dropped. 0G immobilizes Zorin, Bronco takes a free shot. Lady A takes him all the way out with her free shot follow up.
EAGLE arrives, Zorin rises, and relents to superior fighters. 0G directs him to leave. Ok, but he'll kill any one of us whom ever leave this planet. Detente, cleanup, and head back home with Gal's half-busted chassis.
0G tells the team he was at SpaceLab tracking Zorin. A mild team meeting ensues. Lady A continually defers to 0G. Kenji goes to check on the Gal wreck.
Later the night 0G gets a call from Nightstar, the last Guardian. She invites herself over to talk Guardians. She offers the team name to us, then leaves 0G to think about it.
0G finds a drunken Lady A first. Gets her to bed with Bronco's help. Calls Max back to base for a meeting. Max says no, and continues to try to have a life. He goes to the repair bay. He's ignored for a while by Kenji and Monolith, then they talk, and the assembled team goes for ice cream.
Over ice cream 0G lays out the Guardians thing. We'll pass is consensus. 0G calls Nightstar back and decliner the offer.
A couple days pass... Tori flips out about the Guardians thing. 0G retorts with something snotty. She takes him to task for his professionalism.
Comic reader cut to Tori in a hot tub with Garth Sterling drinking champagne.
Cut back to her still giving 0G *.
Kenji receives an invite to Stirling Tower. Goes to 0G for advice first.
0G gives no meaningful advice, while making it appear to be full of wisdom.
Kenji then crosses paths with a freshly showered Lady A. They establish he's not hitting on her. He solicits her advice. She suggests we go public with our HQ location. Kenji's not down with that. Still no meaningful advice about the whole Stirling thing.
Cut to 0G at a PR tree dedication. Mid-sentence he's attacked by the tree he's dedicating. Then a big stone guy emerges from the ground, kidnaps 0G and retreats with the team leader.
Meanwhile, at Stirling Tower, Kenji is met by Rachel MacPhearson, Garth's assistant. She pushes Kenji's wheelchair into the rain forest office of Garth Stirling, and parks him in front of a massive obsidian desk. She leaves him alone to ponder the surroundings.
Garth arrives. They discuss the impressive desk. He springs the Gal secret thing. Then sows the seeds of dissent in Kenji's mind. Garth monologues about the nature of genius. His in particular, but Kenji's, too. He declares he's fired Vanguard for losing a fight to Zorin. He wants to bankroll the Sentinels. Then he introduces Kenji to Eve, his pet AI. He'll give Eve to Kenji if the Sentinels take the Guardians name and throw in with him.
Meanwhile, Bronco's at the rasslin, and he's met in his dressing room by a girl who calls herself Little Dove. She's had visions of Doom for 0G. Bronco checks in with 0G, fails, and calls Monolith instead. Bronco heads to 0G's last location with Little Dove, to find EAGLE still cleaning up the park mess. He hears of the abduction from a 3 Pips and A Bar ranked EAGLE dude. Bronco informs Monolith, who rallies the team. Kenji bails on Garth on good terms, after having been shown the plans for Galvanna on the way out. Then Garth offers the kid a ride home in his helicopter. Max also cuts his day short to join the team, missing another opportunity to have a part of a normal life. And why didn't Tori know anything about all this...?
Meanwhile 0G wakes up 'elsewhere.' With a green-haired woman in front of him. 0G thinks she should be blonde as his faculties slowly come back to him. It's one of the co-pilots from his shuttle crash who was thought to be dead. Captain Sarah Carpenter is now calling herself Flora. The big rock guy was Lieutenant Jack McMichaels, now he's Obselisk. And they have powers. 0G asks about Col. Richards, the mission commander, he's called Uranium, now. They dialogue. Seems the three of them aren't happy with the results of the power lottery. So they'll turn 0G into a villain. As he begins a protest, Brain Flexx astralls enters the room. He monologues about his ability to do that. Cut back to the park, where we have just heard that 0G is attacking Washington, DC.
The team has rallied at the park. Eve calls up Keni. He zones out a moment. She offers to pilot the shuttle. If she can have the password. After a moment's pause, Kenji gives Garth's computer access to his. He makes her promise to be quiet about the whole giving-away-passwords thing. Eve so promises. They rocket to DC to stop their team leader from killing the nation's leader. And then Eve turns Kenji's Gal perspective into interactive VR, with Kenji's further permission to Garth's computer. We arrive to see 0G fighting Team Justice, and taking them down effectively. Gal is first on the scene, and first back out ofthe scene. 0G tries to take down the Blue Jay, and succeeds handily. Bronco dives out, protecting Little Dove from the crash. Max embubbles Lady A and Monolith in plasticy goodness and bounces through the shattering windshield as they crash. Max is dazed, but all are alive to fight their powerful team leader. Lady A connects with a hit right away, followed up by Bronco ground pounding him further back from the White House. MP gets up and goes looking for a nullifier among all the EAGLE debris. Monolith grows and pounds at 0G, knocking him down. Max gets grass-grappled on his search for nullifiers. 0G gets up from his knockdown and immobilizes the area. A big hand grabs Gal and smashes him big time. Bronco moves in on 0G, gets repelled. Monolith grabs 0G, gets relelled - into Bronco. Goes back for more. Grabs and throws the leader a ways away from the White House. 0G decides to flatten the building. And incoming Starbird alters that plan as she attacks him, then restrains the falling 0G in a cosmic claw. This shift in balance causes Obelisk to abandon his fight with Gal and retreat.
Introductions are made with the russian Starbird. Little Dove identifies her as another aspect of her 0G vision. Eve informs Kenji she's got a file on the Starbird. She seems to be the other half of the accident that gave Gyro his superpowers. She was the Russian MiG pilot he had the incident with. We head back, Lady A stays behind. Starbird is nice enough to use her powers to carry the busted Blue Jay back to base. Eve relays a bunch of info though Gal to the team, but asks Gal not to mention her: "I'm sorry to make you lie to your friends, but they wouldn't understand our friendship..."
We get back. 0G first wakes in a private conversation with Van Jove/Brain Flexx. He talks about the Monolith visit that 0G didn't know about. And the whole killing-The-Angel-Soon thing, too. He, Van Jove, has a plan, and it's a goodie, but 0G can't be allowed to remember this conversation... yet. He snaps his fingers and 0G wakes up for real this time on the couch. He spots Starbird and remembers the Uranium, Flora & Obelisk (UFO) attack but nothing else. His understanding is that Flora used hallucinogenic and suggestive plant pollen to brainwash him. He feels this is reasonable. He also remembers Starbird from the hospital he was at after he survived his shuttle crash and got his powers.
Lady A saunters in in the middle of this revalation and reveals EAGLE is with her, and they want to arrest 0G for the attack. He'll go without a fight.
As 0G is being lead away in cuffs, the issue comes to a close.
Last edited by AslanC on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
I read through all the sessions and really enjoyed it. The notes format did leave me a little confused, as they probably make more sense to people who actually were at the table. For instance - at one point I though OG had been cut "mostly in half," but then he shows up later. I'm still not sure who bit it in that scene. Still, there were enough little gems and interesting moments to keep me hooked throughout.
I LOVE Max Plastic, and I LOVE what Il Duce does with him! LOL! Very, very, fun. It makes me wish I were in your game! Keep it coming, and I'll keep reading!
Session Notes - Sentinels Session 7 - April 24, 2010
Renzo - Kenji/Gal
Mike - Max Plastic
Anthony - Monolith
John - Bronco
So the team leader's in jail, but at least President Ronnie is still in our corner.
The investigation continues, we keep our heads down.
Starbird's been hanging out, acting odd.
Little Dove also still hanging out. No recent visions.
Stirling offers a great high-priced lawyer. We turn him down.
Eve has been helping Kenji with the defensive stuff for the now public HQ. Very helpful.
Garrison's a little crusty about everyone being underfoot.
Day 3... brainstorming team meeting. Then an explosion.
Guys invade in metal suits. Bronco dives into the fray to protect Little Dove. Gets taken down by combined fire.
*click* "Max Plastic...?"
*click* "Oh he sucks."
*click* "OH @#$%*!!!"
As Max Plastic takes three of them out of the room and on to the lawn. Follows them out to finish his takedowns.
3 flyers coming in on a strafing run. They tag Max Plastic, but not out.
Gal, Monolith and Starbird enter the fray.
The Metal Militia continues taking the fight to us, with missiles. The fray starts turning to the heroes and the Militia 'bodyslide''s out. An odd detente.
Eve and Kenji discuss the upgrades. Eve just wants total control and she can totally improve Galvanos. So he gives her the keys to the kingdom, but not the Gal suit.
Bronco and Little Dove get it on. Monolith and Starbird conversate. They bring Gal in on the conversation as he, through Eve, seems to have lots of information all of a sudden. Monolith wants to pursue UFO and the Metal Militia. He calls Lady A (on Presidential Detail) to see if she has a contact who can help. Lasseter King calls back. They discuss.
Eve wants to break international banking laws to dig deeper. Kenji convinces her otherwise.
Major King informs Monolith of the impending court proceedings after stonewalling him on meaningful information.
Monolith and Max continue the discussion. There's also 8 robots working in the yard.
Kenji tries to stay up and watch what Eve's doing, eventually falls asleep.
Next morning the grounds look lovely and rebuilt.
The robots are wearing clothes today. Monolith goes looking for Kenji. Finds him in front of a bank of security monitors. He sends Kenji to the showers and starts digging into the system. Finds there are 20 bots on the base. Goes deeper.
Finds a blank spot on the map. Curious, he goes for a stroll there.
He finds a big vault door and no cameras. He goes back for the elevator. Waits a while. Gets tired of waiting and grows bigger. Then rips the doors apart as he smells something eggy. Then he wakes up in his bed.
First thing is to call Kenji. He has no knowledge of Sub Basement 3. They meet at the elevator. No button. Odd. Max catches up and joins in the investigation. They head to SB2, the hanger deck. Max pours himself under the elevator and hits the floor quickly. No further space under the elevator.
The whole team gathers and investigates the missing floor, and the bottom of the elevator, right where it's supposed to be according to everyone by Monolith. He retells the story of the vault door. As Max is investigating further, the perimeter alarms go off. We rush to the grounds to find Roux tangled in tentacles on the lawn. We let him loose.
He wants to rejoin the team, and has a file to share from the Masonic Knight. It shows the Cayman Islands Support Group paid for the Metal Militia's attack.
Kenji, meanwhile, suspects Monolith is going crazy.
Monolith wants to dig further into the banking. Kenji's still worried about the legality. Monolith promises to ask nicely at first.
The meeting breaks, the boys start boy talking. Renard puts his foot in his mouth about Kenji in his chair. Kenji gets a call about a big fire. We pile into the rebuilt Blue Jay. The ship gets radiation readings as we approach the big forest fire.
Then the proximity alarm sounds. Then we get hit. Monolith loses control. We crash.
Big monster hands rip open the ship. Renard identifies Red Guard and Morningstar. Starbird declares they're here for her. A fray beings in earnest. Lots of loose energy being thrown around by the Russians.
Bronco launches debris at the flyers. Morningstar zaps Monolith as Bronco continues to launch parts of the ship at them. The parts fly right through her.
Gal ties the super seizure eyes on her, fails. Renard gets tagged by White Wolf, entering the scene. Also coming in and heading for Bronco is Malotok. He's a wrestling fan, and expresses his respect and honour in fighting Bronco. They throw down.
He's airborne, be's a danger to us, he's Galvanos. He's being attacked by Red Guard.
Max starts elastic launching debris, too. Renard opens up Wolf's midsection. Wolf returns the favour and slaughters Roux. Starbird hits him in retaliation, almost flattening Wolf. Hammer goes for Gal with an open opportunity, and hits him - hard.
Little Dove slips in and heals Monolith. Bronco comes back in the fight and continues to whale on Malotok. He continues to be good-natured about being pounded by the big Indian.
Bronco dodges a big gold palmslap from the air. Monolith throws Max Plastic at Red Guard. Max balls up and bounces Guard into the middle of next month. Then there's a growl, and Roux is all werefoxey. And he seems to be berserk.
Monolith tags Malotok as the fray continues. Wolf does all wolfman and the fur really starts to fly. Malotok misses. Monolith and Bronco combine. A super clothesline from * off the ropes of Max Plastic and flattens Malotok.
Max springs at Morningstar and tags her on the way through. They teleport out, and we're left with a crazy Werefox. He goes for Dove. Bronco gets in the way and takes heavy hits instead of her. She heals back some of Bronco's damage. He slashes Gal while dodging Monolith. Dove chills him out on the second try with some Indian mind trick. He revers and the fray is fully over.
EAGLE arrives just in the nick of time to miss everything. We're debriefed and cut loose. Starbird carries us back to the base in the shell of the wrecked Blue Jay. Again.
Back at the base Starbird reveals her origin as a MiG pilot opposite the American pilot who became Gyro. She says there were others kidnapped by aliens. Like Wilder and the rest of UFO. Aliens are building supers for some unknown reason.
She offers to leave to stop drawing undue attention to us. We giver her a communicator, and she departs.
We get a call from the DA to say we're due in court tomorrow morning.
Last edited by AslanC on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.